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Research to inform our curriculum design

We have ventured far and wide across the country to hear from great speakers, debate with super practictioners and conduct research within our school to evolve our curriculum.

We are eternally grateful to our school community and the wonderful educational stars that we have met along the way to inspire and challenge our thinking.

At Eye, we want to give our children something special.  We want our children to be loaded with the knowledge, skillls, experiences and vocabulary to enable them to excel and achieve beyond our school in a world that is constantly changing.

We hold the view that learning is for life, and we have certainly appreciated the true extent of this statement as our teacher leaders have invested their time and energy into engaging with research and adopting their practice to analyse the benefits of such change.

We have enjoyed sharing excellence with other schools and in return, receiving their experiences to help us consolidate our thinking and produce a curriculum model that we are each heavily invested in implementing to the best of our ability for our children to achieve our intent.

We are a forward-thinking and open minded staff who are excited to teach this revised curriculum and we value the contribution that good scholarship brings into our pedagogy and practice.

With particular thanks to:

Tim Oates and his inspiring talk which asked ‘On what principles should we base our curriculum?’ at the Intellectual Forum in Cambridge (1/11/18);

Sir Anthony Seldon for his thought-provoking reflections on character, why we educate and who it’s for at the Intellectual Forum in Cambridge (1/11/18);

TTeducation for their integrated approach to moving learning from shallow, to deep and then profound (Nottingham 30/11/18);

Kim Hall and John Lucas HMI for their conference on clarifying the Ofsted 3 I’s (Peterborough 26/11/18)

Rob Smith for his engaging anecdotes and training which steered us towards other vocabulary research @ Literacy Shed Conference (Sheffield 4.3.19)

Dame Alison Peacock and the team at Impact (Chartered College) for the thorough research and thought-provoking ideas which made engaging with research easily accessible for our staff and enabing us to access the hub meeting and workshop ‘The Perfect Curriculum: Is it achieveable and what does it look like?’ Presented by Rebecca Pentley (Cambridge 7.3.19).

Clare Sealy, Andrew Percival, Dame Alison Peacock, Heather Fearn and Kevin Mcloughlin for their words of wisdom and caution  @ #educatingnorthants Conference (Northampton 30.3.19).

Approaches and strategies for excellence and irresistible teaching and learning at Eye

Strategy / approach

Research grounding

Effective Instruction

Rosenshine’s Principles of effective instruction (2012)

Cognitive Load Theory (Small Steps)

Cooperative Learning Strategies

Spencer Kagan

Effective questioning technique 

Blooms revised Taxonomy

Dylan William

Tom Sherrington

Retrieval practice

‘Make it Stick’ (2014) Brown, Roediger and McDaniel



Dylan William

The Four Pillars of Assessment

The CRAFT of Assessment 

The Feedback Pendulum

Metacognitive approaches for reflection and judgement

-Solo Taxonomy

Kevin Collis and John Biggs

High expectations

Ron Berger

Worked examples


Sweller (1988)


Challenge by Choice

Dame Alison Peacock et al.   (Learning without Limits)

Singaporean approach to mathematic instruction (CPA)

Dr Yeap Ban Har
