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Tigers - Year 6

Welcome to Tigers Class!

The adults in our classroom are: Miss Scane, Miss Hastings and Mrs Britton.

Key Information:

Children will arrive outside the mobiles every morning from 8.30am where they will be greeted by a member of the Year 6 team. The school day finishes at 3.25pm. If you would like to give permission this year for your child to walk home alone or meet you at a location elsewhere in school, please contact the school office. If we do not have permission for your child to walk home, they will need to be collected from the classroom. Mobile phones will be collected and stored by the class teacher at the start of the day and returned to your child at the end of the day.

A reminder to encourage your child to be wearing correct uniform every day (not leggings, cycle shorts, trainers etc.) as this will support their transition to secondary school in which uniform is strictly enforced.

PE will take place on Friday afternoons this year. Children will need correct PE kit: black shorts or joggers, plain white t-shirt and trainers. If children do not have kit, a phone call or message home will be made.

Forest School will take place on Thursday afternoons after October half term, February half term and May half term. Children will need arms and legs covered all year round, whatever the weather, and will need a change of shoes.

Year 6 will not be swimming this year unless your child cannot swim 25m. If your child is on the list for swimming, you will be made aware and this will take place on a Friday afternoon instead of PE. Children swimming will need correct swim kits (full swimming costume or shorts) including a swim hat, earrings removed and hair tied back. Children will not be allowed to enter the pool with taped earrings and staff will not be removing earrings for children.


Our Learning Journey (Spring Term)

What a fantastic start to 2025! Tigers Class won the first Poetry Slam of this academic year. They put their heart and soul into their performance and I am beyond proud of them. Please see below for a video of their performance for you to view at home...

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Our Curriculum (Spring Term):

English: In Spring 1, we will be kicking off 2025 with our Poetry unit, which is inspired by the poem 'Guarding Secrets' by the Literacy Company. This will be followed by a narrative unit focused on the class story 'The Selfish Giant' by Oscar Wilde. Spring 2 will begin with a poetry unit, in which we will be using the poem 'The Sea' by James Reeves to write some narrative poems. This will be followed by a writing outcome of a journalistic report, using the texts 'The Island' by Jason Chin and 'Jemmy Button' by Alix Barzelay as our writing stimuli.

Maths: Across this term, we will be continuing to revise past learning content, including the four operations and fractions. We will also explore measurement, decimals, percentages and area, perimeter and volume in Spring 1, followed by statistics, ratio and geometry in Spring 2. 

Science: We move into a different area of Science in Spring Term: Biology. We will spend Spring 1 looking at Living Things and their Habitats, and follow this up with a unit on Evolution and Adaption in Spring 2.

History: The children are extremely excited for our History unit in Spring 1. We have had a bit of a taster as we have been exploring the treatment of Jewish people during World War 2 throughout the Autumn term, but in Spring the children get to learn a lot more about what happened during World War 2. 

Geography: Our learning on World War 2 will be replaced with a geographical unit in Spring 2, which will also continue into Summer 2. We will be taking on a unit called  'Our Interconnected World: A Three-Way Study of the UK, France and China'.

RE: We will be coming away from learning about the Jewish religion in Spring Term, but first looking at answering the big question of 'How can God bring freedom and justice?', followed by exploring the Hindu religion in Spring 2.

PSHE/RSE: We will be starting our unit on 'Safety and the Changing Body' in Spring 1. Letters will be coming home as this does feature our Relationships lessons. More details outlined in the upcoming letter. In Spring 2, we will be moving onto a unit on 'Citizenship'.


Our Learning Journey (Autumn Term)

Following on from our brilliant analysis skills in our poetry sessions, Thursday's English lesson was spent working in groups to choose key vocabulary for a non-fiction source about polar bears. We then extended on this vocabulary by using it to create expanded noun phrases or poetic lines/phrases that could be featured in a polar bear poem...



If there is one thing we love in Tigers Class, it's a bit of poetry! We have started a new poetry unit this week inspired by the poem 'The Tiger in the Zoo' by Leslie Norris. As we are keen poets, we spent Tuesday's session analysing the poem 'The Tyger' by William Blake and creating some 'poetry graffiti' to record our ideas. Take a look at our thoughts below...


We have been creating our own websites in Computing this half term!





Have a look at our class shared write on why we should save the vultures... Does it make you want to protect them?


How fortunate were we to be able to be given the honour of hosting some trainee teachers in our Forest School session this week! Miss Richardson and Mrs Britton were incredibly proud of how we represented our school. We had so much fun demonstrating den-building, tree climbing, craft work, woodwork and fire safety.



Tigers Class collaboratively wrote a fantastic poem, inspired by the Blitz. Take a read below...


London Blitz

By Tigers Class


The house camouflaged into the night.

Cosy pyjamas on, warm milk drank,

And then the sirens start…


Here we go again to the Anderson…

Fiery flames flashing across the city,

A continuous moan of engines thrumming,

Dropping devastation.

Sat listening to the endless noises of Death.


Why us?

The ghastly sirens stop screaming.

Tears of ash cry over what is left of it.

Reduced to splintered wood and crumbling rubble and choking dust.

The fabric of our home is torn apart.


Thrashing thoughts pound in my head.

Yet, I still have everlasting hope that no man

Will hold such cruelty in his heart ever again.


We have continued to be inspired by a variety of artists this half-term and the children have been considering proportion and scale when creating their photorealistic artwork, using a grid method for support.



In our science lesson this week, we have been exploring reflection. The children used rayboxes to test the law of reflection and prove that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. 



In Art, we have been inspired by Macro Photography and we have enjoyed creating our own images, focusing on the intricate detail of objects within the classroom. 



We have been investigating light refraction in Science this week.



We have had lots of fun swinging in trees and concocting some delicious recipes in the forest.

We have also been learning the rules of netball in PE whilst practising catching and throwing techniques.




The children explored sound and light within their science retrieval lessons. They particularly enjoyed experimenting with shadows. 


The children have settled in to Tigers class well and are eager to learn more about our exciting curriculum this term. Here are a few action shots during their forest school learning.


Our Curriculum (Autumn Term):

English: In Autumn 1, we will be using the book 'Star of Fear, Star of Hope' by Jo Hoestlandt as our stimulus to inspire us when writing a narrative with a flashback element. This book explores the treatment of Jewish people during World War 2, drawing particular attention to the star Jews were forced to wear as identification in Nazi Germany. We will then explore a poem called 'Blitz' by Mary Desiree Anderson. In Autumn 2, we will be writing an information hybrid text, using the book 'Can We Save the Tiger?' by Martin Jenkins as our stimulus. This will be followed by studying the poem 'A Tiger in the Zoo' by Leslie Norris.

Maths: Across this term, we will be studying a variety of mathematical units. We will begin with Place Value, before moving onto the four operations, fractions and converting units.

Science: Autumn term follows a theme in our Science learning: a half term studying 'Light' before looking at 'Electricity' in more depth after October half term.

History: We will be travelling back in time to the Victorian era in our History lessons in Autumn 1, investigating the impact the Industrial Revolution had on the people living during that time period. 

Geography: Our learning on the Victorians will be replaced with a geographical unit in Autumn 2, studying the North and South Pole (very fitting for what will be the countdown to Christmas!)

RE: Across the Autumn term, we will be looking at the Jewish religion in more detail. This will be even more poignant following our English learning as we explore what it means for a Jewish person to follow God today.

Art & Design: We have some really exciting Art & Design projects coming up across the Autumn term. We will start off by brushing up on our sewing skills to create waistcoats for teddy bears (they are currently sat patiently waiting to be dressed in the Year 6 mobiles!). We will then fine turn our artistic skills with a craft unit focused on the photo in Autumn 2.

Music: We are thoroughly excited for Music this year with the launch of our new Music curriculum. Year 6 are going to get their first taste of it with a unit on dynamics, pitch and texture, before moving on to an instrumental unit inspired by the music of South Africa after October half term.

Computing: Always a firm favourite subject with our children, our first unit will explore how data is transferred by working collaboratively online. In Autumn 2, the children will be given the opportunity to create their own web pages, taking into consideration copyright, navigation and aesthetics.

French: We will begin the year with a revision session on French Phonetics, before moving onto learning French words based on school in Autumn 1. In Autumn 2, we will be exploring the French words for planets (very exciting!)

PE: Autumn 1's PE unit will be invasion games with a key focus on Netball skills. In Autumn 2, our work on invasion games will continue, but with a focus on Hockey.

PSHE/RSE: As always with our PSHE/RSE curriculum, we begin the year with a unit on Family and Relationships. This explores what a caring and nurturing family looks like, but also supports our children to be good friends and care for one another. Autumn 2 moves onto a unit on Health and Wellbeing which touches upon general health, mental health and First Aid.
