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Emotional wellbeing

Free Websites and Apps to support with Mindfulness and Keeping Active


Sleep Meditation for kids is a free app it is a superb high quality children's meditation app by leading yoga teacher and Montessori teacher Christiane Kerr. Created for children of all ages.


FOCUS on the go is a free app. The app aims to teach resilience – a key part of mental wellbeing – to every member of the family. It helps your child develop five essential skills: problem-solving, goal-setting, communication, emotional regulation, and managing trauma and stress.


Breathe, think, do with Sesame Street is a free app for children aged two to five it helps them to become more aware of their own emotions. Breathe, Think, Do features your child’s favourite Sesame Street characters to help teach them skills such as problem-solving, self-control, planning and perseverance.


Powerme is a free app which aims to teach children coping mechanisms that they can put into practise in everyday life, through a series of bitesize videos.

Each day, your child can choose how they’re feeling by selecting the most relevant rabbit emoji, from a range including angry, bored, stressed, tired, silly and weird. Powerme will then present them with a series of videos that aim to address their current state of mind.


The Worrinots app is £1.29 a month or £9.99 for the year. 

The Worrinots are four friendly monsters who help your child deal with their worries. If there’s something on their mind, they tap the ‘what’s up?’ bubble, and are invited to choose one of the monsters to help them.They can then type or speak their problem, click on how it makes them feel – sad, worried, scared or angry – and tap to make the fear disappear.


Smiling Minds - Short audio sessions to help with mindfulness


You Tube - Cosmic Kids Yoga - This helps mindfulness and relaxation


You Tube - Go Noodle - Hundreds of "brainercise" dancing, strength and mindfulness videos, as well as videos just for fun.


Newsround - Keeping children up to date with the world around them creating opportunities ti talk about the news with children


Useful Mental Health websites


Keep Your Head brings together reliable information on mental health and wellbeing for children, young people and adults across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.


Kooth offers advice to families and individuals.


Youngminds - offering support and advice to young people.


Minded is an online tool that helps people plan their life journey, choose the right career and prepare for the workplace.


Childline - offers a number of free online games and resources

Mental Health Support Services

Mindfulness Calendar

7 minute HIIT workout for kids

Mindfulness Activity Cards

5 mindfulness activities for kids

Corona Virus Social Story
