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Life in All its Fullness in Our Curriculum

Learning and Growing for Life in All its Fullness in Our Curriculum

As a result of our Christian vision of living life in the fullness of God and wanting every child to achieve their full potential, our pupils achieve well and results are in line with and often above national average.


Pupil progress is tracked rigorously through our termly pupil progress review meetings; these meetings involve teachers, the SENDco and senior leaders. During this meeting, individual vulnerable groups are discussed such as disadvantaged children. Interventions and support are quickly identified for any children who may need it. We also ensure that within this meeting we discuss any children who are exceeding expectations and ensure that we have provision in place to challenge and extend these children further.


We have a Pupil Premium working group with governors where Pupil Premium  children and funding is discussed. Experiences that take place within the school such as school trips are paid for for PPG children in order to allow them to have equal opportunities to their peers. PPG children in each class have been identified and this information is relayed to all staff via Pupil Progress Meetings. Class teachers inform phase leaders of any arising issues that may affect PPG which are readily addressed.


Retrieval practice is an integral part of our practice here at Eye. This is to ensure that learning sticks and is made meaningful. This is also a part of our RE learning. Teachers plan retrieval activities and sticky quizzes to assess children’s knowledge and from these are able to put impact sessions into place to address any gaps. All learning should be cumulative in that it builds on prior learning and children should be made aware of the big picture and where each session fits into the big picture of RE learning.


We have a strong Pastoral team here at Eye who play a vital part in supporting those who are more vulnerable and those who have additional learning and personal needs. They work alongside teachers to provide support to ensure that academic needs are met for all pupils.


Worship is inclusive for all and members of the community such as parents and family members are often invited to join.  Worship includes prayer with an opportunity to respond to God at an individual level. There are also a number of other opportunities throughout the day for prayer including lunchtime and end of day prayer in classes.


Driven by our Christian vision, we believe that children are entitled to a broad and rich curriculum which opens up opportunities to new experiences and taps in to children’s potential. Spirituality has been part of staff development over the past academic year and staff have received CPD on how to nurture spirituality. We aim to nurture children’s spirituality in a number of ways. Our curriculum encourages children to consider the ‘big questions’ about life and our units of learning in history, geography, RE and science are structured around children considering and exploring questions. This nurtures their natural curiosity and guides children to look at the world with awe and wonder.  We ensure that children have the opportunity to express their personal beliefs and can compare their views with others. They are able to share their feelings and opinions. Children within the school know that they are always free to express their beliefs, however our curriculum within RE and PSHE particularly supports and encourages them with this. 



