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Koalas - Year 2

There is also a special message from Mrs Fewtrell and Sam for you :)

Good morning Koalas! So here is our last week of distance learning! Time has flown by so fast and I am unbelievably proud of each and every one of you!

You will have received an email telling you all about a very special Zoom meeting, where you will meet your year 3 teacher – but don’t worry I will be there as well smiley If you have any questions to ask your teacher can you send them to me in an email so I can ask her during the Zoom meeting for you! I am very excited to see you all smiley


Stay safe


Miss Allen

Summer Well-being Activities 


Good morning Koalas! You have a special message from Bookman! And he has set a new summer reading challenge!

Hey Koalas!

Below is all your learning for week commencing29th June!

Remember to log on to TTRS and Spelling shed – I can see who is going on there!

Keep up the good work – I am so impressed with all of your learning!

Stay safe

Miss Allen

Guess what happened today ...

Still image for this video

Week commencing 22/06/2020

Hey Koalas! I hope you are all safe and well. Below is all the learning for this week J As always, if you need anything just send me an email and I will reply as soon as I can!

Enjoy the sunshine!

Miss Allen

This might be useful for maths today!



Hello Koalas! I hope you are all safe and well J Here is this week’s learning for you. As always if there are any problems let me know – I am back at school so I will try to reply as soon as I can!

I look forward to see your learning! Remember to log onto TTRS and Spelling shed!


Miss Allen

Before you start your learning - here is a video from Kayla all about how to wash our hands properly! Great work Kayla :)

Still image for this video


Missing Link!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a safe half term! I have uploaded everything you will need for the coming week, if you need anything please email me and I will reply as soon as I can! There is a PowerPoint called fast five uploaded too. This is for you to complete everyday as fast as you can! 5 questions – how long will it take you??

Remember I have assigned some games for you to play on spelling shed, and a tournament against chimps on TTRS – I hope we can win again!

I hope you have a great week of learning!

Stay safe

Miss Allen

Here is this weeks distance learning!

Don't forget to log in to Times Tables Rockstarz and play some games!

I have also set some games on Spelling shed. If you need your log in please email and ask :)


I have created a battle on TTR against Chimps class! Lets see which class wins! Lets go Koalas!


Please email me if there are any problems!

I hope you are all safe and well!


Miss Allen

Look at all the amazing learning Koala Class has been doing :)

Below is the home learning for week commencing 11th May!

Let me know if you need any help J

Miss Allen

Bookman has a new challenge! Can you complete it?

Below is this week’s home learning. If you can’t print the sheets off, do not worry, just answer the questions straight into your home learning book J

If you need anything, remember I am just an email away!

Keep going Koalas. You are doing an awesome job and I am SO proud of each and every one of you!

Stay safe


Miss Allen

Here is some of the amazing work from this week! Super proud of my Koalas!

Here is the rest of the weeks learning for you J

Hello Koalas! I hope you had a fab weekend! I have attached everything you need for today. Enjoy J Hello Koalas! I hope you had a fab weekend! I have attached everything you need for today. Enjoy J

Some lovely photos from this weeks learning and a message from Jamie to all his friends :)

I have attached some of the testbase math quizzes below if you want / need some extra maths work J

Hello Koalas! I hope you all had a great Easter break and are all safe and ready to start another week of our distance learning!

I have attached the whole week, so it is up to you how you want to complete it. You can do it each day, or pick bits from different days – either is fine J

Send me what you have done by 4pm and I will reply as soon as I can! I love seeing everything you have been doing!

Don't forget to carry on with your spellings and times tables!


I am only an email away if you need anything J


Miss Allen

Bookman now has his own page, which you can find by clicking on this link:


He has also recorded a special message for you: 


Keep reading - and remember:

Bookman is watching!

Here is just some of the fantastic work being done at home! I can't wait to add to this :)

Wednesday 1st April

Distance Learning


Last one before Easter!


Task 1


Can you write an acrostic poem all about Spring? An acrostic poem is where the first word of every sentence spells out a word! I have attached some examples to help you. Think of all things that happen during spring and use lots of adjectives J



Task 2


As a bit of fun, I have attached some art and craft activities for you to have a go at if you get chance!  

Remember to keep reading and practicing those times tables!


I have attached another maths sheet, if you want to do one today or over Easter J If you want any resources during the holidays please email and ask!


Take care, have a great Easter and stay safe!


Miss Allen

Tuesday 31st March 2020

Distance Learning

Today we are doing some RE, maths and Art J


Task 1

Watch the clip of the Easter story, then use the story board template (or your learning journal) and retell the story using pictures! Add some sentences as well to tell me the story along with your pictures J


Task 2

Can you go on a material hunt around your house? I have attached a sheet to help you. Create a tally chart of the things you find made from that material! As a challenge, can you create pictogram with the data you have collected?


Task 3

Have a look out of your window. What can you see? Sketch a picture and show me!


I have also attached a math arithmetic test for you to complete J The answers are there as well so that you can self-mark! Let me know your score!


Keep up the great work, and remember to send me in anything you do! I LOVE looking at your work!


Take care

Miss Allen

Monday 30th March

Distance Learning


Good morning Koalas! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! 3 days of distance learning and then it is your Easter holidays J

Below are some tasks for you to do today. If you get stuck, send me an email  J


Task 1

Pretend you are a journalist – Part 2! Use the answers to your interview questions to help write a biography about someone in your house! I have included one to read so you get an idea of what it should look like! Try to use titles, commas in a list and adjectives J I can’t wait to read them.


Task 2

Measuring length.  Find 10 objects around the house to measure to the nearest cm.  You can use a ruler if you have one at home – or ask your parents if you can borrow a tape measure!  Record the length of each object in your Learning Journal.


Task 3

Finally, in science we have been learning about animals and how they grow. But what about plants? Write some instructions for successfully growing seeds. Remember to include some time words and adverbs! You could even try growing a plant of your own!


As always, keep practising your times tables and spellings!

Most importantly, remember to read something you enjoy every day!


If you could send me your favourite piece of home learning so far that would be great! I would like to put them on our class page to showcase all our fantastic learning :) 


Take care and keep washing your hands!

Miss Allen

Friday 27th March 2020

Distance Learning


Good morning Koalas! This is your last piece of learning for this week – so let’s make it the best so far! I am SO proud of all the work I have been sent so far! Thank you parents for all your hard work and support during this time, it will all be worth it in the end J


Task 1

You are now a journalist! Interview an adult or teenager in your house. Use the attachment to ask them some questions and fill in the answers they give you.


Task 2

Addition and subtraction questions. Solve the list of questions I have set for you. I have taken some photos of how we work them out in year 2 and how they work them out in year 3. Can you see the difference? Have a go at trying the year 3 way! If you find it too tricky, stick to the way you prefer J


Task 3

I was doing some writing earlier today, but I got in a muddle with my spellings! Can you read through my writing for me, and check my spellings? You could rewrite the sentences for me with the correct spellings to help me!


As always, keep practicing your times tables and spellings!

Most importantly, remember to read every day!


Take care and have a great weekend! Keep me up to date with what you get up to!


Miss Allen

Answers for Wednesday Task

Attachments for Thursday 26th March 2020

Thursday 26th March 2020

Distance Learning


Task 1

Earlier this year we were learning all about shape! We learnt all about 3D shapes e.g. cube, cuboid, sphere, prism and square based pyramids. Can you go round your house and see what objects you can find that are 3D shapes? Make a list or take some photos!


Task 2

I have attached a blank map of the world. Can you label the 7 continents and the 5 oceans?


Task 3

Pick 6 of your spelling words. Play the roll a word dice game (It is attached above!) We love this game in koalas!


Usually on a Thursday afternoon we would go swimming. Instead why don’t you do your own form of exercise. This could be a Joe Wicks, or take advantage of the sunny weather and do some exercise in your garden! Take a photo or video so I can see what you get up to J


As always keep reading and practice your times tables!


Stay safe

Miss Allen

Below are all the attachments needed for Wednesday 25th March 2020

Wednesday 25th March 2020

Distance Learning

Task 1

Attached is a picture of a circus. Can you write down as many adjectives as you can describing the picture? As a challenge can you put those words into sentences and use some commas in a list? Think about what you might hear, see or smell.




Task 2

On another attachment there is a blank template of a plant. Can you research and label the parts of a plant?


Task 3

Work out how much change you would get from 50p for the amounts below.


Change from 50p














As a challenge, see if you can work out the change from £1!




In school today we created some rainbow mosaic pictures. Can you create your own rainbow? Be as creative as you can! I have included a template. Put your rainbow up somewhere in your house, maybe on a window to make someone smile when they see it J


I look forward to seeing them all J

Hope you are all okay! Remember I am just an email away!


Miss Allen

Tuesday 24th March 2020

Distance Learning


Task 1

Write a food diary for the day. Can you put everything you have eaten into the correct food groups?

(Protein, dairy, carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, fats and sugars)


Task 2

Find a step by step animal drawing to follow (We love these in koalas!)

I have attached a link for how to draw unicorn, but you can find a different one if you would rather! 


Task 3

Complete the arithmetic questions on the word document attached!



Continue reading a book of your choice. Remember to tell me what you have read.

Times Table Rockstars

Spelling – Pick 6 words. Get an adult to quiz you! Maybe you could quiz them, or a brother or sister! As a challenge try to write them in a sentence!


I look forward to seeing your learning J

Just an idea of some activities you could do throughout the day! Can you do any of the 60 second challenges?

Tuesday 24th March - Arithmetic Questions

Monday 23rd March 2020


Answers Revealed!

I have lots of people emailing their work today and I am very impressed! Keep it up!

Here are the answers of our tasks today! You can self-mark in a coloured pen or pencil :) 


1/2 of 40 = 20

34 + 22 = 56

71-13 = 58

A pentagon has 5 vertices

2/4 of 20 = 10 


Time 5 minutes after 10 minutes after 15 minutes after
2:10 2:15 2:20 2:25
3:15 3:20 3:25 3:30
6:25 6:30 6:35 6:40
8:40 8:45 8:50 8:55
10:25 10:30 10:35 10:40
12:00 12:05 12:10 12:15



Frog - Amphibian Shark - Fish
Penguin- Bird Horse- Mammal
Butterfly - Insect Pig - Mammal
Lizard - Reptile Snake - Reptile
Goldfish - Fish Newt - Amphibian
Ant - Insect  Chicken - Bird
Human - Mammal Whale - Mammal
If anyone needs their times table rockstars or spelling shed log ins, please email me so I can find them for you :)

Monday 23rd March 2020

Distance Learning


Good Morning Koalas! I hope you are all safe and well :) This is the first of your daily distance learning tasks. These are to be completed as well as the tasks set in your distance learning books. I will put three tasks up, and then reveal the answers later on in the day. You can email me your answers, or send me photos of what you have got up to! If you or anyone at home gets stuck remember you have my email address and I will reply as soon as I can!


Task 1


Read at least 4 pages of a book (read more if you want to!!) Tell me the title of the book, the author and what has happened so far! If it is a longer book, maybe you could predict what is going to happen next. 


Task 2


Start off by answering these 5 questions!

1/2 of 40 =
34 + 22 = 
71 - 13 = 
How many vertices does a pentagon have?
2/4 of 20 = 


Before we left school we were learning all about time. Can you tell me what the time would be 5, 10 and 15 minutes after the times below? 





10: 25



Task 3


Below are the names of some animals. Can you sort them into the correct group? maybe you could think of your own and add them to the correct group! (Fish, Bird, Reptile, Mammals, Amphibians and Insects). 


Frog Shark
Penguin Horse
Butterfly Pig
Lizard Snake
Goldfish Newt
Ant Chicken
Human Whale


Don't forget to practice your times tables and the year 2 spelling words! Pick 6 each week to focus on :) 


If you need anything contact me on : 


Have a great day! I can't wait to see and hear about your learning!


Miss Allen 

In Art we have been looking at sculpting. We used some different techniques to create our owls!

We had lots of fun on World Book Day! We even had a visit from Bookman and Bookboy!

On Monday it was our Great Fire of London WOW day. We had a brilliant time! There were so many activities to do and we learnt lots of new facts.

Congratulations Koala class! We completed our 5 days of fitness challenge!

National Storytelling Week! We have been very lucky in year 2! We have had a visit from year 4, where we read stories to each other, and Bookman read year 2 and 3 a story!

We have been very lucky this week! An artist, Roland Burt, came to visit us. We created a giant class piece of art that the whole school will be adding to!

Bookman came to visit us in Koala class! He gave out prizes to the children who took part in the 12 days of reading challenge!

We have been very busy in maths learning about measuring in cm, m, kg and g!

How exciting! Bookman came to visit Koala class! He is our reading superhero! He has set us a reading competition and if we complete it there will be a special prize for us!

Christmas Jumper Day 2019!

We hope you enjoyed watching our Nativity! We had lots of fun doing it :)

Below is a picture of everything we will be learning in Year 2 during Spring term.

In our spelling lessons we have been busy practicing lots of different spelling rules. We have been writing them in sentences, using our staircase letters and even writing on the tables!! (Don't worry Miss Allen put clingfilm down first!)

Miss Allen caught us reading in the book corner! We love reading in Koala class!

In English we have been learning all about an autumn poem. We went on a nature walk to help us find some inspiration for our own writing. 

We began our geography topic by trying lots of different foods from around the world! It was very yummy!

Welcome back!


I hope you had a great half term and are rested ready for a busy Christmas term!


In English we will be writing poems and instructions.

In maths we are continuing with our addition and subtraction learning. 

We have finished our history topic and are now beginning our 'Where does our food come from?' topic for Geography. 

In science we are learning about materials and friction and in DT we will be designing and making our own cars!



Please note - Koala class are now doing PE on Wednesdays. 

We were very lucky to have a poet come and visit us for the day! Neal Zetter performed some of his poems to us before we had a poetry slam with the whole school! It was lots of fun!

In maths we have been learning about place value and simple addition. We have been using dienes to support our wonderful learning.

We have been busy in Science learning about materials and all their properties. In class we have been testing different materials by bending, squashing, stretching and twisting! 

Welcome to Year 2!


I am very excited to meet you all on the first day back - we have lots of exciting things to do!

I can not wait to tell you all about the exciting topics we will be covering!


In History we will be learning all about the invention and development of flight!

In Geography we will be finding out where all our food comes from - yummy!

Our first topic in science is materials. 

In DT we will designing and making our own vehicles - so if you have any cardboard boxes or plastic bottles, please bring them so we can use them to build :) 


And finally PE/Swimming will be on a Wednesday, so please bring your kits in then. 


See you all soon!


Miss Allen, Mrs Sullivan and Miss West.

