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Zebras - Year 3



Hello everyone!


We have been so busy these last few weeks! We have completed our Great Kapok Tree narrative, and written some truly lovely stories! We are continuing to think about rainforests and will start looking at The Jungle Book after half term.


In maths, we have now moved on from time and are now looking at graphs. Please do keep talking to your child about the time though - it is one of those topics that is so important to get mastered!


We will continue to look at Judaism in RE, and plants in science - we made our own water cycles last week - I am sure you have seen them in our windows!


Please make sure your child keeps going on Times Table Rockstars - I cannot express how important it is!


Have a look at the pictures of us learning in class! I hope you all have a lovely half term and I will see you in June!


Mrs S.

Water cycle

Computing - Turtle academy!



We have had such a busy week in Zebras!


In English, we have started looking at our new text type. We are doing another narrative called The Great Kapok Tree. It is a really lovely story! We spent a lot of time thinking about the text, mapping out the story and then we acted out the story in our co-op groups. Ask your child the story! They could use my text map below to remind them!


In Maths, we are still looking at time and how long things take. We are using analogue and digital clocks. An example of the type of question we are looking at is below. If you are able to help your child by asking similar questions at home, that would be great!


We have spent a lot of time this week thinking about our topic of rainforests in English and Topic lessons.


We have also been thinking about our emotions in our C4L lessons.


We have also been looking at plants in science and will continue this into the term.


Our PE day is a Monday, so please make sure PE kits are in then.


Also, our trip is coming up very soon, so please make sure you have returned the form and submitted payment! 


Thanks and I hope your child is enjoying the term!


Mrs Shields

Maths example

Our story map for The Great Kapok Tree



Today was our WOW day to launch our rainforest topic - and we had so much fun! We met animals, made models and even danced to the Bare Necessities! Check out our pictures below!

Us on our WOW day!

Today we met some exciting animals and were able to hold some of them too! We met Chloe the gecko, Cynthia the snake, Kevin the chameleon and Slinky the corn snake! We also watched Slinky eat a mouse, which was both fascinating and incredible!
Today we learned that the rainforest has 4 layers: the emergent layer, the canopy layer, the understory layer and the forest floor. Here are some pictures of us creating our models of the rainforest layers!

Making our models of the layers of the rainforest

Welcome back!


Welcome back everyone! I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter break and have managed to eat a huge amount of chocolate!


I have managed to wrestle the chocolate eggs from my hands and get some exciting lessons ready for this next term, so here are some of the things we will be thinking about:


Our topic this term is the Rainforest, and this will be leading a lot of our learning across the curriculum. We will be thinking about deforestation in our first English piece of writing, as well as looking at texts including 'The Great Kapok Tree' and 'The Jungle Book'.


In Maths, we will continue to look at time and will then lead on to look at graphs.


In Geography, we will visit our topic again, looking at the location of rainforests and how they are formed. 


In History, we will be thinking about the Mayans and their way of life.


In RE, we are thinking about Judaism.


PE is on Mondays and will be outside, so please make sure your child has the correct PE kit and appropriate trainers. We will NOT be swimming this term.


Homework will continue to be given out on a Thursday and due in the following Tuesday. Please could you also encourage your child to access Times Table Rockstars and read as much as possible. Reading records are due in on Mondays.


We have our trip to Woburn on Wednesday 12th June - more information about this will follow in due course.


I hope I have covered everything! If there is anything you would like any further info about, or any questions at all, please don't hesitate to come for a chat! As always, I will add pictures and notes about some of the things we get up to on here as and when I can!




Mrs Shields




We have now started our next topic in maths which is time. Parents, please could you help your child out with this, by asking them to tell you the time as much as you can! We are learning time to the nearest minute on both digital and analogue clocks.


Thank you!

Our class clock



Today we had a theatre company come in and perform an incredible show for us! It involved light and lots of shadow puppetry! See the pictures below and look out for the two deer talking, a viking warrior and a pirate with a parrot on his arm!!!

The Light puppet show



This afternoon as part of our RE topic, with thought about the cross and Jesus' resurrection. We also made some stained glass crosses to go on our classroom windows. Have a look at them below!

Stained glass windows



On Friday, the whole of Year 3 went to Flag Fen! We had a fantastic day looking at long boats, round houses and handling artefacts. I think its safe to say a lot of us are thinking about archeology as a future career! Have a look at the pictures to see what we got up to!



Today, we had a visit from a company to talk to us about some animals and their habitats. We were lucky enough to see a really large variety of animals - and even get to hold some!


Have a look at the pictures of the animals we saw and learned about. 

Science - learning about animals and their habitats



On Wednesday, Mr Hurst came in to talk to us about the Eucharist! He brought in the items he uses to deliver Holy Communion. It was really interesting to talk to him and hear more about the Easter Story.

Our visit



Welcome to the new half term!


We have already hit the ground running with a *new* exciting narrative text Stone Age Boy. We are going to spend the next few weeks using it as a starting point and creating our own version of it. We have already started coming up with some fab ideas. We have created a 'knowledge organiser' that gives a brief summary of what we will be covering in the unit. I will upload it so you can see it and see what will be coming up!


We have finished our maths unit on volume and have really enjoyed it! WE are now going to move onto money and then time over the course of the next few weeks.


We started to think about the Easter story in RE, and this will be our topic for the term.


In science, we will finish our topic on rocks and soils and start our next topic on plants and flowers.


There are also many other exciting things coming up - including World Book Day on Thursday!


Any problems or questions, please don't hesitate to come and have a chat!




Mrs S



We now have a Super Readers display in our classroom! Anyone who reads 5 times or more in a week will get their picture on the board for everyone to see! I hope that one day we will be able to have 29 stars on that board - one for every child! Get reading over the holidays and earn your star!!!


Mrs Shields

Super Readers!



Today, we had a visit from a REAL police officer! He helped us understand how to stay safe when we are out and about, and also what to do in an emergency! We were then all allowed to go and sit in his police van! It was so much fun, and incredibly useful and informative!

Police visit!



We have been learning about capacity and volume in our Maths lessons. We have learned that the capacity of a cup is the maximum amount of liquid that will fit in it, and that the volume is however much liquid you decide to put in!


We have been practicing measuring volume pouring water from a cup to a measuring jug.


Its been great fun!

Capacity and volume



We made our own compost bin! 


We added stones, compost, then worms to our compost bin. On top of them we put vegetable peelings and scraps so the worms can 'do their thing' and make some compost!

Our compost bin!



This afternoon we learned that it is the Chinese New Year and the year of the Pig! We made some origami pigs to celebrate it! We also learned that if we were born in 2010 we were born in the year of the tiger and if we were born in 2011 we were born in the year of the rabbit!

Origami Pigs



Today in Maths we started to learn about measuring volume. Mrs Shields put water into 4 different sized containers and we had to try to guess which had the most water in. It was quite tricky! We learned that we measure liquid in litres and millilitres. We all got very excited about it, so if there is a chance for us to measure some liquids at home and perhaps help with some cooking, that would be GREAT!!!

Measuring volume



Today we used our WAGOLL text and acted out each of the steps as to how to was a woolly mammoth! It was great fun, but also really useful. Now we have acted it out we remember the steps far better. This will really help us with our English writing next week!

Acting out how to wash a woolly mammoth!



We are in PIRATE MONTH!!!


Ask your Zebra to explain....R!


Mrs Shields



Today in science we learned about the process of fossilisation! We had so much fun acting it out and pretending to be dinosaurs, the sea and even layers and layers of rock!!! Have a look at the pictures below of us in action!

Fossilisation process!



To wrap up National Storytelling week, I would love it if your child brought in their favourite book to show the other children tomorrow! I have shared 3 of mine, so I would love to know the stories my class love! I have shared 'How Big is a Million', 'Zog' and 'The Cat in a Hat'!


Mrs Shields



On Tuesday this week, we handed out letters about our upcoming trip to Flag Fen. I have had quite a few replies already, but I also have a lot of 'spare' letters (found on the floor at the end of the day!!!). If you are one of those people who did not receive your letter, please let me know and I will get a copy to you!




Mrs Shields



Today we started to learn about measuring mass in our Maths lessons. We had great fun experimenting with the scales and practicing our conversions - there are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram!

Measuring mass!



On Wednesday the author Paul Geraghty came into school to talk to us about his books and illustrations. He was absolutely fascinating and we had a great time with him! It was especially fun when Ewan became his sidekick and helped him with the powerpoint...flobadob!!!

Author visit



This afternoon we made our own version of a Stone Age recipe for Stewed Fruit. It was delicious and we all enjoyed trying it! There wasn't a lot left once we had all had a taste!!!



Today we made a text map for our new WAGOLL text, How to Shower a Dog! We are looking at instruction texts this unit, and are very excited to get started properly!!!

Our new WAGOLL text map - How to shower a dog!



Today we published and then performed our poems 'Ten Things Found in a Caveman's Pocket' to each other. It was great fun to hear each other's poems and the ideas we had all come up with!


Look at the pictures of us performing below!

Performing our poems



Today in maths we measured each other! It was a great way to practice our new focus, which is measurments. We measured in centimetres (cm) then converted that into metres (m) and cm. We learned that there is 100cm in 1m, therefore someone who is 135cm tall would be 1m 35cm. Have a look at the pictures of us in action!

Measuring each other!



Just a quick thank you to those of you who came to meet me at TLCs yesterday. It was lovely to see you all and have a chat about your children! For those who couldn't make it, I will be in touch with a new time soon.


Thanks again,


Mrs S

Bus stop method division!



Today in science, we learned how to catagories rocks according to their properties. We learned that some rocks are permeable (allow water to pass through them) and some rocks are impermeable (water will not pass through them, rather drip around them). We also tested the rocks density. We dropped rocks into water to see if they would float. If they were high density, they would sink to the bottom, but low density rocks would float on the top.

Testing the properties of rocks



Today we talked about expression and how to make performances even more expressive! We were inspired by Michael Rosen and his reading of the poem Chocolate Cake! Michael Rosen's performance was much better and more expressive than Mrs Shields!!!

Our expressive performances



Today in maths we worked really hard at mastering our times tables. We played games multiplying the numbers we rolled on a dice and challenged each other in groups to answer multiplication questions. We had great fun! Have a look at some of the pictures of us in action!

Maths games with a dice and group challenges!



Today in English we learned that a metaphor is when you say one thing is something else, for example my cat is a cheetah (this was Theo's!) , my sister is an angel or your bedroom is a pigsty!


We then started to apply that to our stone age topic and created a 'poem' of metaphors that are related to the stone age. Have a look at it below!

Our metaphor poem



Today in our topic lesson, we pretended that we went to sleep then woke up in the stone age. We had a think about all the challenges we might face and all the things that we wouldn't have. We then talked about what the most important thing would be for us to do first; find fire wood, find water, make tools or build a shelter. We then moved on and imagined that we had just invented the bow and arrow. We created adverts for our new invention and showed them to each other. Have a look at the pictures of us in action!

Topic - creating adverts for our new invention - the bow and arrow!



Have a lovely weekend! Keep reading together and playing on Time Tables Rockstars!!!


See you Monday!


Mrs S

11/01/19 This afternoon we made woolly mammoths!

11/01/19 We started to look at rocks and the three main types of rock - as well as man made rocks!

11/01/19 Our rocks song!

Still image for this video
We learned a song in science to help us remember the 3 different types of rocks.

10/01/19 In RE we learned about the main countries of the world where Hinduism is practiced.



Just a quick reminder that new homework booklets went out today. Everyone got one, so you should find it in your child's bag somewhere! Homework is due in next Tuesday please.




Mrs S.

The Poem!

08/01/19 Performing our poem, Ten Things Found in a Wizard's Pocket




A few of you came to me this morning to report some problems with Times Table Rockstars and the tables that are set for your child. I am very happy to say, I have sorted the problem, so hopefully they will be getting more of a challenge now! Any further problems, please let me know! 


If you need help logging in, please come and see me, otherwise, you should just be able to follow the link below:


Have fun!


Mrs Shields

Wow day! - Our biscuit Stonehenge!

Wow day! - our archaeological dig

Happy New Year!


I hope you all had a lovely break and enjoyed the Christmas holidays! I did, but I am so happy to be back with my wonderful Zebras and am raring to go this Spring term!


This term we will continue to think about multiplication and division in maths. Our new topic will be Stone age to Iron age (lots of woolly mammoths and archaeological digs!). In English we will start by looking at poetry and move on to instructions later on in the term. In science, we are starting to think about rocks and soils. In RE we will  be thinking about Hinduism.


I am really looking forward to this term as I have already got some lovely, exciting activities planned! 


See you all at TLCs where I can tell you more!


Best wishes


Mrs Shields



This week we have worked REALLY hard! We have been so busy with lots of different things, but we have managed to squeeze in some really super activities too! We have:


  • written our own stories based on 'Miu and the Pharaoh' 
  • looked at more word problems and multiplication and division in word problems
  • written up a science experiment based on magnets
  • made and drank hot chocolate! This was part of our maths day, so we calculated our recipe before we were allowed to drink it!
  • thought more about Christmas and about who the guiding lights are in our own lives
  • thought about political parties and created our own
  • watched some of the EAPS panto
  • sung Christmas songs around the Christmas tree


Phew! Busy week!!


Have a lovely weekend, Zebras!

All dressed up for the EAPS panto!

Making and drinking hot chocolate on maths day!



This week in Zebras we have been learning:


  • Our 3x, 4x and 8x
  • About multiplication and division families
  • About our new text, Miu and the Pharaoh
  • About Advent, and why it is important in the Christian calendar
  • How to keep safe online
  • What the Ancient Egyptians wore and made our own headdresses!


We have also had our WOW day, which really was WOW! Mark took us on a whistle stop tour of the history of Ancient Egypt, taught us an Ancient Egyptian game, introduced us to the Egyptian method of measuring and took us through the mummification of a Pharaoh, before letting us hunt for our dinner! 


It has been a wonderful week! I can't wait to see what next week brings!


Mrs Shields

Anti Bullying Show

Dictionary races!


Anti Bullying poster

Friday 16th November 2018


It has been a busy week in Zebras! We have:

  • been counting in 4s and 8s using our multiplication table knowledge
  • written an information text on Anubis
  • looked at the effect of friction on toy cars!


As well as this, it has been Anti Bullying week, so we have done a lot of different tasks in our C4L lessons, including designing an Anti Bullying poster to promote this behaviour throughout the school, thought about Anti Bullying from the point of a song and through music and watched an Anti Bullying panto! What a week!

Friday 9th November 2018


What a busy couple of weeks we have had! Everyone came back after half term refreshed and ready to learn, and I have been so excited by all the wonderful work the children have produced.


Over the last two weeks, we have been working on:

- addition and subtraction using column methods and bar models

- our multiplication tables - looking at the 3x table first, counting in 3s, singing our 3 times table song and solving multiplication problems. Please ask your child, if I tell you that 6 x 3 = 18, what other multiplication fact can you tell me? (answer: 3 x 6 = 18!!!)

- we have been looking at information texts, starting with a text based on the Ancient Greek god, Zeus. WE have then moved onto thinking about our Ancient Egyptian gods, with us making 'Top Trump' cards this week - which god is the best?!

- last week we made poppies to honor Remembrance Sunday and thought about those who gave their lives for their country.

- this week, our RE has been based around helping those who are less fortunate than ourselves at Christmas time. We have made cards for elderly people at the hospital, who would otherwise receive nothing. We have also put together our Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes - thank you all for your wonderful and kind donations.


Believe it or not, we have also managed to squeeze in some music, P.E., a computing lesson on internet safety, a C4L lesson thinking about who we would go to if we needed help and making the right decisions, a couple of lessons on forces - thinking about pushing and pulling, a swimming lesson and an Art lesson on Egyptian gods an canopic jars! Phew! I told you we'd been busy!


If you would like to help your child with their maths work, please do play 'Hit the Button' with your child: focusing on the 2x and 3x tables for now! Plus, the song that will stay in your head all day, but will help with maths: . There is a 4x table song too, we'll be singing that next week!!!


Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to updating you on our learning next week!


Mrs Shields

Friday 12th October 2018


It was so lovely to meet so many of you at the TLCs this week. It is always so valuable to have the opportunity to discuss your child's learning, so I hope you all found it as useful as I did. I think all the children have achievable targets and I am very excited to continue their journeys, with them, on the road to conquering them! If we haven't yet met, I will be in touch on Monday to arrange our meeting.


This week we have been learning:

  • column addition, adding three digit numbers, with renaming (or carrying!!!)
  • how to write explanation texts in the second person
  • the parable of the good samaritan 
  • the art of Piet Mondrian
  • the use of and spellings of homophones
  • the Egyptian creation story



Hi all!


So sorry for the silence! We HAVE been doing a lot of fab work in Zebras, so I hope you have heard all about it from your child!


This week we have been learning:

- our new WAGOLL explanation text on how to make pickled onions!

- the process of mummification and acting it out

- the column method to add (with renaming)

- to explore shadows and why/how they change size

- to think about the difference between a prayer and a wish (RE)


It has been a brilliant start to the term, with everyone throwing themselves into our various activities! WE have already learned a lot, and I will be able to update you all at this weeks TLCs.


Going forward, I will be updating this page more often, so you know what we have been up to in class - so keep your eyes open! In the meantime, I would like to thank you for all your support and the support you show through your child.


As a small side note, I have introduced the class to a song to help them learn their 4 multiplication table. If they would like to access it at home, here is the link:

It's fun, catchy and really helpful!


Thanks and I look forward to meeting you all properly this week!


Mrs Shields


Welcome to Zebra’s Class!


I am very excited to have a new dazzle of Zebras joining me this year for my first year teaching at Eye C of E Primary, and am confident we will have a wonderful year together!


This Autumn, our topic will be Ancient Egypt. We will spend the term discussing ‘Were the Egyptians ahead of their time?’. We will do this by studying the Egyptians in detail, as well as looking at some lovely texts including ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ and ‘The Scarab’s Secret’.


We will continue to follow the Maths No Problem scheme of work, with our initial focus being our knowledge of numbers and their value.


Our Geography will tie into our Topic work, as we will be locating Egypt on a map and studying the River Nile.


Our Science will focus on Light and its properties.


Our Art will be very exciting, as we will be creating our own hieroglyphics, and Design and Technology will involve building pyramids!


WE will continue to learn Spanish in Miss Donkin’s weekly Spanish assemblies.






Useful information


Our teaching assistant is Mrs Selves

PE is on a Monday (this could change at any time so please ensure kits are in school every day). Please ensure kits are clearly named.


We encourage children to read regularly and children will receive a reading raffle ticket for reading 5 times a week. Children should record their reading in their reading record daily. Now children are in KS2, they can do this independently, however we would ask that you sign the reading record weekly to show that you have acknowledged your child has read. Children should bring their recording record book into school every day. Thank you.


Please remember your water bottles every day as our classroom does get very warm. Please make sure the water bottle is clearly named and is only filled with water or squash. Also, if your child requires a snack, they will need to bring this in with them, as they no longer will have this provided. Please ensure they come with a healthy snack. Alternatively, tuck shop will run daily from the first Monday of term. Thank you.


Homework will be given out on Thursdays and is due in on Tuesdays. Please encourage your child to do the challenge questions set. If they wish, they may attend the weekly homework club to complete their homework.


Children will be lining up in the morning outside Zebras door and will be going in to the classroom to complete their morning activity at 8.50am. They will be released from the same place at the end of the day.


If there is anything further I can help you with, please feel free to catch me at the end of the day (I will have more time then to talk!).


I am really looking forward to the term we have planned, and am confident your little Zebra will have a wonderful start to Year 3!


Mrs Shields
