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Lemurs - Year 2

Welcome to Lemurs Class!

Our Team: Mr Gough (Class Teacher), Mrs Cowley (Teaching Assistant)

Key information:

The doors to the classroom will be open at 8:30am, ready to see all the children in for 8:35am.

The school day finishes at 3:20pm.

Our Reading Diaries are checked and books are changed on Monday.

PE day is Tuesday. Children must bring in a full PE kit (a plain white t-shirt, black bottoms and trainers). Children must have their hair tied back and earrings taken out.

Forest School/Swimming is Wednesday. Forest School kit consists of a change of shoes (ideally wellies) and clothes that you don't mind your child getting dirty in. The change of clothes must be long trousers and a long-sleeved top. For swimming, children must have a full swimming costume/trunks, a towel and a swimming hat. Like PE, children must have their earrings taken out. 

Our Learning Journey

Welcome to Term 3 in Lemurs!

Our Wednesday afternoon activity this term will be Forest School.

Our PE day remains on Tuesday. This term we will be Gymnastics which will be indoors.

In English, we will start by looking at the poem From a Railway Carriage by Robert Louis Stevenson and then we will be writing our own adventure story based on The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward. 

For Maths, we will start off focusing on counting money and solving problems. After, we will move on to looking at multiplication and division for the first time!

In Science, we will start looking at living things and their environments. 

We will be going back to History this half term, specifically looking at nurses through history.

For RE, the children will be answering the question Who is Muslim and how do they live? Specifcally looking at the pillars of Islam.

We will see you all back Tuesday 7th January

Welcome to Term 2 in Lemurs! 

This term, Lemurs Class will be swimming every Wednesday afternoon. If you would like your child to wear swimming goggles please could you send in written permission for this. This is to comply with new guidance. Thank you

In maths we will be starting the term learning subtract two 2 digit numbers. We will start by not crossing ten but will then be learning to exchange in order to cross a ten.

Our book this term for English is The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark by Jill Tomlinson. We have begun by learning some owl facts and will soon be learning to list objects using commas and create adverbs by adding -ly to adjectives.

We have exchanged history for Geography this term and our topic is Food and Farming. We are also exchanging DT for Art. Our topic is call "Map it Out" and we will be using maps as a stimulus for drawing.

Our RE topic for this term will cover the Christmas Story. Our topic title is "Why does Christmas matter to Christians."

Our rehearsals for the Nativity and Poetry Slam are in full swing. Thank you very much to parents for supporting the children to learn their lines.

Autumn 2, Week 6 Update

In maths we began by looking at the properties af 2d and 3d shapes and learned the key vocabulary side, corner, edge and vertex. We have now moved on to revising some of the key areas covered in the year to date: place value, comparing numbers and counting on in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.

In Geography we have been learning about where our food comes from and have learned the key vocabulary resources, crops and harvest. We have learned why we need to grow some of our food in other countries and the key vocabulary import, export and trade.

In R.E we have been learning why Christmas is important to Christians and the key vocabulary worship, nativity and incarnation. 


In English we have enjoyed learning about Owls and wrote a non-chronological report which we have now edited and published for display. We are currently enjoying learning The Owl And The Pussycat by Edward Lear and are practicing writing our own verse in his style, including our own nonsence words!

Autumn 1, Week 5 Update

This week in maths we have begun to look at addition and subtraction, making number bonds and number sentences to 10, 20 and 100. We have found that when we know a number bond to 10 we can easily find a number bond to 100l.

In English we have been writing our own story about two children that go to stay with each other's families. 

This week we enjoyed a singing and dancing performance by Peterborough music school and learned sequences to the songs Dance Monkey and We Will Rock You.

DT was a real highlight this week, with the class competing to make the strongest paper cylinder to support a stack of books. We found that shorter cylinders with the thickest walls were the strongest and most stable.

In History we played a Freeze Frame game to act out events from Samuel Pepys diary entries for the Great Fire of London. In one scene, the children found themselves frantically digging holes to bury their cheese and wine! 


Autumn 1, Week 4 Update

This week in Maths we have continued comparing numbers using the symbols < > and = and have now moved on to jumping up and down number tracks in 2's, 5's and 10's.

In RE this week we have learned about why Muslims read the Quran and how they treat it with respect by keeping it on a special stand.

In English we have been planning a story with our own 'opposite characters' who decide to trade places and go to live with each other's families.

In History we have deepened our understanding of the Great Fire of London by learning about some of the ingenious ways that people tried to put out the fire. This including using hooks to pull down burning houses and even gunpowder to blow up houses to create fire breaks. In PE we enjoyed some relay races where we used a human chain to pass a bucket and put out imaginary fires.


Autumn Term 1 , Update 20.09.24

In English this term we have been learning to use noun phrases to describe characters in the story Troll Swap. We have learned how trolls behave and compared that to how 'good little boys and girls' should behave! We have also taken on the role of characters in the story to write letters and diary entries.

In Maths we have done lots of work on place value and how to partition numbers using the 'part, part, whole' model. We have now moved on to comparing numbers and quantities of objects using the mathematical symbols < > and =.

In History we have begun to learn about the Great Fire of London and have focussed on why the fire spread so quickly and what problems the people had putting the fire out. In PE this term we have been creating a Great Fire of London Dance and practicing using our bodies to represent structures such as houses and even bridges! 

In RE we have learned about the 99 names of Allah and why Mohammad and the Quran are so special to muslims.



Autumn 1

In English, we will be starting by looking at writing our own story based off of Troll Swap by Leigh Hodgkinson. This will be followed by a poetry unit looking at Zebra Question by Shel Silverstein.

For Maths, we will start our learning by looking at place value, which will then tie in nicely by moving on to addition and subtraction later on in this half term. 

In Science, for the first term, we will be focusing on a range of different materials and their properties. 

Moving on to History, the children will be learning all about the fascinating Great Fire of London. This links with our PE topic which is a Great Fire of London dance!

For RE, the children will be answering the question “Who is Muslim and how to they live?”

We have such an exciting start to this academic year and I can't wait to get started on Thursday 5th September!