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Giraffes - Year 1

Tuesday 21st July


Good morning Giraffes,


This is the last day in Year 1 for you before you become Chimps.  I would just like to thank you all for your fantastic work that you have done this year and to thank all the parents for their support in this most unusual of years.  I want to wish each and every one of you a safe and happy summer holiday.  I am sure you will have a very successful Year 2 and I look forward to saying hello to you in school as soon as we are able.  I have put the summer activity sheets below, also don't forget to complete Bookman's Summer Reading Challenge, the sheet is on last week's distance learning work.

Garden Collages

Monday 20th July


Good morning everyone,


Well here we are, the last two days of the school year.  Distance learning this week is to complete a sheet so that Mrs Pollard can get to know you better and to draw a self -portrait of yourself.  Do you remember you did that the first week in Year 1?  It will be great to see how you have changed.  You also have a memories of Year 1 sheet to draw pictures of the favourite activities you did in Year 1.  Here are some of the memories I have of Giraffes class this year.  Your amazing singing in the Harvest Church Service and the Christmas play.  The toys day when you had the opportunity to play with lots of old toys and the nurses day when you learned about the how nurses care for people.  I am very proud of all the Giraffes class this year and how hard you have all worked.


Although Eye Primary won't all be together to end the school year, the church has put an End of Year Service online for us.  The link is below, do please join us in taking part in this.  We will be looking at the service in school today. Tomorrow,  I will also upload some activities for children to complete over the summer holidays.  Don't forget to do some of the virtual Sports Day activities too.  We will be doing this in school over Monday and Tuesday and I will post some pictures of our efforts.  It would be great to have some pictures of home learners to add to this too.


Church Service



Tuesday 14th July


Hello everyone,  our Giraffes home learners have been very busy and there are lots of pictures below to show what they have been doing.  I also missed the science worksheet off the distance learning documents so I have added that below.  Don't forget to let me know how you are getting on with the virtual Sports Day.



Genius Giraffes

Monday 13th July


Good morning everyone,

This is the last full week of learning we will do before the end of this school year.  I am really looking forward to seeing you all at our zoom meeting later in the week when you will all get to meet Mrs Pollard who will be your teacher in Year 2.  I have also put Bookman's Summer Reading Challenge on the page, as well as details of our virtual sports day, which I hope you will join in with.  I would love to see pictures of you completing the Sports Day challenges.  We will be doing some in school over the next few days too so keep an eye out for the pictures of when we complete a challenge.

Fabulous Work

Monday 6th July


Good morning,


We have only 2 weeks and 2 days until we finish for the summer, I can't believe how quickly the year has gone.  Here is this week's learning, do please send in any pictures of what you are doing at home as I would love to see it.


Wednesday 1st July


Wow, it is July already.  Thank you for sending me your clock pictures, you have done a really good job at making them as it is quite tricky to make sure the numbers go in the right places.

Message from Bookman


There is a new message from Bookman.  Please take a look.


Tuesday 30th June


Science - Growing Cress


The cress we planted has grown really well, we have been able to look carefully at the seeds, roots, stems and leaves.  I wonder how tall the cress will grow.  William has also done really well with the cress he has grown at home.



Monday 29th June


Good morning,


I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to avoid the downpours if you were out and about. Here is this week's learning.  I hope your cress seeds have started to grow, the seeds in school had already started to grow on Thursday and some had shoots coming out of the seeds.  I will take a picture to show you how the cress in school is doing.  Hopefully they didn't dry out over the weekend.


Thursday 25th June


Good afternoon everybody,


I hope you are enjoying the weather.  We have done some great sharing into halves and quarters today with counters and it would be great to see what everyone at home has been doing.  We also designed our garden collages today and I am looking forward to making them next week.  When we have finished we will take some pictures to show you all.  Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday.



Monday 22nd June


Good morning,


Sorry I haven't posted for a couple of days but my computer is being very naughty at the moment and keeps misbehaving so I can't do things.  It seems to be behaving today though so hopefully I will be able to put up lots of lovely pictures of the work you have been doing.  This week the sun is set to be shining so make sure you have plenty of time enjoying it.

Wednesday 17th June


Good afternoon everyone,


I have been really impressed with the writing about horse chestnut trees I have been sent and that the children have been doing in school.  Our bubble at school have found some horse chestnut trees in the school grounds and Mason found one on his daily walk so keep your eyes peeled when you are out and about and you might spot one too.  When we looked at the leaves we say some holes where caterpillars had been eating them.  We found some tiny conkers too.

Monday 15th June

Good morning Giraffes,


Well this weekend was beautiful weather again and it was a welcome break from all the rain last week.  I went on two really long walks in the countryside and saw lots of interesting wildlife like a heron, buzzard and a shiny, green beetle that glittered in the sunshine.  I hope you had a good weekend too.  Your learning for this week is below and you should have everything you need but if you or your grown ups have any questions then please email me.

Friday 12th June


Good morning,


It has been a very wet week and we haven't been able to be out as much as we would like but it is still important to try and get some fresh air every day if you can.  We had a busy week at school and I am sure you had a busy one learning at home too.  We had a listen to this song to remind ourselves to keep trying even if we get things wrong sometimes and that making mistakes is all part of learning.

In school we have also been enjoying dancing along to Koo Koo  Kangeroo songs,  we like Pop Se Ko and Super Heroes Unite.  What is your favourite?  Have a lovely weekend and I will see you again on Monday.

Fantastic Phonics

Wednesday 10th June


Good afternoon,


What a wet and miserable day it has been today!!  I hope the lovely sunny weather comes back soon as it doesn't feel like summer at the moment.  I have had some brilliant grouping work sent to me this week and you are getting the hang of equal groups.  I am looking forward to seeing what else you do this week.

Monday 8th June


Good morning,


I hope you all had a good weekend even though the weather wasn't very nice.  This week's work is attached below and I can't wait to see what you do.  Remember to keep practising your reading, phonics sounds and handwriting.

Friday 5th June

Good morning everyone,


I hope you have enjoyed your first week of home learning after the half term.  I have enjoyed being back at school and seeing people I haven't seen for a while.  I hope you enjoyed Tiddler as it is one of my favourite Julia Donaldson books and I like his tall tales.  I would like to say a big thank you to all of you, Mums and Dads too, that are working so hard at doing your learning from home.  It is so lovely to see the pictures of how you are getting on and how well you are doing. Have a great weekend, hopefully the sunshine will come back soon.



Wonderful Work

Thursday 4th June


Good morning Giraffes,


The weather has cooled down but I hope that you have still been out in the fresh air.  I have enjoyed looking at the work you have done so far this week so keep sending it in.  

Tuesday 2nd June


Good morning everyone,


We have been very lucky to have such fantastic weather to start the last part of the school year with.  I enjoyed looking at your work yesterday.  Keep sending it in so I can show it to everyone on the class page.

Monday 1st June


Good morning everyone,


I can't believe that the time has gone so fast and we are starting the second half of the summer term.  This week some of you will be coming back to school and I am really looking forward to seeing you.  If you aren't coming back to school then please keep sending me in all the pictures of the work that you are doing as I will still be looking at your work and updating the page showing what you have been doing.  As I have been doing for the last half term I will put up all the tasks and also a  timetable we will be following in school if you prefer to follow that. In school we will be doing reading and handwriting everyday too.

Friday 22nd May


Good morning Giraffes,


What fantastic weather we have had the past two days!  I really hope you have managed to get out and about in the sunshine.  Today is the last day of home learning before the half term and I have to say I have been hugely impressed by all that you are doing at home.  Do keep sending in your pictures of what you are getting up to as I enjoy catching up on how you all are.  Spelling Shed is going well, if you haven't been on yet have a go today.  Let's see if we can have everyone scoring some points. Henry is our spelling super star at the moment with over 10 million points - super work Henry.  Now, those of you that have been on got an extra reward yesterday, I gave you all an extra honey pot and I can see some of you have been spending those in the shop. Summer Mai has some very lovely accessories.  How are you getting along with Book Man's May Challenge?   Only one week left to do as much as you can and I know he would like to see how you are getting on.  Have a lovely half term and I will see you in June.

Max to the Rescue!

Wednesday 15th May


Good morning,


It is a beautiful sunny day so get outside today and enjoy it if you can.  Remember your sun hat and sun cream too as I think it is going to be hot.  I can't wait to see your work later on today. Have a great day.

Tuesday 19th May


I have had such a fantastic amount of work sent to me over the past couple of days it has kept me very busy looking at it all.  You should all give yourself a big round of applause as you are making a brilliant effort with your home learning.  I hope you enjoy looking at everyone's work as much as I have.

Monday 18th May


Good morning Giraffes,


It is another beautiful sunny day and I know many of you are getting out and about on your daily walks as I have seen some great pictures.  This week see if you can spot any baby animals on your walks, chicks are starting to hatch and sheep have had their lambs.  I had some fantastic pictures on Friday which I will put on after this message.  This week, as it is the last week before half term, is a bit of a revision week where I would like to see how much you can remember of what we have learned this year.  Well done all those children who are using Spelling Shed, Giraffes were 5th on the league table with 28, 317, 106 points.  Let's see if we can improve our position this week. Also, a big cheer to Henry, Lydia, Harry, Summer Mai and James for being our top scoring spellers this week.  I am really looking forward to seeing your work over the week.

Friday 15th May


Good morning Giraffes,


It was really lovely yesterday to get to talk to so many of you on the phone and see how you  are getting on at home.  If I didn't manage to catch you on the phone you should have an email from me saying hello. I am looking forward to seeing the fantastic work you have been doing, and I will be looking on Spelling Shed later to see how your scores are going.  Have a great day and I hope to see you soon.

Awesome Activities

Wednesday 13th May


Good morning Giraffes,


I received lots of pictures of work yesterday.  Well done Max's family on completing the scavenger hunt, you will see how well they did on the picture. You might also spot Lydia had some help with her home learning yesterday.  Lots of you are having a go on Spelling Shed and I have seen huge scores, lots of you have thousands of points.  If you haven't logged on yet, give it a go today and see how much you can score.  Also, try the beekeeper game, you have to really used your phonics knowledge to work out which letters might go together to make sounds, I scored 2 on my first go.

Wonderful Work

Tuesday 12th May


Good morning Giraffes,


It was good to see that some of you have already been playing the spelling games on Spelling Shed and earning lots of points.  If you haven't logged on yet, try and do it today and see how many points you can get.  I am looking forward to seeing even more pictures of your fantastic work.

Monday 11th May


Good morning, I hope you enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend with your family and you were able to get out in the sunny weather.  All the tasks for the week will be posted on the documents below so you can choose how you do them throughout the week or you can follow the timetable at the end of page, it is entirely up to you how you fit it in.  Please email pictures of your work as I love seeing what you have been doing and I can then share it with the rest of the class on this page.  How are you doing with the May reading challenge?  Let me know how many you have been able to do so far.


Friday 8th May


Good morning Giraffes,


Today is VE Day and a Bank Holiday.  Have a lovely day spending time with your families and if you do have a VE Day celebration I would love to see pictures of it so we can share it on the class page. See if you can find the song 'We'll Meet Again", I am sure you will hear it lots on the television today , it was a wartime song but the message of seeing people you haven't again after some time apart seems very important at the moment.

Thursday 7th May

Today many of us said goodbye to Elliott on his final journey through Eye.  He will always be in our hearts and memories and Elliott will always be our friend.  After sadness, happy memories follow.

Thursday 7th May


Good morning Giraffes,  here is a little message from all the Year 1 teachers and TAs.  We miss you and we are really looking forward to seeing you all again as soon as we can.

Genius Giraffes Strike Again

Wednesday 6th May


Good morning, it is a lovely sunny day today so I am looking forward to getting in my daily exercise later and checking the pond in my garden.  The tadpole (I can only find one now, but I am sure the others are hiding in the weeds) is getting really big now and I think it's legs might start growing soon.  Remember to keep checking out Book Man's page for messages, I do let him know how you are getting on whenever I get a picture of reading work.  Try and do the May challenge, let's see how many Giraffes can do the challenges.

Tuesday 5th May

Good morning Giraffes, I hope you are all well and looking forward to your learning today.  I had loads of pictures sent to me yesterday and yet again I was really proud of everything you have been achieving while we are not at school.   There is another Book Man Challenge which I have put at the end of this message.  I know how much you enjoy doing Book Man's challenges and I am sure lots of you will take part.

Book Man's May Challenge

Monday 4th May


Good morning Giraffes,  I hope you had a good weekend and are all set and ready to do your home learning.  All the activities for the week are on the document, however to help those who like the activities given each day I have also put a timetable on the end to follow if you prefer that.  Hopefully, this will mean that however you like to do your home learning across the week you can do that.  There are a few extra attachments this week so if you have difficulty accessing anything please let me know so that I can help.  I look forward to seeing all your fantastic work that you are doing every week.  


Friday 1st May

Good morning Giraffes,


Goodness me, where did April go??? The time is flying by and you have finished another week of home learning.  Well done and give yourself a big cheer!!  The weather is very changeable at the moment, one minute it is dry, then it is raining, sunny then cloudy - still try to get outside for a little part of the day for some fresh air though, even if it is just for a quick run around in the garden.  There are also ideas for being active inside in your distance learning book so don't forget to keep looking in there too.

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday.

Fabulous Work

Thursday 30th April


Good morning Giraffes,


The sun is shining this morning so hopefully you will be able to get outside today for some fresh air.  I had become so used to the lovely, sunny weather it was a bit of a shock when it was rainy.  Yesterday me and my little girl had some brain breaks and danced along to some Koo Koo Kangeroo songs.  Our favourites were Double Scoop and Cat Party.  I have put the links to the songs below so you can have a go if you want to, let me know which is your favourite.  Thank you to those of you who have let me know how your reading is going, I have passed it on to Book Man as I know he likes to know what you are all up to.

Remember if you  or your grown ups have any problems with the daily tasks you can email me and I will do my best to help you.   Have a good day and take care.

Wonderful Work

Wednesday 29th April


Good morning Giraffes,


It is another rainy day but I do hope you still manage to get out for a bit of fresh air today.  Today you could try and make up a game for your family to play while the weather isn't so good.  If you like you can write the instructions in your distance learning book.  You could also watch the daily lesson on BBC Bitesize on iPlayer, I really like the Supermover songs at the beginning.  I have taken a little video of my cat for you.  It was longer, but as you know computers don't behave for me and I had to make it shorter so that it  could go on the class page.  It has been nice to have a pet to play with whilst I am at home.  Have you got a pet that is keeping you company?  Has your pet done anything funny while you have been at home?

I have also got some pictures of the work done at home over the last few days.  I really am very impressed every time I see how hard you are all working.  Well done Giraffes and keep it up.


Still image for this video

Genius Giraffes

Tuesday 28th April


Good morning Giraffes ,


Today is a bit rainy so I am going to put a link to a zumba dance that might get you moving a bit and cheer you up.  It made me smile when I did it with my little girlsmiley    I have also attached a bit more information about the BBC Bitesize programmes for your parents to look at.   I am looking forward to seeing lots more work so I can put the pictures of your learning on the class page.  Remember to let me know how the reading is going to I can pass this onto Book Man.  Stay safe and take care.



Monday 27th April


Good morning Giraffes, I hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunny weather.  I saw lots of creatures in my pond, it even has baby dragonflies in it.  Hopefully when they crawl out of the pond and transform they will leave their outer skin behind and I will be able to bring it in to show you.  That won't be for a few weeks yet though.


Myself and Miss Cockle have decided to give you your distance learning a bit differently this week.  Instead of putting the work up everyday, we are putting the whole week up in one go.  That will hopefully mean you and your grown up can decide what to do each day and be able to plan your days in advance. If parents can please let us know which way you prefer and then after this week we will do what the majority prefer.  Please continue to read daily and practise counting in 2s,5s and 10s.  Also remember if you need a bit extra there are activities in the distance learning booklet that was sent home.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need help with anything at all.  smiley

Friday 24th April


Good afternoon Giraffes, we have had another lovely sunny day and I am sure you enjoyed sometime outside with your family.  I have been out in my garden this afternoon and spotted a frog, three newts and one tadpole in my pond.  I will try and video some of the creatures that live in my pond but it is quite tricky as they swim very fast!!!  I did have a go today but you couldn't really see them so I will have another go over the weekend. I have a great picture of Harry in his crown to share, I think he looks very regal.  Have a good weekend and I will be back on Monday.



Thursday 23rd April


Good afternoon Giraffes,


I hope you are all managing to get outside and enjoy the sunshine as the weather has been lovely.  Yet again I have had some superb home learning sent into me.   I really like some of the extra activities some of you are doing at home.



Another Awesome Day

Wednesday 22nd April


Good morning Giraffes,


I really enjoyed looking at your work yesterday, I found out some very interesting facts about  the Queen.  I have put the rest of this week's distance learning on as well so that you and your grown up can decide what you do when.  You will need to do the English and Phonics in order as the tasks  follow on from the day before but the History can be done in any order if you want to.

Great Work Giraffes!

Tuesday 21st April - Distance Learning

Good afternoon Giraffes,


What a fantastic start to the Summer term!  I have had lots of lovely work sent to me and it is great to see you are doing so many activities while you are at home.  Don't forget to keep checking on Book Man's page as there will be new messages.  I would love to see any pictures of you reading, or photos of your reading journals that I can send to Book Man.  You never know, he might mention you in a message if you do.  The link is further down on the class page.  I would like to thank all of you and your families for the amazing effort you are making while you are learning at home.  I really hope we will see each other soon as I miss seeing you all.  I hope to put a video message up soon, I am having a bit of a practice because,  as you know,  computers don't always behave for me.

Awesome Giraffes

Monday 20th April


Hello and welcome back to your distance learning.  I am looking forward to seeing what you do today and what you find out.

W/C 13th April


I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter weekend.  The Easter bunny came to my house and left some eggs in the garden so I had a great time hunting for them with my little girl.  It has been good to see you have been very active over the holidays and I hear some of you had a quiz.  Well done Isla, Jake and Ewbie for your podium positions.  I am sorry, I couldn't work out who Ewbie was but you know who you are.  What a great idea!  Here are a few pictures of our class doing some activities.  Daily tasks start again on Monday so I will see you then and look forward to seeing your work.

W/C 6th April

I have a few more pictures of the great work Giraffes have been doing.  I hope you are managing to get out in this lovely weather we are having. Have a fantastic Easter everyone and enjoy the eggs.

Well done everyone who has been doing the distance learning at home, you have worked really hard and can be very proud of yourselves.  It is now the Easter break so there won't be any more daily tasks for a little while, you have been so busy you deserve a rest.  I have put together a few activities you might like to try over the holiday and have some fun.  Remember to keep reading and writing those reads in your journal - see if you can read every day of the Easter break.  Keep practising your phonics sounds too, play some games on Phonicsplay, the login is in your distance learning booklet.  I enjoyed playing the build a rocket game with my little girl today, maybe you could try it too.  Although I won't be putting things on the website every day, I would still like to see any pictures you want to share and I can put them on the class page so you can see what your friends are doing too.  



Another Busy Day

Hello Giraffes,


Bookman has a message for you. Click the link below to see what he says.

You can also visit Bookman's page on the website here

and see more about what he has been up to.

Wednesday 1st April


Good morning Giraffes!


It has been really great to see all the activities you have been up to at home and I am sure you are enjoying looking at what your friends have been up to as much as I am.  Today is the last day I will be putting up a daily task until after the Easter holiday, however you can still send me any pictures of what you are doing if you want to.  I will put up some ideas for activities you can do over the Easter break tomorrow and please keep reading as much as you can.  If you are a fan of Oti Mabusi she is doing a daily dance lesson on her YouTube channel, yesterday I learned a dance to 'Let it Go'.  There are lots of different ones to try if you like to dance.  I am still doing Joe Wicks as well, my legs are really aching but I am determined to do it.  What challenges are you setting yourself? Can you think of a Giraffes class challenge we could do while we are at home? 

Distance Learning -Wednesday April 1st

Max's Phonics Treasure Hunt


Max went on a treasure hunt around his house to practise his phonics.  He followed the clues and found the words.  Why don't you try making a phonics treasure hunt in your house?  You could make it for a brother or sister or your grown ups.

Fantastic Forts

Busy Bees

Tuesday 31st March


Good morning Giraffes.  Happy Birthday to Christian today, I am sure you will have a lovely day. I am sure all your friends will be sending you good wishes too.

Distance Learning - Tuesday 31st March

I have had lots of pictures today of different activities you have been doing.  I have seen some yummy food being made and I will be trying out your instructions later in the week.  I might even put up a picture of how I get on.  Try out the instructions from your friends and let me know how you get on.  Esme has had a very unusual visitor, I wonder if anyone can spot who came to tea at Esme's house?  Max, Mason and Oliver made me feel very hungry with the food they have been making.  I did the Joe Wicks PE lesson this morning and my legs are still aching now.  Has anybody read every single day since school closed?  If you have, let me know and I will let Bookman know how you are getting on, he is very keen to find out.

Awesome Activities!!

Making Lunch

Monday 30th March


Good morning Giraffes,


There are 3 more days of home learning and then it is the Easter holidays.  I will give some suggestions of activities you can do over the Easter break later in the week and you can still send me pictures of what you are doing.  I have set myself the challenge to do Joe Wicks PE lesson every day so I hope you will join me doing that.  I look forward to seeing your efforts from today later.  School cannot print the Eye Spy magazine this half term but there is a link to it below if you want to read it.



Distance Learning - Monday 30th March

Good afternoon Giraffes,


Well you have finished your first week of home learning and I am incredibly proud of how hard you have worked.  I have had lots of lovely pictures of what you have been doing and it is great to see you have kept yourselves busy and active.  I have two more pictures to post before I say goodbye for the weekend. Isla met a friendly horse on a walk, we are so lucky it has been such sunny weather this week and you have been able to get outside for fresh air.  Also Lydia has written a thoughtful poem about the amazing work the NHS staff are doing for us all.  I am sure we all share in Lydia's thoughts for these dedicated members of our community.  Have a great weekend, stay safe and I look forward to seeing what you do next week.

A Poem for the NHS

Maths Answers - Friday 27th March


The giraffes had 11 spots altogether.


4 stars were left in space.


The penguins ate 9 fish in total.


Jim has 12 sweets.


Liz had 6 slices of pizza left.


Tom has 17 cars.


8 rabbits were left in the field.


Jack had 13 magic beans left.


Ben cycled 5 miles less than Bob.



Friday 27th March


Good morning Giraffes!


I have had lots of photos sent to me of what you are doing at home and I have posted some below. Well done Mason for getting outdoors in the fresh air.  Noah has done a brilliant job exercising along to Joe Wicks - it is hard work, I did it too and I was exhausted! Max has made a fabulous Lego construction.  I have also put pictures up of your fabulous playground designs that you did before school finished.  Can you spot yours??

Distance Learning - Friday 27th March

Busy Home Learners

DT - Playground Designs

Maths Answers - Thursday 26th March



3 + 8 = 11

16 + 4 = 20

13 – 7 = 6

9 + 0 = 9

19 – 7 = 12

11 – 8 = 3

5 + 7 = 12

13 – 0 = 13

12 + 8 = 20

7 – 3 = 4

Thursday 26th March


Good morning everybody, I am really enjoying seeing what you are doing at home in your learning.  It has been beautiful weather so remember to get outside in the fresh air in the garden if you can.  Have any of you been joining in the Joe Wicks PE lesson online?  I would love to see pictures if you have or maybe you have made up a dance at home or done some other exercise at home.  It would be great to show each other what you have been up to on the class page.


I hope you enjoyed looking at the animals at Edinburgh Zoo, when I looked the panda was eating bamboo and the koala was asleep!!  I didn't see the tiger at all, it was hiding. 

Distance Learning - Thursday 26th March

Maths Answers - Wednesday 25th March



8 – 3 = 5

10 – 4 = 6

6 – 2 = 4

9 – 5 = 4

7 – 1 = 6

11 – 7 – 4

18 – 5 = 13

16 – 11 = 15

14 – 8 = 6

20 – 15 = 5

Distance Learning Wednesday 25th March

Tuesday 24th March


I have received some lovely pictures again today of your hard work while you are at home.  Well done everyone who has completed their daily tasks.  Here are the answers to the maths questions.  How did you do?


Maths Task - Answers

3 + 7 = 10

2 + 3 = 5

8 + 5 = 13

7 + 4 = 11

11 + 3 = 14

1 + 16 = 17

7 + 9 = 16

12 + 7 = 19

7 + 11 = 18

6 + 10 = 16

Distance Learning - Tuesday 24th March

Monday 23rd March


Thank you to everyone who has sent me an email address.  If you have any issues with anything please let me know and I will get back to you as soon as I can.  Well done everyone who has made a really good start on their distance learning.  I have enjoyed looking at the pictures and I am looking forward to seeing more.  


The answers to the maths vocabulary challenge are now on the page so you can check what you did.  Did you get all the words?  I will put the next day's work on the class page  the evening before so that if parents want to they can see what you will be doing.

Maths Vocabulary Answers

Well done, sentences using your phonics words!

Some fantastic maths vocabulary!

Distance Learning Information

Due to the enforced government school closures, we will be using our class page to set an additional daily challenge to be completed alongside the work already set in the booklet sent home. This will begin on Monday 23rd March, and will continue on weekdays until Tuesday 31st March (as per the term dates). This will then continue again on Monday 20th April if the Government continues to direct us to be closed. Please use the book and distance learning pack we have provided to record any work completed when possible. If you need to contact me during this time, please use the class email, and I will respond to you within normal working hours. I look forward to hearing about and seeing your work throughout this time via our class email, and I am already thinking of creative ways we can keep in touch with the Giraffes, so look out for video messages coming your way! I appreciate your continued support throughout this time, and we are here to help if we are able.

Thank you, Miss Sargeant x


Physical Education at home
We know over the next few weeks it will be difficult to include physical activity in your children's lives. With this in mind, we have listed below some choices that can be completed indoors. Some of the activities listed we have enjoyed in class together. 

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga and Mindfulness on youtube
  • Just Dance videos on youtube
  • Joe Wicks, 9am PE session Live on youtube
  • Brain Breaks & Dance, TheLearningStation on youtube


Daily Task - Monday 23rd March

World Book Day - Thursday 5th March


The children all looked fantastic in their costumes and we had lots of reading throughout the day.  The children shared books with each other on the carpet in the morning.  There was also a visit from Book Man to encourage the children to keep reading.

National Storytelling Day - 4th February


The children shared the story they have written based on the book Advocado Baby with Year 3 children.

NSPCC VISIT- Wednesday 29th January


The NSPCC came to assembly today to tell us about a fundraising event we will be doing next week.  We are going to do a HITT exercise challenge to help raise money to fund the work the NSPCC does helping children and their families.  Buddy the speech bubble came to visit us in class and to remind us to speak out to a trusted adult if their is anything we are worried about.  Our sponsor forms need to be in on Friday 7th February.

Nursing Day - Tuesday 28th January

We were very lucky today as two nurses came in to talk to us about what nursing is like today.  We have been looking at the life of Florence Nightingale in our history lessons.  The nurses showed us some of the equipment they use and told us what it is like in hospitals.  The nurses also showed us how to bandage up a person who is hurt.  We then made our own nurse's hat and looked after some patients that had come to our hospital.

Roland Burt Visit - 27th January

We were very lucky to have Roland Burt come and visit us today.  He is a local artist and he showed us how to draw pictures using letters, numbers, a comb and a peg.  We drew a lion using triangles, the teeth of a comb and the letters L and C.  

Happy New Year

We are back for an exciting Spring Term in Year 1.  This half term the children will be swimming and will need their swimming kits on Wednesday.  Please make sure your child has a swimming hat, these are available from the office if you do not have one.  The curriculum is going to be full of interesting topics as detailed below.

Book Man

On the last day of term the children met our school superhero Book Man!  He is going to be a regular visitor to classrooms to support the children in their enjoyment of reading and books.  Book Man set a challenge to read every day over the 12 days of Christmas.  Can you meet the challenge???


The children had a very busy end to the term with lots of Christmas events and activities.  They made their own decorations to sell at the Christmas fete and did a fantastic performance in the nativity play 'A King is Born'.  The costumes looked amazing, thank you to all the parents for providing them.  We also had an RE day towards the end of term where the children explored the meaning of Christmas.

Art Day - November


The children had an art day where they practised colour mixing, then looked at the work of Mondrian and completed a picture in this style.

Colour Wheels

Visit by Toy Museum - Monday 28th October


We had a great first day back after half term when Vivacity visited with some old toys from the museum.  We looked at a doll that was 150 years old and a teddy that was 80 years old.  We also got to play with some toys from long ago.  In the afternoon we were toy makers and made a cup and ball and a pop up clown.

Toy Museum Visit

Teddy Bears'  Picnic - Thursday 10th October


To help with our instruction writing we made jam sandwiches and shared them with our bears.  The bears really enjoyed their mid-morning snack.

Harvest Church Service - Monday 7th October


Well done to all the Giraffes for their fantastic singing at the Church.  They did brilliantly.  Thank you parents for your continued support in joining us at this service.

Poet Visit - Tuesday 1st October


We were very lucky to have poet Neal Zetter with us in school today.  We listened to him perform some of his poems and then learned The Lollipop Man to perform in the Poetry Slam.  The children did really well learning the words and actions for the poem.

Welcome to Giraffes!


It is hard to believe that the Summer is over and it is time for Hedgehogs to become Giraffes. We are really excited to welcome your children into Year 1 and we hope that your children are looking forward to coming back to school, catching up with their friends and learning new things.


Our topic for this term is Toys, a theme I'm sure your children already know lots about! We will be learning about the History of toys and completing art and design activities linked to toys.

In English we will be using texts such as The Tiger Who Came To Tea to stimulate our writing. We will be consolidating our ability to read, write and understand numbers to 20 in maths, using practical resources and applying our understanding to real life situations. 

Your child will read regularly with an adult at school, sometimes individually, especially during the first couple of weeks when we will be checking your child's book level, and at other times in a group. We will write in the reading log when we have read with your child. We will check your comments in the diaries and count your child's reads weekly, usually on a Monday.  They will work towards certificates for 20, 50 and 100 reads! Your child will also have daily phonics lessons and we will closely monitor your child's progress through our phonics scheme.


We really look forward to getting to know you and your children better as the term progresses. If you have any comments, questions or concerns we are always available in the Giraffes' outdoor area from 8.45 in the morning and we can chat after school when we have said good bye to the children. Please bear with us at home time as we get to know your faces and those of friends and family who pick up your child. It might take a little while for us to check that each child is going home safely with the correct person at the start of term.

Here's hoping for a sunny September and lots of fabulous learning experiences!

