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Zohrain Walji

'Always remember you matter, you're important and you are loved, and you bring to this world things no one else can'.

-Charlie Mackesy


Schools are so much more than educational establishments, schools are places where children feel safe, feel celebrated and feel a sense of shared belonging . They're places where children flourish and learn to form friendships, they learn values and their experience of school help shape who they become.

For me, being a School Governor is more than academia, it's about ensuring children get the best possible experience whilst at school to enable them all to reach their own potential.

I am new to the Governing body; however, I feel my background as a registered Social Worker supports me in this role. In addition to attending the PPG committee, I am also Safeguarding link Governor - a role I am undoubtedly committed to, to support our school in continuing to place our pupils welfare central to all they do.
