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       History at Eye Primary School 

What does the national curriculum say?

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

Our Intent

At Eye CE Primary School, we want pupils to have an understanding of the past and how history will shape our future. Through the study of history, we want to inspire children’s curiosity and encourage them to ask critical questions which will help them have a better understanding of the society in which they live and the wider world. A key aim of History at our school is to reflect the lives, cultures and backgrounds of the children within the school. Our history curriculum, which from Key Stage 2 is taught in chronological order, will encourage children to think like historians and inspire awe and wonder. In Key Stage 1, the children will focusing on changes within living memory, moving on to The Great Fire of London in Year 2.


History will be led by Miss Rimes this year. 



History Overview EYFS - Year 6 

How do we teach History at Eye?


History is taught in blocks, with a full unit being taught every half term. For each of our history topics there is a Medium Term Plan (MTP) which contains the key knowledge and vocabulary to be taught in each unit. 


To support the learning of History, trips and experience days are planned for each unit to provide a purpose to learning and to heighten the children's curiosity. We also look to include cross-curricular links to help further support their learning. 

How do we assess History at Eye?


As History is a foundation subject, it is assessed by Teacher Judgement. This means that there are no assessments for the children, other than those set by the class teacher. These assessment are carried out at the end each term. 


During History lessons, we regularly complete retrieval practice in the form of  Carousel - an online multiple choice quiz where the questions have been made by subject leads, linking to the disciplinary and substantive knowledge. Children will also complete next steps to either extend their learning further or to consolidate their learning.


