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Giraffes - Year 5


Welcome to Giraffes!

Hello! I am Mrs Jackson and I am the class teacher in Giraffes. We are lucky to be supported by both Mrs Edwards and Mrs Coley across the Year 5 classes.

Here are some pictures of our classroom environment:

Key information

Spring 1 updates:

Giraffes will now be doing PE on Thursday afternoons only.

Forest school days for spring 1:-

Friday 10th January – Zebras

Friday 17th January – Giraffes

Friday 24th January – Zebras

Friday 31st January – Giraffes

Friday 7th February – Zebras

Friday 14th February - Giraffes

Please ensure your child has their correct kits in school for forest school and PE on the above days.

Your child will need a change of shoes (wellies/trainers) and long sleeved clothing to participate in activities at the forest safely. Trousers are needed. We will be attending the forest in all weathers so please ensure you send your child with appropriate clothing each week.

  • The children will not be swimming in Year 5 unless personally informed by a member of the Year 5 team.
  • All children need a named water bottle in school.
  • Remember to label your child’s clothing so it can be returned safely!
  • Tuck shop will be available at break times. If your child would like to bring their own snack for break, this needs to be a healthy item e.g. fruit.

Home learning

As detailed in the school newsletter, we will now be providing children in Key Stage 2 with the chance to engage in further learning activities that will help reinforce the knowledge they have acquired from the curriculum. The homework tasks will be designed to focus on the key topics we have covered in class over the previous weeks. Importantly, participation in these tasks will be entirely optional. We encourage children to take ownership of their learning and decide if they wish to complete the homework, as this allows them to cultivate a sense of responsibility towards their learning. Children are invited to return their homework to us in class. While we will not be providing written feedback on these activities, rest assured we will observe progress in the tasks. To recognise and celebrate their efforts, children will be awarded GROW tickets based on the ‘Ownership’ and ‘Wisdom’ displayed while completing the homework. We believe that these opportunities for self-directed learning will not only strengthen the knowledge base of our pupils but also enhance their confidence and independence.

Remember - we encourage children to be reading regularly at home, aiming for 5 times a week. This should be recorded on Boom Reader. The children always have access to Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed, too.

Year 5 children will be given a printed homework sheet weekly. This will be given out on a Monday and due in on a Friday. At the bottom of the sheet, the children are directed to our class page for some further work to revisit what we have been learning in class if they wish:

Spring 1, Week 5: Divide up to 4 digits by 1 digit


Spring 1, Week 6: How to add and subtract fractions



Spring 1 learning:

We are looking forward to another exciting half term in Year 5. Below you can see an insight into our learning adventures planned for Spring 1!

In Maths, we will be wrapping up our fractions topic before diving into multiplication and division in more detail, followed closely by our unit on decimals and percentages.

In English, we will kick off the term with an engaging poetry unit, focusing on exploring Viking kennings and spells. Following this, Year 5 will have the opportunity to craft their own myths, drawing on inspiration from the picture book 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' by Joe Todd-Stanton.

During our reading sessions, we will immerse ourselves in the classic tale of Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, which promises to provide rich discussions.

In Science, our focus will be on materials and their properties, where the children will engage in hands-on experiments. History lessons will transport us back to the fascinating era of the Tudors — undoubtedly one of the best topics!

In RE, we will explore the theme of Creation and Science: Conflicting or Complementary. In DT, preparations are underway for creating exciting pop-up cards, and in PE, Year 5 will be developing their gymnastics skills.

Our PSHE lessons will centre on safety, with a focus on e-safety and understanding the changing body. In French, we will learn about 'my home', while our Computing lessons will delve into conditions and selection using a programmable microcontroller. Lastly, in Music, we will be completing our lively 'blues' unit!

It promises to be a fun six weeks full of learning and exploration. 


Autumn 2 learning:

As we approach the end of this busy autumn term, we would like to share some insights into what Giraffes have been learning and experiencing during autumn 2.

In Maths, we have focused extensively on multiplication, division and fractions. The children have been putting their times tables knowledge to the test!

In English, we've been using ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ as a creative springboard for our writing. The children have thoroughly enjoyed crafting their own traditional tales with unique alternative endings.

Our Geography lessons have taken us on a journey to explore mountains across the world. We've particularly delved into the thrilling ‘Seven Summits Challenge’. Don’t forget to ask your child about this fascinating topic at home – they love sharing what they’ve discovered!

In Science, the focus has been on forces, where the children have engaged in hands-on experiments to understand the concepts more deeply. Meanwhile, our RE lessons have been enlightening as we explore what it means for Muslims to follow God.

In addition to these subjects, our French lessons have been a hit as we learnt about pets. Also, Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their art and PE lessons, thought-provoking reading sessions, engaging music lessons with Mrs Bright, and valuable PSHE discussions about health and well-being.

Giraffes have been absolute superstars during autumn 2! We are so proud of all that they have achieved. 


Autumn 2: Snapshots of our learning!

Fun at forest school:

Emilie's poem about the Moon!

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Some of our Year 5's participating in Bikeability.

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Making parachutes in Science.
Making parachutes in Science.


Considering points for or against whether we thought Jub was a villain in our story 'The Lost Happy Endings.'
An example of shared writing in English!


Autumn 1 learning

I am thrilled to embark on a new academic year filled with exciting learning opportunities. The Year 5 team have a fantastic line-up of fun and educational activities planned that we can't wait to share with the children. Below is a little insight as to what we’ll be learning about during autumn 1!

In English, we will be delving into the inspiring stories of 'Young, Gifted and Black' by Jamia Wilson and 'Race to the Frozen North: The Matthew Henson Story' by Catherine Johnson. The children will have the chance to write diary entries in role as Matthew Henson, immersing themselves in his remarkable journey.

During reading lessons, we will be engrossed in the tale of 'My Brother's Ghost' by Allan Ahlberg.

In Maths, we will be focusing on place value, the four operations and fractions to deepen our understanding of mathematical concepts.

Get ready for a galactic adventure in Science as we explore earth and space, with a special trip planned to the space centre. Watch out for more details on this shortly!

History and RE
History lessons will take us back in time to study early Islamic civilisation, while in RE, we will ponder the big question, 'What does it mean if God is holy and loving?'

Design and Technology
In Design and Technology, we will be creating doodlers and learning about electrical systems, guided by our creativity and curiosity.

Music lessons will be led by Mrs Bright, who will introduce the children to tuned percussion instruments, broadening their musical horizons.

Computing lessons will focus on recognising IT systems and honing skills for effective internet searching.

In French, we will brush up on phonetics before learning to express the date in French.

PE sessions will be engaging and dynamic, focusing on developing multiskills and promoting teamwork.

In PSHE, we will explore the importance of families and relationships, fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment.


I am looking forward to a fantastic term ahead, filled with growth, discovery and plenty of fun.

See you all on Thursday 5th September! 

Mrs Jackson


Autumn 1: Snapshots of our learning!

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 A video of the poet, Mark Grist, performing one of his raps! We loved it!

Using glossaries to help us find out information.
A visit from Peterborough Music Hub!
Analysing the song 'My Lighthouse' in RE and thinking about what the lyrics tell us about God.
Using search engines in Computing.
A visit from Bookman!
Watching performances by the poet, Mark Grist!

Our poetry workshop with Mark Grist to help us celebrate National Poetry Day.


Making circuits in DT.
Making circuits in DT.
Making circuits in DT.