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Chimps - Year 2

Today was our Pirate Day and we learned lots about being a pirate.  First we had to find our pirate name and make our pirate passport ready for a day at pirate school. We also joined a crew depending on our name and named our ship.  We then learned how to draw a pirate ship and sing a pirate song. In the afternoon, we followed the Captain's commands and went on a raid for treasure.  We spent some time aboard the pirate ship before we received our certificates as Junior Pirates!
Take a look at our photos for Healthy Me Week. We learned all about different ways to stay healthy such as our diet, keeping clean and exercise. We brought in our wash bags to look at and completed 1 minute circuits of different exercises!

Healthy Me Week - Wb 2/5/17

03/03/17 - World Book Day!

We had a focus on poetry this week, and for World Book Day we dressed up as characters from lots of different poems. Chimps loved dressing up for the day! We worked with poet Paul Delaney to write our own poems and perform his poems. It was a superb day and we wish we could do it all over again!

This week has been Safety Week and we have been learning lots of ways to keep safe. On Monday we went to the nature reserve to learn what to be aware of when out and about near water. On Wednesday Nat from Wood Green Animal Shelter came to visit to teach us how to say hello to dogs safely. She brought Woody along so that we could practise all the tips she told us. We learned how dogs communicate through their body language and that you should always ask the owner before stroking a dog. Nat also showed us what to do if an unfamiliar dog approaches you while you are out. We now know that you have to become as boring as possible by being a tree or a stone so the dog loses interest and goes away.  This week we have also looked at crossing the road safely and made up raps in our co-op groups to help us remember the rules for crossing the road.

Visit to Eye Nature Reserve

Crossing the Road

In our curriculum for life skills lesson we looked at 'equality'. We talked about how boys and girls can like the same things and how pink isn't just for girls and football isn't just for boys. We explored jobs that used to just for men or women and can now be done by both men and women. We then worked as a co-operative group to act out scenarios and considered how we would respond to them. Here we are acting out our responses.

We have been busy finding out all about animals in class over the past few weeks and have had a visit from Poppy the Penguin.  She is helping us to write all about penguins and our own animals.


We have also been learning to type using the home row on the computer. If you want to keep practising at home then log on to the BBC Typing Dance Mat.


Chimps have been learning to tell the time, the class even made their own human clock.


Spring Term - Who Rules The Animal Kingdom?

We will be learning about animals’ habitats, lifecycles and food chains. We will be having our Wow Day on Friday 6th January 2017, where adults and children will be dressing up as animals for the day to bring the topic to life.


In English, we will be focussing on non-fiction initially. We will be writing non-chronological reports about an animal, then moving onto writing an explanation based on lifecycles. Our fiction work will focus on the story of ‘How the Zebra Got His Stripes’. We will also work on learning poetry by heart.


In Maths, we will be continuing our work on fractions before moving onto time. We focus on o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past before finally looking at 5 minute intervals. Then the children will learn about money including coin recognition, calculating totals and giving change. In the final weeks of the term, we will learn about 2D and 3D shapes, including their properties, similarities and differences and classifying them.


In Geography, our focus will be on the continents and oceans of the world. We will be learning about two contrasting continents- Africa and Antarctica. We will look at climate, mountains, rivers, homes, animals, etc before comparing them.


Our Science learning forms the majority of our topic. We will learn about animal lifecycles, their habitats and their food chains. This will include our visit to Hamerton Zoo on Friday 24th March 2017. Please let us know if you would like to accompany us on the visit.

Wow Day!

We have had a fantastic day to launch our new topic: 'Who rules the animal kingdom?'

Everyone's outfits were fantastic. We had a whole jungle of animals!!

Don't we look fierce!!


We began by creating an A-Z of animals. Chimps impressed themselves with their knowledge of different animals including the umbrella bird and x-ray fish!

We then completed a general consensus to consider who we thought ruled the animal kingdom. Some of our ideas were: 

  • Lions because they are strong and have a big mane to show they are in charge.
  • Crocodiles because they are vicious.
  • Tigers because they are fierce.


Then we had lots of animal pictures to sort however we liked. Some of us did similar animals together and others did where the animals live (ground, air and water). After we had learned about the 6 main animal groups, we sorted the animals again.




In the afternoon, we got creative! We used a range of art and craft skills to create different animals from each animal group.





It was a super day and we had lots of fun with our learning at the beginning of our new topic. 

Christmas in Chimps

We have had a very busy term and an extremely hectic last few days.  Thank you all for your support in providing costumes for the play, all the children looked fantastic.  Here are some pictures of just a couple of things the children have been up to over the past few days.

As you can see Chimps have been very busy already this half term and have been working hard.


The last two weeks of homework have been exceptional.  Thank you for your fantastic work in making the lanterns and creating your names in natural materials.  It has been very exciting seeing what you choose to create your name.


Thank you to those parents who have volunteered for the History Off The Page day, it is much appreciated and if anyone is free and has not signed up yet, more help is always welcome.

Working collaboratively in Maths.

Science - sorting materials and testing bridges.

Welcome to Chimps Class



The class teacher is Miss Sargeant.  

PE is on a Thursday, so please remember PE kit on that day.

If children wish to change their reading book they may do so first thing in the morning before the register.


Autumn Term Topics


This term the children will be learning about The Great Fire of London, and have already started work on this. As part of this topic, there will be a visit from History Off The Page on Friday 4th November. We will need adult helpers, so if you are available please let Miss Sargeant know.  More information and pictures of possible costumes to follow soon.


In Maths we are starting a new collaborative and active learning approach called Maths No Problem. We are looking forward to our first lessons next week.


Look out for pictures of your child's learning experiences over the course of the term.

