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Experiences that enrich our curriculum

Our Intent:

At Eye Primary School we believe that educational visits offer a valuable opportunity to extend learning and enrich children’s understanding of themselves, others, and the world around them. Educational visits often provide the most enjoyable experiences and enduring memories from school days.

School trips:

To enhance the curriculum and enrich the children's learning experiences, we arrange trips to places of interest during each school year. Trips are organised to link with the topics studied by the children that term. Typical examples of school trips are: visits to museums and historical sites, visits to places of worship and visits to zoos/safari parks. 

In Y6, children are given the opportunity to go on a residential trip, where they experience a range of outdoor activities and build lasting memories together. Over the past few years, this has been to PGL Caythorpe in Lincolnshire.


The safety of pupils on school trips is, of course, paramount. The school subscribes to Evolve, an online system that helps us to assess and manage risks. If any aspect of the trip presents an unacceptable risk then it will not go ahead.  

We rely on voluntary contributions from parents to enable these trips to take place.  We do try to keep the cost of trips down and always consider value for money when selecting places of interest/learning to visit.  



Take a look at the gallery below to see some of the places we have been so far this year:

We regularly enjoy visitors in school. These may be people working within the community, such as police officers, or occasional visitors such as authors. Recently, we were excited to welcome and artist Roland Burt into school. As a result of this, we now have some huge pieces of artwork created by the children proudly on display near the School Office. We are also lucky to be joined regularly by Rev. Hurst as part of our collective worship. Often parents and carers with a particular skill will come into school to share their expertise. 
