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Chimps - Year 2

Hi Chimps!


It’s almost the end of virtual term – I hope you have all made something for your virtual school teachers to say thank you!


It was really good to see so many of you in the Zoom call the other day – I told you Miss Canham was lovely!


For the last two days we are going to be looking back on the year (The strangest year of my life!), as well as looking forward to next year.


  1. Write a letter to Miss Canham to tell her about yourself.  Email them to me, and I will pass them on.
  2. Complete the Memory Sheet to let me know what have been the high and low points of this year for you.
  3. Make a poster to illustrate the best story you have read this year.


We would also love you to join in with our version of Eye Sports Day – have a look at the attachment below for some (Slightly crazy!) ideas!


Also, please join in with our end of year Service this afternoon – see the link below for a message from Mrs Fewtrell.


Have a great holiday, and we look forward to seeing you in September!

Mr D and Miss Cox

Summer Well-being Activities

Bookman's Summer Reading Challenge!

I have just intercepted a new message from Bookman!  Click on the link below to hear what he has to say...


Congratulations! Yellow Belt!

Chimpalas' Kenning...

Hi Chimps!


Last week, there were three ‘Hit the Button Heroes’ – congratulations Q, A and S! 


Well done to everyone who took part – this week’s Challenge is subtraction!

Last week's Hit the Button Heroes!

I’m so pleased that you have all been having a go at the Tasks we have set for you – look out for some Cheesy Puff Fractions and a great News Report about Bob’s crash landing at school!


Work hard on this week’s Tasks; try to beat Koalas on TT Rockstars(!); have a go at becoming one of this week’s ‘Hit the Button Heroes’; and most of all… HAVE FUN!


Mr D

Chimps, cheese puffs, caterpillars and crash-landings...


New Arithmetic Challenge for Chimps!


Log on to ‘Hit the Button’ again,


and this time play ‘Number Bonds’‘Subtraction within 20’.


Screenshot your best score and time, and email it to me.  I will let you know the winners next week!  Good Luck!

And don't forget FAST FIVE Arithmetic Practise!

Guess what happened at school today ...

Still image for this video


New Arithmetic Challenge for Chimps!


This week, log on to ‘Hit the Button’,


and play ‘Number Bonds’‘Addition within 20’.


Screenshot your best score and time, and email it to me.  I will let you know the winners on Friday!  Good Luck!

'Fast Five' Arithmetic Practise!

Hi Chimps!


I hope you are all well. It was great to speak to some of you last week – I will be trying to catch up with those of you I missed later this week!


Please, please PLEASE log on to TT Rockstars and try to score some points in this week’s battle with Koalas!  They have won every week so far - I can't bear it!


Remember to email and let us know how you are getting on, and send photos and videos for me to share with your friends on our Class Page.


We look forward to hearing from you!


Take care,


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox

This might be useful for maths today!



Ooops! Missing Maths...

Year 2 Distance Learning

Monday 8th June 2020


This week we are going to be writing a diary entry – a bit like Samuel Pepys! First, watch Cressida Cowell read her story again.

Emily and Stanley have to go on three adventures to help the Thing. Today, you can choose your favourite journey, and write your own sentences to describe what happened.  You can magpie ideas from Cressida Cowell’s text – but you can add extra details yourself as well!  Write one, two or three sentences for your chosen picture – depending on how creative you feel!

The Dark, Scary Wood

The Wild and Whirling Wastes

The Whiny Witches Caverns

Try to make your sentences as descriptive as possible by using a variety of adjectives


Feeling a little bit scared, Emily Brown and Stanley climbed down the steep, slippery rocks into the narrow, black caves…


(For a bit of fun, you could even illustrate your sentences in the style of Neal Layton – we would love to see your pictures!)


Maths – 2D Shape

This week we will be revising everything we know about 2D shapes! Then next week we will continue the learning with 3D shapes. Have a look through the video clips on the link below and have a go at the quiz! Let’s see how much you remember about 2D shapes!

After that there are a set of sheets to complete! Can you solve the challenge question? No peeking at the answers, and remember to self-mark J


History – Great Fire of London

When the fire broke out in London many people tried to save as many possessions as they could! Samuel Pepys saved his cheese and wine!! (If a fire happened today we wouldn’t stop to collect our things, we would leave the building quickly and safely!)


What possessions would you save if you were at Pudding Lane the night of the fire? Choose 6 things and tell me why you would save them, you could even draw a picture of the item as well!



Missing Link!


Hi Chimps!


Welcome back to Home School! I hope you all managed to enjoy the sunny weather over half term – and that you are all safe and well.


Miss Allen and I are joining forces from today, in a brand new Y2 ‘Bubble’.  We will be planning and teaching together – with help from Miss Nicholls – and I am hoping Miss Allen will be able to show me how to get back on track with Danny, the Champion of the World, AND how to finally get us up and running on Spelling Shed!


I have uploaded everything you will need for the coming week – if you aren’t sure about anything, please email me, and I will reply as soon as I can! There is a PowerPoint called ‘Fast Five’ uploaded too; this is for you to try every day - as fast as you can! Five Fiendishly Frustrating questions – how long will they take you?


Miss Allen has also set up another tournament against Koalas on TTRS – they just beat us last time, so we need to make sure we win this one!


Looking forward to seeing what you have been up to, and to learning together this week – even if we can’t meet up all together yet.


Stay Alert!


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox


PS Apologies if you were waiting for the Half Term Quiz.  I am still compiling questions – so it’s not too late to send yours in!  Ten questions – any subject!


Mr D

Dear Chimps,


I woke up this morning to find this in my Inbox!  It was a lovely surprise and really made me smile – thank you so much!


This year has been a challenging year for Chimps – in lots of ways.  You have had to move up to a new class; get to grips with lots of new and different work; have had to say goodbye to two brilliant teachers – as well as some of your friends.  And just as you were getting used to a whole new set of routines, you were suddenly asked to stay at home to help the whole country protect the NHS and save lives.


But you have responded wonderfully – always ready to join in; to welcome new friends into your class; and to meet every challenge with determination and good humour.


I feel very proud and fortunate to have joined you in your adventure


We will see each other again soon.


God Bless you all.


Mr Dickinson


PS I am NOT bald!

Year 2 Distance Learning

Friday 22nd May


Task 1 – English

Read through this explanation text again:


Why is the rainbow an important image?

How do you feel when you see a rainbow? Maybe you marvel at the colours. Perhaps you wonder what’s at the end of the rainbow.

Rainbows have been important to people from the beginning of time. Read on to find out why.

Some people believe that the first time a rainbow was seen was by Noah.

In the bible story of Noah’s Ark, a rainbow appeared which showed that the sun was coming out and the terrible storm was over. The rainbow was a sign of hope.

In addition, rainbows are part of the myths of many cultures around the world.


In Norse mythology, there is a rainbow bridge that reaches between Earth and the realm of the Gods. Rainbows were bridges in the ancient beliefs of Japan and Gabon, too. Therefore, the rainbow was seen as important to human happiness.


There is also a famous Irish legend about a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow that is guarded by a leprechaun. As the pot of gold has never been found, there is the hope that it will be … one day!




In South Africa, the rainbow was used as a symbol of hope and peace after a long period of white and black people being separated by their skin colour ended.

To encourage everyone to come together, no matter where they were from or what colour their skin was, famous religious leader Archbishop Desmond Tutu called South Africa a ‘rainbow nation’.

The South African flag has six colours which is believed to be linked to the ‘rainbow nation’ idea. Today, all over the world, the rainbow is a symbol of hope and peace. It is believed that the spectrum of colours represents difference and the beauty of everyone being different to one another.


Celebrating and enjoying difference leads to peace (no arguments or wars). The rainbow appearing in the sky is a sign that the storm is over which is why people see the rainbow as a sign of hope: hope for a sunny day and better things to happen in our world.

(Apologies for Miss Cox’s artwork!)

Task 2 – Maths


I can’t believe the weather will have stayed fine all week… So some indoor challenges for the whole family from BBC Bitesize today!

(And if you believe that, you’ll believe anything…)

Task 3 – Art


As I drive to school, I see lots of rainbows displayed in homes, shops, churches – and even chalked on walls and pavements.  Now that you know all about rainbows, maybe you would like to make something new.  Who knows, maybe I‘ll see it as I drive past!


(The last idea is for one Chimp in particular – you know who you are!)

Hi Chimps!


Hope you enjoyed the sunny weather yesterday – and are not suffering with sunburn today!


Have fun with the Tasks today – I have included some Outdoor Maths that should help you warm up to take on the Koalas on TT Rockstars!


Also, please do watch the clips about Rosa Parks, if you have time – and ask your parents to watch with you.  Her story is a reminder of why our school values are so important – and don’t forget, even when you are working from home, you are still a part of our school.  We are all equally important, and we are better together.


Keep sending your explanations and Quiz questions in – Mrs D has already been very impressed by your writing!


Take care today; be kind to each other – and… STAY ALERT!


Mr Dickinson

Better together...

Year 2 Distance Learning

Thursday 21st May


Task 1 – English

How did you get on with your own explanation yesterday?  I have already learned all about tropical fish; a local football team; tigers and tyrannosaurs!  Start today with this word challenge (Mrs Dickinson managed to find eight – I found ten!)

Why is the rainbow an important image?

How do you feel when you see a rainbow? Maybe you marvel at the colours. Perhaps you wonder what’s at the end of the rainbow.

Rainbows have been important to people from the beginning of time. Read on to find out why.

Some people believe that the first time a rainbow was seen was by Noah.

In the bible story of Noah’s Ark, a rainbow appeared which showed that the sun was coming out and the terrible storm was over. The rainbow was a sign of hope.

In addition, rainbows are part of the myths of many cultures around the world.

In Norse mythology, there is a rainbow bridge that reaches between Earth and the realm of the Gods. Rainbows were bridges in the ancient beliefs of Japan and Gabon, too. Therefore, the rainbow was seen as important to human happiness.

There is also a famous Irish legend about a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow that is guarded by a leprechaun. As the pot of gold has never been found, there is the hope that it will be … one day!


In South Africa, the rainbow was used as a symbol of hope and peace after a long period of white and black people being separated by their skin colour ended.

To encourage everyone to come together, no matter where they were from or what colour their skin was, famous religious leader Archbishop Desmond Tutu called South Africa a ‘rainbow nation’.

The South African flag has six colours, which is believed to be linked to the ‘rainbow nation’ idea. Today, all over the world, the rainbow is a symbol of hope and peace. It is believed that the spectrum of colours represents difference and the beauty of everyone being different to one another.

Celebrating and enjoying difference leads to peace (no arguments or wars). The rainbow appearing in the sky is a sign that the storm is over which is why people see the rainbow as a sign of hope: hope for a sunny day and better things to happen in our world.

Task 2 – Maths


Outdoor Maths


Watch this clip:


These clips show the relationship between addition and multiplication…

And if you can’t get out…

Task 3 – History


A break from Habitats today…

I was reading about South Africa, Desmond Tutu and the Rainbow Nation, and it reminded me about this famous person.  Watch the clips and learn something about this extraordinary woman – and the extraordinary times she lived in…

Hi Chimps!


Enjoy the sunny weather today - and don't forget to send us your Quiz questions and take on Koalas on TT Rockstars!


Take care,


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox

Year 2 Distance Learning

Wednesday 20th May


Task 1 – English

Read through the ‘Rainbows’ explanation text again, and look back over the plan you made yesterday for your own explanation text.  Today you are going to have a go at writing your first draft.

To save paper, if you have access to a PC, laptop or tablet, you could type out your explanation text and email it to us – we are hoping to learn lots of new things!

Task 2 – Maths


Outdoor Maths


Watch this clip:


Can you remember how we used a ‘tally’ to collect data?  If the weather is fine, and you can persuade an adult to take you for a walk, see how many different natural objects you can find.  Choose three or four different things – dandelion, butterfly etc. then use a tally to record what you see.

And if you can’t get out…

Task 3 – Geography




How do you think different animals are suited to their habitats?  What happens to the animals if their habitat disappears?  Watch the PowerPoint, and then see if you can sort the animals into ‘living’ and ‘extinct’.

Hi Chimps!


Good work yesterday - especially hunting for minibeasts! Today promises to be warm and sunny as well, so enjoy yourself outdoors if you can!


If you need to get out of the sun for a while, Miss Allen has challenged Chimps to a TT Rockstars competition!  See if you can log on and help our class to win!


Also, one of the Chimps has come up with a great idea for a Class Quiz!  Can you think of 10 questions about a subject you are interested in? Send them to me, and I will put them together and email them out to you for Half Term!


Have a great day today - do something kind for someone in your family; take care; and... STAY ALERT!


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox

Tuesday 19th May


Task 1 – English

Read through the ‘Rainbows’ explanation text again.  Did you notice the Glossary?  Do you remember writing a Glossary for your Explanation texts about Owls and Foxes?


Glossary (what the words mean)

arc A part of a line that forms the outside of a circle.


light source The place or thing which you get light from.


horizon The line in the far distance where the sky seems to meet the land or the sea.


spectrum The range of different colours that you get when light passes through a glass prism or through a drop of water.

My son used to love building with Lego – and I know some of you do too!  He has been spending the time we have been stuck at home rebuilding some of his favourite Lego Star Wars models!  He is having a go at writing an explanation text about Lego – what will you choose?

Task 2 – Maths


Outdoor Maths


Have a go at this task – inspired by some of the work done by Chimps already.  Ask someone to take a photograph to share on the Class Page…

And if it rains…

Task 3 – Geography




Jungles and rainforests are very different habitats for plants and animals.  See if you can have a go at the ‘Through the Binoculars’ game on the PowerPoint – identify as many animals as you can!

Hi Chimps!


Welcome back to another week at Home School!


I hope you are all well and raring to go with another fun-filled week of tasks to keep your new teachers on their toes!  It is looking likely that we will be stuck at home for a while, so the daily tasks are a good way to keep your brains active.


There are non-fiction texts to read this week, but don’t forget to let me know what other books and stories you are enjoying at home, as well.


This week’s English tasks are based on one of my favourite images from the Home page of our school website; I have found some fun maths tasks that will hopefully get you out and about during the promised fine weather(!); in Science and Geography, we will begin looking at different animal habitats and environments; and in History, you will have the chance to find out about one of the most amazing people of the 20th century…


Don’t forget to join in with Joe each morning (But don’t be too hard on your teachers if they struggle to keep up!); try out the new, improved Chimps TT Rockstars page:


and challenge your teachers on:


I am going to be learning more about Science this week, as well as how to make learning ‘stick’ in the classroom (And also trying to sort out missing log-ins for and hopefully uploading the next episodes of Danny, The Champion of the World!).  Please ask your teachers to email if they need anything – or if there is anything I have forgotten!


Social distancing means it is hard to arrange for them to pick up resources from school, but don’t forget, if you have access to a PC, laptop or tablet, you can complete tasks electronically and email them straight to me if you are running out of paper and printer ink!  I have tried to make this week as ‘paper-free’ as possible!


Have a great week, and keep sending the work and photos – I have lots to upload onto our class page from last week already!

Take care; be kind to your teachers and fellow pupils at home (!); and ‘Stay Alert’!


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox

Year 2 Distance Learning

Monday 18th May


Task 1 – English


Last week you had a go at writing your own riddles.  Can you guess this one?

Yes, it’s a rainbow!  This week’s English tasks from ©, are based on these beautiful optical illusions; reminders of God’s Promise to Noah; or perhaps mysterious signposts to faerie gold!

Now read this text:


A rainbow is an arc of colour in the sky that can be seen when the sun comes out during or after a rainstorm.

How a rainbow is formed?

A rainbow is formed when a person sees the sun or a light source shining through rain drops.

The colours of a rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

What are rainbows?

A rainbow is an optical illusion which means that it tricks your eyes so that what you think you see is different from what is really there.


Rainbows are not in a fixed spot in the sky as the appearance of a rainbow depends on where the person seeing it is and where the light is.

Rainbows are actually full circles, but viewers on the ground can  only see them above the horizon.


Fascinating Fact!

A ‘moonbow’ (Also called a lunar rainbow) is a rainbow that is produced by light from the moon!



Glossary (what the words mean)

arc A part of a line that forms the outside of a circle.

light source The place or thing which you get light from.

horizon The line in the far distance where the sky seems to meet the land or the sea.

spectrum The range of different colours that you get when light passes through a glass prism or through a drop of water.


Task 2 - Mathematics


Outdoor Maths!


With the weather promising to be fine, this week’s maths tasks from are based outside…

But if you can’t get out today, have a look at these photographs:

Task 3 – Geography




And whilst you’re outside…

This week, we are going to have a closer look at Habitats.  Start by seeing what you can find in your garden – or out on a walk with your family!

When you get back inside (And for those not so keen on creepy-crawlies!), see if you can label these minibeasts and match them to their habitats.

Hi Chimps!


Hope you are all OK – I can hardly walk this morning, after being put through a hardcore Joe Wick’s workout by some of the children who were in school yesterday – you know who you are!


Well done to any of you who managed to make a successful ‘Magic Spinner’ yesterday – it wasn’t as easy as it looked was it!


Enjoy today’s tasks – science should be a bit easier! – and have a great day!


Take care; look after each other; and ‘Stay Alert’!


Mr Dickinson

Thursday 14th May

Task 1 – English

Book Review

I have included a book review template for you to fill in about The Elves and The Shoemaker. Remember to read through the story so that you can remember what happened.

Hint – The author was Emma Caulfield.

The Elves

and the



Once upon a very long time ago, there lived a kind-hearted shoemaker and his wife. Unfortunately, the couple had become so poor that at last they had nothing left but the leather to make one pair of shoes. One night, after a supper of bread and jam, the shoemaker shuffled to his workshop with his head hung down and his shoulders hunched.


As he cut out the shoes from the last piece of leather, his wife appeared,

“Try not to worry. Everything will soon be all right. Leave that tonight. You can finish the shoes tomorrow,” she said softly.

Little did they know but three little elves, Clary, Pepper and Jas, heard the shoemaker’s wife.


They felt sorry for the kind man and decided to help. Working through the night, they cut, sewed and decorated until they had made a beautiful pair of shoes! In the morning, the shoemaker and his wife were amazed to see the delightful, little shoes on the workbench.

“Where have these come from? Who made them?” they wondered.

Soon, a merchant saw the shoes in the shop window and bought them immediately. He was so impressed by the shoes that he gave the shoemaker enough money to buy leather for two pairs of shoes!


That night, too, the shoemaker cut out the shoes and left them on the workbench. Again, the three little elves returned. Working through the night, they cut, sewed and decorated until they had made two beautiful pairs of shoes! This continued for many more nights, until the shoemaker and his wife were no longer poor.


One night, the couple decided that they wanted to know who was making the shoes so that they could thank them for their kindness. After a hearty supper, they laid out the leather, hid in the workshop and waited to see who their helpers were.


Clary, Pepper and Jas crept into the workshop and by the light of the moon, cut, sewed and decorated until they had made several beautiful pairs of shoes!

“How lucky we are! We must return their kindness!” declared the shoemaker’s wife.

“Their clothes are ragged and torn. Let’s make them some new clothes,” the shoemaker suggested.


So, all day, they cut, sewed and decorated until they had made three teeny hats, three perfectly miniature suits and three tiny pairs of charming shoes. That night they left them on the workbench for the generous elves.


By the light of the moon, Clary, Pepper and Jas danced a jig of happiness on the workbench. Dressed in their brand-new hats, suits and shoes they left the shoemaker’s workshop, not ever to return. The shoemaker and his wife lived happily ever after, never forgetting the three little elves who helped them in their time of need.

Task 2 – Maths


Have a go at the questions on the sheet attached. Remember when you divide you can either use your times tables to help you, or draw your sharing circles!

Task 3 – Science

Number 4- Hands up!

Most people think they have control over what their arms do, but sometimes, that’s just not so!

You will need:

A doorway

Your arms


What to do:

  1. Stand in the door frame.
  2. Hold your arms by your sides with the palms facing towards you. Raise them until they touch the door frame.
  3. Push out with your arms against the door frame for about one minute.
  4. Put your arms back to your sides, step out of the door frame and relax.
  5. Your arms should magically rise into the air!

Chimps struggle to find anything to do whilst stuck at home...

Chimps struggle to find anything to do whilst stuck at home...

Wednesday 13th May


Task 1 – English


Jas loves riddles. Do you know what a riddle is? See if you can work out what one is by reading this riddle by Pie Corbett:

Can you make up your own riddle about an animal?


What to do: « Choose your animal « Write a list of things you know about the animal « Turn the list into a riddle like Pie Corbett has done in the example.




Here are some ideas to get you started:



Sharp teeth, long snout, swims fast, live in rivers or lakes, cold blooded, strong bite, scaly skin, webbed feet.


What am I? Fast-swimmer, Lake-liver. Long-snouter, Bite-giver.


Write a riddle to send to me and Miss Cox, and see if we can guess what animal you are describing!

Task 2 – Maths




Watch the video and do the quiz.


Then, complete the Telling the Time sheet below…


Task 3 – Science


Number 3 – The Vanishing Rainbow!


Can you make something colourful just disappear before your very eyes? Let’s find out!


What you need:


Some white card or cardboard

A cup




Felt pens or crayons in 6 different colours


Something to make holes in the cardboard


What to do:

  1. Draw around the cup onto the card to make a circle, and then cut it out.
  2. Use the pencil and ruler to divide the circle into six equal sections (like a pizza).
  3. Colour each section a different colour.
  4. Poke two holes just either side of the middle of the circle.
  5. Cut two pieces of string about 60cm long and thread one through each hole.
  6. Tie them off at the ends.
  7. Hold both ends of the string, whirl the wheel forwards in a circle so the two bits of string wind and twist around each other.
  8. Spin the wheel really fast my pulling your hands apart to let the string unwind around itself again. The colours will vanish!


(The video above will help!)

A tribute to 1980s synth pop!

Still image for this video
Try and listen to this without getting up to dance - I challenge you!

Hi Chimps!


Hope you are all OK, and have joined in with Joe this morning!  It was great to speak to some of you yesterday – and I hope to catch up with the rest of you soon!


Sorry the tasks for today were late, but they are good ones!  Miss Allen has found a great paper aeroplane investigation, and I am really looking forward to reading your Elf stories!


Don’t forget, if you are running out of paper (and printer ink!), you can always type your work and email it to me!


Please apologise to you parents for me (You can tell them it was Miss Cox’s mistake!), and tell them I will upload the rest of the work for this week, in case I go out for an early walk and forget again!


Have a great day; be kind to your family – and ‘Stay Alert’!


Mr D


PS Have a go on TT Rockstars, if you get a chance.  I have added a new schedule, and activated ‘AutoTrain’ – let me know if it works!

Tuesday 12th May


Task 1 – English


 Clary, Pepper and Jas have lots of elf friends who like to help people too: Jolly and Merry help Father Christmas, and Cupcake and Cookie help Mr & Mrs Pie in their bakery.


 Can you make up a story about some elves that help people?


 A) Decide who your characters are. Who needs help? What are the elves’ names?

 B) Where does your story take place?


Use the story mountain below to help you plan and write a short story.

Task 2 – Maths

Greater than or less than

Using the symbols < > and =, can you complete the sheet attached?

Remember the crocodile always eats the biggest number!

Task 3 – Science


Experiment Number 2

The Impossible Plane


Paper aeroplanes need to look sleek and aerodynamic to fly properly… don’t they? Apparently not!



You will need:

A plastic drinking straw or something similar

Some card




What to do:

  1. Cut the card into two strips about 2.5cm wide. One strip should be twice as long as the other.
  2. Bend the longer strip to form a circle and secure the ends with tape (make sure they overlap a little bit). Do the same with the shorter strip.
  3. Take the hoops to the straw like the diagram. The larger one goes at the back and the smaller one at the front. You’ll find that this bizarrely shaped plane will fly further than a traditional one! Test it out!


Monday 11th May


Task 1 – English


Hi Chimps!

This week we will carry on looking at the story of The Elves and the Shoemaker. So have another read through it to remind yourself of what happened. Clary, Pepper and Jas have been on lots of adventures. Can you write a postcard to Mr and Mrs. Cobbler, telling them what the elves have been up to?


(Miss Allen has found a template for you to use if you want to.)

The Elves

and the



Once upon a very long time ago, there lived a kind-hearted shoemaker and his wife. Unfortunately, the couple had become so poor that at last they had nothing left but the leather to make one pair of shoes. One night, after a supper of bread and jam, the shoemaker shuffled to his workshop with his head hung down and his shoulders hunched.


As he cut out the shoes from the last piece of leather, his wife appeared,

“Try not to worry. Everything will soon be all right. Leave that tonight. You can finish the shoes tomorrow,” she said softly.

Little did they know but three little elves, Clary, Pepper and Jas, heard the shoemaker’s wife.


They felt sorry for the kind man and decided to help. Working through the night, they cut, sewed and decorated until they had made a beautiful pair of shoes! In the morning, the shoemaker and his wife were amazed to see the delightful, little shoes on the workbench.

“Where have these come from? Who made them?” they wondered.

Soon, a merchant saw the shoes in the shop window and bought them immediately. He was so impressed by the shoes that he gave the shoemaker enough money to buy leather for two pairs of shoes!


That night, too, the shoemaker cut out the shoes and left them on the workbench. Again, the three little elves returned. Working through the night, they cut, sewed and decorated until they had made two beautiful pairs of shoes! This continued for many more nights, until the shoemaker and his wife were no longer poor.


One night, the couple decided that they wanted to know who was making the shoes so that they could thank them for their kindness. After a hearty supper, they laid out the leather, hid in the workshop and waited to see who their helpers were.


Clary, Pepper and Jas crept into the workshop and by the light of the moon, cut, sewed and decorated until they had made several beautiful pairs of shoes!

“How lucky we are! We must return their kindness!” declared the shoemaker’s wife.

“Their clothes are ragged and torn. Let’s make them some new clothes,” the shoemaker suggested.


So, all day, they cut, sewed and decorated until they had made three teeny hats, three perfectly miniature suits and three tiny pairs of charming shoes. That night they left them on the workbench for the generous elves.


By the light of the moon, Clary, Pepper and Jas danced a jig of happiness on the workbench. Dressed in their brand-new hats, suits and shoes they left the shoemaker’s workshop, not ever to return. The shoemaker and his wife lived happily ever after, never forgetting the three little elves who helped them in their time of need.

Task 2 – Maths




This week we will be looking back on our learning about lots of different topics. Today’s topic is shape.

Start by having a competition with someone at home! Who can name the most 2D and 3D shapes?

Watch the 2D and 3D shapes videos and then complete the sheet attached.

Task 3 – Science


Miss Allen must have been feeling very scientific this week – she has set you some crazy science experiments that you can do at home! Take some photos of them and let us know what you find out!


Experiment 1 – Salt be gone!

In this simple experiment, you will find out how to remove salt from salt water without even touching it! Follow the instructions to find out how!

You will need:


Three cups of water

A small bowl

A larger bowl (about three times the size)

Cling film

A small stone

1 and ½ tablespoons of salt


What to do:

  1. Pour 3 cups of water into the larger bowl and stir in the salt.
  2. Place the empty small bowl into the larger bowl (float it on the top) Don’t let any of the salt water get in to the small bowl!
  3. Cover the larger bowl with cling film, sealing it all tightly round the edges.
  4. Lay the stone in the centre of the cling film so that its weight pushes the film down a bit towards the small empty bowl.
  5. Carefully put the whole thing out into the sunshine and wait an hour or so.
  6. Fresh water will collect under the cling film and drip into the small bowl! Taste it and see! Did you manage to get rid of the salt water?!

Year Hom Learning


Morning Chimps!


It's a Bank Holiday today, so don't work too hard(!), but here are some ideas to stop you from getting bored!


Whatever you do today, have fun; stay home; and stay safe!


Hope to see you all soon,


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox

Friday 8th May


Task 1 - English


The Elves and the Shoemaker

We are at the end of this week’s English tasks. Have another read through the story of The Elves and the Shoemaker.


The elves need some new clothes! Could you design three new hats, suits and pairs of shoes for the Elves?

Task 2- Maths


Watch the videos and have a go at the quiz!


Then complete the clockwise and anti-clockwise sheet!

Task 3 – VE Day


Today is Victory in Europe Day.  It is 75 years since the Allies defeated the Nazis to bring an end to World War II.


Ask your Mum or Dad to watch the PowerPoint with you, and see if you can answer the questions at the end.


Your main task for today is to celebrate VE Day! How you do it is up to you. You could have a tea party; make a Victory poster to put on display; learn how to dance the Lindy Hop swing; or even do some special VE Day baking! Show us what you decide! 


(Miss Allen has also found a picture to colour, and a word search.)

Hi Chimps! 


Well, it's nearly the end of another Wonderfully Weird Week of Working from home!


Thank you for sending in all your photos, completed tasks, videos and messages - it's lovely to see what you have been doing, and they keep us cheerful!  Keep checking our Class Page for YOUR photos on the next Chimps Gallery!


Hope to see you all soon,


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox



PS Bookman has a new Spring Reading Challenge for you to try!

Thursday 7th May


Task 1 - English


The Elves and the Shoemaker


Today, Jas wants to sort the words out into the job each one does in a sentence. Can you help?!




Can you spot five more verbs, adjectives or nouns in the story and add them to the table?


(Remember to keep going over the story to help you remember and learn it – can you come up with your own actions to help retell the story, like we do at school?!)

Task 2 - Maths


Position and Direction


Well done to everyone who has persevered with this week’s maths – we know it has been tricky!


So, today, Miss Allen has found a ‘Where’s Wally’ game for you to play - as a reward for all your hard work!


Follow the instructions below to add new items to the grid. Once you have done that, try and give someone else instructions to find all the new items.


(Don’t forget, you can also go back to the Addition and Subtraction Revision Workbook and practise some more.  Choose where you would like to start, and see how far you get – and remember Miss Scane’s Secret Y6 Methods!)

Follow these instructions to draw new objects on the grid.



1. Start at Odlaw’s binoculars, make a quarter turn right, go forward one square, make a quarter turn right, go forward two squares. Now draw a walking stick.


2. Start at Woof’s bone, make a quarter turn left, go forward 3 squares, make a quarter turn left, go forward 3 squares, make a quarter turn left, go forward one square. Now draw a pair of glasses.


3. Start at Wally’s hat, make a half turn right, go forward 5 squares, make a quarter turn left, go forward 3 squares, make a quarter turn left, go forward one square. Now draw another bone for Woof.


Once you have drawn all the new objects, see if you can direct someone to them!

Task 3 – C4L


We all know that Miss Allen is always telling people how Amazing her Koalas are! But now it’s your turn to tell me and Miss Cox why YOU are Amazing!


Have a look at the balloon sheet and finish the sentences. You can colour in the balloons after, to make it look AMAZING!

The Elves

and the



Once upon a very long time ago, there lived a kind-hearted shoemaker and his wife. Unfortunately, the couple had become so poor that at last they had nothing left but the leather to make one pair of shoes. One night, after a supper of bread and jam, the shoemaker shuffled to his workshop with his head hung down and his shoulders hunched.


As he cut out the shoes from the last piece of leather, his wife appeared,


“Try not to worry. Everything will soon be all right. Leave that tonight. You can finish the shoes tomorrow,” she said softly.


Little did they know but three little elves, Clary, Pepper and Jas, heard the shoemaker’s wife.


They felt sorry for the kind man and decided to help. Working through the night, they cut, sewed and decorated until they had made a beautiful pair of shoes! In the morning, the shoemaker and his wife were amazed to see the delightful, little shoes on the workbench.


“Where have these come from? Who made them?” they wondered.


Soon, a merchant saw the shoes in the shop window and bought them immediately. He was so impressed by the shoes that he gave the shoemaker enough money to buy leather for two pairs of shoes!


That night, too, the shoemaker cut out the shoes and left them on the workbench. Again, the three little elves returned. Working through the night, they cut, sewed and decorated until they had made two beautiful pairs of shoes! This continued for many more nights, until the shoemaker and his wife were no longer poor.


One night, the couple decided that they wanted to know who was making the shoes so that they could thank them for their kindness. After a hearty supper, they laid out the leather, hid in the workshop and waited to see who their helpers were.


Clary, Pepper and Jas crept into the workshop and by the light of the moon, cut, sewed and decorated until they had made several beautiful pairs of shoes!


“How lucky we are! We must return their kindness!” declared the shoemaker’s wife.


“Their clothes are ragged and torn. Let’s make them some new clothes,” the shoemaker suggested.


So, all day, they cut, sewed and decorated until they had made three teeny hats, three perfectly miniature suits and three tiny pairs of charming shoes. That night they left them on the workbench for the generous elves.


By the light of the moon, Clary, Pepper and Jas danced a jig of happiness on the workbench. Dressed in their brand-new hats, suits and shoes they left the shoemaker’s workshop, not ever to return. The shoemaker and his wife lived happily ever after, never forgetting the three little elves who helped them in their time of need.

Wednesday 6th May 2020


Task 1 - English


The Elves and the Shoemaker

Jas really likes playing - especially with words! You can join in by sorting out these words from the story! First, see if you can spot and highlight each word in the story, then match the word to the definition. Miss Allen has done the first one for you.



Write your own sentence for each word - you could even try to make up your own story!

Task 2 - Maths


Directions and Turns

Watch this YouTube video lesson on describing turns. Then have a go at completing the tasks set.

Task 3 – Daily Wellness Journal


Well done to those of you that are filling these in, or just stopping for a moment to think about how fortunate we are – despite everything.  Although life is very different at the moment, it really does help to try and stay positive!

Tuesday 5th May

Task 1 - English

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Read through the story again to help you remember it! Maybe you could do a story S, or some actions to help you. Once you have, Pepper has got some more questions that need answering! Have a go at those!

Can you describe the 3 elves?




One night the shoemaker and his wife ate a hearty supper. What do you think they ate?




We elves are very good at making things. What are you good at?




At the beginning of the story, why was the shoemaker poor?

Task 2 - Maths

Repeating patterns


Following on from yesterday’s topic of repeating patterns, can you create your own? Maybe you could test someone at home and see if they can spot your pattern. You could use pen and paper, some toys, paints, chalks, or anything! Be as creative as you want!

Task 3 – Wellness Journal


Although life is very different at the moment, we all need to stay positive! So, this week we are going to be filling in a Wellness Journal, so that we can feel positive about ourselves and the good things we still have in our lives! Yesterday, I read some lovely Journals, and it is clear that some of you have thought really carefully about what you value.

Monday 4th May


Task 1 - English


The Elves and the Shoemaker


Miss Allen has found a story for you to read with someone at home - or you can listen to it being read on the link below. Once you have read the story, respond by having a go at answering the questions!

Task 2 - Maths


Repeating Patterns

Have a go at completing level 3 of this game!


Once complete, try the Y2 Repeating Patterns activity - remember to be as neat and precise as you can! 

Task 3 – Wellness Journal


Although life is very different at the moment - and sometimes difficult, we all need to stay as positive as possible! So, this week we are going to be filling in a ‘Wellness Journal’, to help us feel positive about ourselves - and remind us about the good things we have in our lives! I can’t wait to read them!

Friday 1st May

Task 1 – Narrative: Myths

Read the final part of the story of Pandora’s Box.  Now draw and describe, ‘the evil and spite, the sadness and misery’ that flew out of the box – what sort of names would they have? Selfishness? Thoughtlessness? Unkindness?


Selfishness was the first evil to fly out of the box. She was purple and prickly, with long, white fangs and small wings which fluttered so fast they were just a blur.



Task 2 – Addition and subtraction

I have attached a Home Learning Workbook for you to look at today.  Ask an adult to help you find the page you would like to start from – it covers nearly all the work we have done so far this year – then do as much or as little as you want!  Let me know what you chose to try, and how you got on.  The most important thing is that you try and challenge yourself!



Task 3 - Geography

We will be learning about using maps in Geography this term.  See if you can plan a journey around the UK to visit some interesting places – using as many different forms of transport as you can.  Use the map to show your route and the places you would like to visit – and describe your journey!


You might want to choose some modes of transport that we no longer use!  But be careful; you can’t cross the Irish Sea in a steam train, and it would be hard to pedal a penny farthing all the way to Edinburgh!

Thursday 30th April


Task 1 – Narrative: Myths


Read the next part of the story of Pandora’ Box, then draw what you think was inside the box.



You could write some sentences to describe what was in the box.  Use precise adjectives – and try out some alliteration!


Task 2 – Volume and Capacity


More measuring jugs, I’m afraid!  This time, you will have to look very carefully at the scale to work out the volume of water in each jug!



Task 3 - Transport


See if you can follow this link to learn something about trains. There is a lot of information to read – and a quiz to see what you managed to find out!


Then, have a think about how the first steam trains might have changed peoples’ lives in the early 1800s.

Morning Chimps!


More ideas for you to try out today - and a new story: Pandora's Box...


Have fun - and have a look at the photos to see if you can spot your work!


Mr D


Wednesday 29th April

Task 1

Last week, Miss Allen set you the challenge of writing a story about a mysterious key.  Similarly, the myth of Pandora’s Box tells the story of a magical box that is kept locked…

I have attached the first part of the story – read it carefully (there are some strange names, but don’t worry about that!), then draw what you think the box in the story might have looked like.



Find a small box and decorate it to look like the box in the story – you could undo a cardboard box and turn it inside out!


Task 2 – ‘more than’ and ‘less than’

I have attached another sheet in case you want some extra to do – but as always, no peeping at the answers!



Task 3 – History of Transport

Use you research from yesterday to help you complete the sentences in the attached activity.  See what you have remembered!

Hi Chimpanzees!


It's a miserable day outside, so a great chance to have a look at today's Tasks - or look back for something you haven't tried yet!


Looking forward to seeing how you get on - have a good day!


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox


Tuesday 28th April

Task 1


Great writers like Roald Dahl and Cressida Cowell think very carefully about the words they use.  We have discussed using alliteration to make something easier to remember, but can alliteration also help to make your writing more beautiful?

Watch the second clip on the link below (ignore the handwriting caterpillars – they don’t do cursive dives!), then try the activity – there is a short quiz as well!


BBC Bitesize Activities

Using alliteration in sentences

See if you can write some sentences using alliteration. Remember to use adjectives that describe things perfectly. Here is an example (alliteration shown in bold).


Beautiful butterflies glide gracefully in my gorgeous garden.


See how many you can write. Try to aim for at least three sentences!  Then check out your understanding of alliteration with the quiz (I’m not sure about ‘ginormous’, but anyway…).  You can do it online, or just use the screen shots.



Maybe you could turn some of your sentences into an Alliteration Poem. You could choose any subject to describe – perhaps your garden; your street; or even someone you know!


Task 2 – Volume and Capacity

Watch the clip below (I’m afraid it’s a ‘rubbish’ clip!), and then have a go at the activities to practise using the symbols for ‘more than’, ‘less than, and ‘equal to’.  I have attached another sheet in case you want some extra to do – but no peeping at the answers!



Task 3

I have attached a PowerPoint slideshow about the history of transport in the UK – see if you can open it, or ask an adult to help you research different modes of transport.  See if you can identify the different vehicles, and put them on a timeline.

Hi Chimps!


Hope you are all OK - and didn't sleep in and miss Joe Wicks, like me!  Here are some ideas for you to try out today - and don't forget to keep up with your reading; spellings; handwriting practise; times tables...


I am still having problems uploading the latest Episode of Danny, The Champion of the World(!), so if any of you would like to read a short extract from a book you are enjoying and send it in, I will try and put it up on the class page - you could even record a message for the rest of the class!


Anyway, have a great day; let me know what you get up to; and keep up the good work!


Mr Dickinson 



Monday 27th April

Task 1


We are going to be learning about the History of Transport this term.  To get started, you could find out a bit about the first men to travel to the moon! 


This was a huge event in 1969 – all over the world, people watched the events live on television!


Watch the videos on the link below, and have a go at the Activities – I have attached the Neil Armstrong Comprehension Task as well – so that you can test your knowledge!


BBC Bitesize Activities

Asking questions about the past

After you have watched the first clip, you could think of some questions you would like to ask about Neil Armstrong.  Write them down, then watch the second clip to see if you can answer any of your questions.




Maybe you would like to find out a bit more about the Apollo Lunar Missions? You could draw a picture of the Apollo 11 rocket or the landing module that were used to travel to the moon – or if you are feeling creative, you could make a model from anything you can find around the house!


Task 2 – Volume and Capacity


I have been impressed with all the work you have been doing on measuring the volume of liquids.  I have attached some measuring jugs for you to check how good you are at reading scales!  Read the volumes carefully – then see if you can remember how to add and subtract efficiently! (The answers are at the bottom – but no peeping!)


(Don’t forget, the best way to learn about measuring is to practice a recipe that you can make for your teacher when we get back to school!)


Task 3


We are also going to have a go at printmaking in Art this term.  Watch the clip below to learn a little bit about ‘Pointillism’ – and the artist Georges Seurat.


If you have any cotton buds and some paint, you could have a go at printing a Pointillist picture.  You could choose anything as your subject – it doesn’t have to be a robot!


You might also want to watch this clip – BUT DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME!

Hi Chimps!


Well, you've made it to the end of your first week back at Home School - I am sure lots of you will have earned 'Good to be Green's' and 'Silver Stars'!


Here are some tasks to get you started today - and don't forget to visit to practise your tables, whilst I try to fix our Times Table Rockstars Account over the weekend!


Ramadan Mubarak!


Mr Dickinson



Friday 24th April

Task 1

Animals and their habitats

Follow the link below and have a go at playing the game.

Can you find 3 animals that would live in each of these habitats?






As a challenge, can you tell me if they are herbivore, carnivores or omnivores?


Task 2

Follow a recipe and make something yummy! Practice weighing and measuring out the ingredients. Take some photos to show me what to make! 


Task 3

Easter reading comprehension – Sheet attached.

Morning Chimps!


Hope you are all well, and enjoying your first week back at Home School!  Miss Allen has some more great tasks for you to try out today, and I have also been impressed with all the extra work you have been doing as well - keep sending me your emails; I will get back to you! I am particularly looking forward to reading your 'Mysterious Key' stories when I get home tonight!


Have a great day - and don't work too hard!


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox


PS You could practise your weighing skills by measuring ingredients for a recipe!  Try your recipe out at home; then, when we are back at school, you will be able to make it and bring it to school for me to taste!


Mr D




Thursday 23rd April

Task 1

Food Chains

What is a food chain? Watch the video below to find out!

Pick your favourite animal and find out what it eats. Can you draw a food chain for your favourite animal?

Can you identify whether it is a herbivore, omnivore or carnivore?


Task 2

You will need some weighing scales.

Below is a sheet with some pictures of some items on. Can you weigh the items to see how much they weigh in grams and kilograms? Record the weight. You can find some of your own items to weigh as well!


Task 3

Look at the picture of the key. Write a short story about what this key does, where does it take you and make sure you describe what it looks like! Use your imagination! Use lots of adjectives.

The Mysterious Key

Wednesday 22nd April

Task 1 – Food chains

What do the words herbivore, omnivore and carnivore mean?

I have attached (below) some animal cards. Can you sort them into herbivores, omnivores and carnivores? Can you add any other animals?


Task 2

You will need a measuring jug and some water.

Practice measuring different volumes of water in your measuring jug e.g. 100ml, 200ml, 350ml.

Take some photos to show us what you did! 


Task 3

Have a go at using some of the music websites Miss Allen has included below (Incredibox is Miss Allen’s favourite!) Play the games and make some noise (Sorry everyone at home!)

You could record what you do, and send a video over!

Morning Chimps!


Thank you for all your emails!  Hope you are all well - I will get back to you later today.  Also, I'm sorry that there was no story yesterday - I am having some problems uploading the latest video clip!  I'll keep trying!


Have fun with these tasks today!


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox


Tuesday 21st April


Task 1


Science - The life cycle of a plant

Click on the link below and watch the videos about the life cycle of a plant. There is a quiz to complete as well!


When you have watched the clip, you should be able to draw a really detailed diagram of the life cycle of a plant - this time, write a sentence about each stage? Try and write like a scientist! 


Task 2



Find sheet attached (Hopefully!) 


Task 3



Statement – Tell the reader a fact.

Question – To ask the reader something.

Command – Tell the reader to do something.

Exclamation – To show the reader surprise, pain or to get attention.

Can you write 3 of each of the sentence types shown above?

Shadow Art!




Hi Chimps!


Hope you had a good holiday - and managed to enjoy some of the good weather, even though we were stuck at home.  Back to work this week!  Miss Allen has come up with some great ideas for you to try out today - and I will be reading some more of Danny, The Champion of the World when I get home this evening!


Don't forget to keep sending your photos and videos - we love to see what you have been doing!


Have a great day!


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox



Monday 20th April 2020

Task 1


Create a list of things that you need to grow. Why do you need these things?

Now think about a plant, what do they need to grow?

Watch the videos on the link below and have a go at the quiz:


Can you create a poster explaining what a plant needs to grow? Make sure it’s neat and colourful so that we can put them up on our class page!


Task 2 – Capacity

Find a big container and a small container in your house. Fill the smaller container with water and pour it into the larger container. Find out how many times you need to do this to fill up the larger container. Take some photos or draw a picture!

It takes _______ of the small container to fill up the big container.


Task 3

If the weather is nice (if not, save this for a sunny day!) You will need some small toys, paper and a pencil. Use the shadow of your toys to draw around them! Have a look at the photo to help you! 





A little something extra …

If you have any or are able to get any seeds e.g. cress seeds, have a go at growing your own! But Miss Allen has a challenge for you. Put one pot in the light and put another pot in the dark. Water them for a week and see what happens to them. What happened to the seeds that were in the dark, and what happened to the seeds that were in the dark? Take notes all week! We can’t wait to see what you find out!

Hi Chimps!


Bookman now has his own page, which you can find by clicking on this link:


He has also recorded a special message for you: 


Keep reading - and remember:


Bookman is watching!

Holiday Homework! Can you tell a joke as funny as this - it even made Mrs D laugh!

Still image for this video

Chimps Reading at Home Challenge #4: Dinosaur Facts!

Still image for this video

Chimps Working From Home, Week Two! Another busy week!

April Fools! Thank you for being such good sports!

Sorry everyone - I couldn't resist! Happy April Fools Day!

Morning Chimps!

Wednesday 1st April

Distance Learning

Task 1

Today, children all around the country will be taking part in




The 2020

Big British Balance



You can join in too! But you will need an adult to help you. At 11 o’clock you will need to go outside, close to a window. Balance on one leg, with both your arms outstretched.  Close your eyes and count to 10. Ask an adult to photograph what happens next, and email your photos to me before 12pm to pass on to the National Science Museum.

Task 2

As your new schools break up for Easter, try these fun craft ideas.


Fold-up Paper chicks

Easter Egg Mindfulness Colouring









Have a great Easter – and see you all in Virtual School after the holidays!

Tuesday 31st March

Distance Learning


Morning Chimps!


Today, you can choose to do some RE, writing, maths or Art!


Task 1

Watch the clip of the Easter story that Miss Allen has found (She is brilliant at this!).  Then, use the storyboard template (or your Learning Journal), and retell the story using pictures! Then, write some sentences as well to add more detail.


Task 2

Can you go on a material hunt around your house? I have attached a sheet to help you. Create a tally chart of the things you find made from that material! As a challenge for any 'Mathmagicians', can you also display your data on a pictogram?!


Task 3

Have a look out of your window. What can you see? Sketch a picture and show us!


We have also attached an arithmetic test for you to try. The answers are there as well so that you can check it yourself! Let us know your score!

Keep up the great work, and remember to send us in anything you do! We LOVE looking at your work!


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox


Monday 30th March

Distance Learning


Hi Chimps! I hope you had a good weekend – despite being stuck at home!


Here are some ideas for you to try out at home today:


Task 1

Pretend you are a journalist – Part 2! Use the answers to your interview questions to help write a biography about someone in your house for the first edition of the Jungle Telegraph!  I have found a template for you to ask some extra questions if you want to (And a checklist of biography features for your teacher!).


Task 2

Measuring length.  Find some objects around the house to measure to the nearest cm.  You can use a ruler if you have one at home – or ask your parents if you can borrow a tape measure!  Record the length and height of each object in your Learning Journal.


Task 3

Finally, in science we have been learning about animals and how they grow. But what about plants? Use the template to write some instructions for successfully growing seeds. Draw a diagram of the life cycle of a plant. You could even try growing a plant of your own!


As always, keep practising your times tables and spellings!

Most importantly, remember to read something you enjoy every day - I have attached this week's edition of First News, the children's newspaper for you to have a look at!


Take care, and don’t forget to send your articles for the Jungle Telegraph


Keep washing your hands!

Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox

Storytime - Danny, The Champion of the World Part 5

Chimps Reading at Home Challenge #3: Fantastic Mr Fox II

Still image for this video
The farmers lose their tempers...

Chimps Reading at Home Challenge #2: George's Marvellous Medicine

Still image for this video

Chimps Reading at Home Challenge #1: Fantastic Mr Fox

Still image for this video
Are you brave enough to try the Reading at Home Challenge?!

Chimps Working From Home, Week One! 'Homested' Overall Grade: Outstanding!

Friday 27th March

Distance Learning


Hi Chimps!


This is your last piece of learning for this week – so let’s make it the best so far! We are SO proud of all the work we have seen so far!


Thank you parents for all your hard work and support during this time.


Task 1

Pretend you are a journalist! Interview an adult or teenager in your house for a magazine article you are going to write about them. Use the attachment to ask them some questions and fill in the answers they give you.


Task 2

Addition and subtraction questions. Solve the list of questions Miss Allen has set for you. She has taken some photos of how we work them out in Y2 and how they work them out in Y3. Can you see the difference? (Remember, we have been practising this on Fridays with ‘Miss Scane’s Secret Methods’!) Have a go at the Y3 way! If you find it too tricky, stick to the way you prefer!


Task 3

Finally, Miss Cox was doing some writing earlier today, but she got in a muddle with her spelling! Can you read through her writing, and check it for her? You could rewrite the sentences for her with the correct spellings!


As always, keep practicing your times tables and spellings!

Most importantly, remember to read something you enjoy every day!


Take care, and have a great weekend! Keep us up to date with what you get up to!


Keep washing your hands!


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox

Yesterday's Answers...

Danny has a lucky escape...

Missing Plant Diagram!

Danny sets off for Hazell's Wood...

Morning Chimps!


Hope you are all OK. Here are the links you might want to use today - and the next instalment of Danny, The Champion of the World should be on the Video button on the HomePage!  You could send me a clip of you reading a book at home, and I will try and put it up for the rest of the class to see (Tell your parents it will have to be short, because I can only upload very small files!)


Have a great day, and keep up the great work!


Mr D

Thursday 26th March

Distance Learning


Task 1

Earlier this year, we were learning all about shape! We learnt all about 3D shapes e.g. cube, cuboid, sphere, prism and square based pyramids. Can you go round your house and see how many different 3D shapes you can find? Make a list or take some photos!


Task 2

Miss Allen found this map of the World – but all the labels are missing! Can you label the 7 continents and the 5 oceans?


(Miss Cockle told me these clips might help, if you get stuck!  Parental warning: you might not be able to get the tunes out of your head!)


Task 3

Pick 6 of your spelling words. Play the roll a word dice game (It is attached above!) Miss Allen says it’s great fun!


Usually on a Thursday afternoon you would be doing PE with Miss Cox. Instead, why don’t you do your own form of exercise? This could be with Joe Wicks, or you could take advantage of the sunny weather and do some exercise in your garden! Take a photo or video so we can see what you get up to!


As always keep reading and practice your times tables!  ( I am trying to figure out what I have done wrong on RockStars!  In the meantime, drive your parents, brothers and sisters mad with The Singing Walrus!  And maybe it is time to start keeping a diary about what you do every day – just like Samuel Pepys!


Keep washing your hands!


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox

The Rainbow - God's Promise


Wednesday 25th March

Distance Learning

Task 1

Attached is a picture of a circus. Can you write down as many adjectives as you can to describe the picture? As a challenge, can you put those words into sentences - and try to use commas in the right places to separate them? Think about what you might see, hear, feel, taste or smell at the circus.





Task 2

On another attachment, there is a blank template of a plant. Can you find out about the different parts of a plant, and label it?


Task 3

Work out how much change you would get from 50p if you paid the amounts below.


Change from 50p














As a challenge, see if you can work out the change from £1! – is there an easy way to do it?!




In school today, we created some rainbow mosaic pictures. Can you make your own rainbow? Be as creative as you can! Miss Allen has found a template to help you. Put your rainbow up somewhere in your house, maybe on a window to make someone smile when they see it.


I look forward to spotting them on my way home!

Morning Chimps!


Hope you are all well.  You can listen to the next part of Danny, The Champion of the World using the 'Video' button on the school website's Homepage.


Send me some photos of you reading at home today!


Keep washing your hands!


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox


Arithmetic Challenge!

Tuesday 24th March 2020

Distance Learning


Task 1

Write a food diary for today. Can you put everything you have eaten into the correct food group?

(Protein, dairy, carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, fats and sugars)


Task 2

Find a step by step animal drawing to follow – like the owl you drew with Miss Cox.  Miss Allen has found a link for how to draw unicorn, but you can find a different one if you would rather!


Task 3

Complete the arithmetic questions on the word document attached!



Continue reading a book of your choice. Remember to tell me what you have read.

Times Table Rockstars/Tae Kwon Do Tables

Spelling – Pick 6 words. Get an adult to quiz you! Maybe you could quiz THEM! As a challenge try to write each of the words in a sentence!


Miss Cox and I look forward to seeing your learning!


Answers Revealed!


I have lots of people emailing their work today and I am very impressed! Keep it up!

Here are the answers of our tasks today!  You can self-mark in a coloured pen or pencil.


1/2 of 40 = 20

34 + 22 = 56

71-13 = 58

A pentagon has 5 vertices

2/4 of 20 = 10 



5 minutes after

10 minutes after

15 minutes after



























Frog - Amphibian

Shark - Fish

Penguin- Bird

Horse- Mammal

Butterfly - Insect

Pig - Mammal

Lizard - Reptile

Snake - Reptile

Goldfish - Fish

Newt - Amphibian

Ant - Insect 

Chicken - Bird

Human - Mammal

Whale - Mammal


Hi Chimps!


Hope you are all OK, and managing to enjoy the lovely weather - despite being stuck at home!  I have already received some photos of you in your new 'classrooms' - don't forget, you can write to me and Miss Cox, and send your photos to


Keep washing your hands!


Mr Dickinson

Monday 23rd March 2020

Distance Learning


Good Morning Chimps! I hope you are all safe and well :) This is the first of your daily distance learning tasks. These are to be completed as well as the tasks set in your distance learning books. I will put three tasks up, and then reveal the answers later on in the day. You can email me your answers, or send me photos of what you have got up to! If you or anyone at home gets stuck remember you have my email address and I will reply as soon as I can!


Task 1


Read at least 4 pages of a book (read more if you want to!!) Tell me the title of the book, the author and what has happened so far! If it is a longer book, maybe you could predict what is going to happen next. 


Task 2


Start off by answering these 5 questions!

1/2 of 40 =
34 + 22 = 
71 - 13 = 
How many vertices does a pentagon have?
2/4 of 20 = 


Before we left school we were learning all about time. Can you tell me what the time would be 5, 10 and 15 minutes after the times below? 





10: 25



Task 3


Below are the names of some animals. Can you sort them into the correct group? maybe you could think of your own and add them to the correct group! (Fish, Bird, Reptile, Mammals, Amphibians and Insects). 


Frog Shark
Penguin Horse
Butterfly Pig
Lizard Snake
Goldfish Newt
Ant Chicken
Human Whale


Don't forget to practice your times tables and the year 2 spelling words! Pick 6 each week to focus on :) 


Take care!


Mr Dickinson and Miss Cox

Welcome to The Jungle!


Hi Chimps!


Welcome to our Class Page, where you will be able to keep in touch with me and Miss Cox whilst school is closed! 

23/01/2020 We thought about the importance of forgiveness in RE this week. We found out how forgiving someone can change a situation for the better.

08/01/20 In DT we sampled different fruits and vegetables for research into smoothies!

08/01/20 Today we created a text map and learned the story of Tuesday by heart.

07/01/2020 We had a mystery in class yesterday. Where did the water and lilypads come from?

Inspired by Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky, today we spent the morning developing our appreciation of colour and creating beautiful art.

We have begun learning our new model text: a recipe for a magic potion. To help us remember it, we came up with actions to match each sentence.

Today, we were fortunate enough to welcome poet Neal Zetter to our school as part of National Poetry Day 2019. We took part in a poetry slam competition, performing our poem to the whole school. Chimps Class won the competition, earning a poetry book that we will enjoy together. Well done, Chimps!

September is here, and Mrs Brough and I are delighted to welcome back are new class: Chimps! This promises to be a wonderful year full of exciting learning. 


During the first half term we will be learning about the following:


English - Story writing inspired by Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Book?


Maths - Place value and arithmetic


Science - Materials and their uses


History - Balloons, aeroplanes and rockets - the history of flight


...and so much more!
