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Badgers - Year 1

Monday 20th July


Good morning everyone,


Well here we are, the last two days of the school year.  Distance learning this week is to complete a sheet so that Miss Allen can get to know you better and to draw a self -portrait of yourself.  Do you remember you did that the first week in Year 1?  It will be great to see how you have changed.  You also have a memories of Year 1 sheet to draw pictures of the favourite activities you did in Year 1.  Here are some of the memories I have of Badgers class this year.  Your amazing singing in the Harvest Church Service and the Christmas play.  The toys day when you had the opportunity to play with lots of old toys and the nurses day when you learned about the how nurses care for people. Also, all of the times you have made me smile and cry with laughter, I am so very proud of all the Badgers this year and how hard you have all worked. I am sad our year together was cut a little short, but the memories we have created together will last a lifetime! 


Although Eye Primary won't all be together to end the school year, the church has put an End of Year Service online for us.  The link is below, do please join us in taking part in this.  We will be looking at the service in school today. Tomorrow,  I will also upload some activities for children to complete over the summer holidays.  Don't forget to do some of the virtual Sports Day activities too.  We will be doing this in school over Monday and Tuesday and I will post some pictures of our efforts.  It would be great to have some pictures of home learners to add to this too.


Church Service:




I have a very exciting task for you this week.  We will be holding a virtual sports day!! I hope put the details of our virtual sports day below, which I hope you will join in with.  I would love to see pictures of you completing the Sports Day challenges.  We will be doing some in school over the next few days too so keep an eye out for the pictures of when we complete a challenge. 

Monday 13th July 

Good morning Badgers! 

This is our last full week together!! sad So.... let's make the most of it!! I hope you enjoy this weeks learning and I look forward to seeing you all on Zoom with your NEW teacher Miss Allen. 


Bookman has been whizzing around the school and has dropped off a new summer challenge!! I told him that all Badgers would love this so I have put it below for you to look at and try. Let's see if we can ALL do it. 


Miss C 

Summer Well-being Activities

Bookman has a new message!

Take a look by clicking the link:

Our favourite song... THE CONTINENT SONG!!

Still image for this video

In Badgers bubble we have loved our art work and have been trying hard with creating a garden collage scene.

Wow... what fantastic writing from Juliet and Edward about horse chestnut trees. Super proud teacher!

More super work from my wonderful Badgers!

Monday 6th July 


Good Morning Badgers, 


I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. The weather has been a bit of a mixture this weekend but I have enjoyed sitting with the patio doors open and having Ted whizz in and out! What have you all been up to? 


Wishing you all a happy week of learning - just 2 weeks and 2 days to go! 


Miss C x

Monday 29th June 


Good Morning Badgers! 


I hope you are all well and have been enjoying the lovely weather, I know I have! I have been reading my book in the sun and taking Ted on lovely long walks in the evenings. 

This week we move from June to July, I cannot believe how quickly the days and weeks are flying by so let''s make sure we make the most of the last few weeks as Badgers. 


Have a lovely week! 


Miss C smiley

It is lovely to have so many Badgers back in school. We have been very busy with our learning, we particularly loved picking leaves and doing leaf rubbing.

Brilliant Badgers Distance Learning

Wow! A brilliant imaginative story from Edward with great use of adjectives. Well done Edward!

Monday 15th June 


Good Morning Badgers! 


It has been lovely to welcome so many of you back to school, it is lovely to see your smiley faces. If you are learning from home keep sending me your work as I definitely missing all of you! 


I hope you enjoy this weeks learning and if there is anything you are stuck with just email me. 


Miss C 

Monday 8th June 


Good Morning Badgers! 


I hope you are all well and have had a nice weekend after your first week back this half term. After my full first week back in the classroom I was very tired and spent the whole weekend relaxing, also the weather wasn't very good and I didn't have too much choice! 


Today, I welcome more of you into the classroom and I am very excited to catch up with more of you. If you are not in school, keep sending photos to show me what you have been doing as these always put a smile on my face. 


Happy Learning! 

Friday 5th June 


Happy Friday Badgers! 


Well.. the weather is a little bit of a sad end to the week. I was walking Ted yesterday evening and got caught in a huge down pour! We were both very soggy and needed a towel to dry ourselves off, even my shoes were squidging and squelching! 

It has been lovely to see some of you back in the classroom with me this week and I look forward to seeing a few more of you join me on Monday. I am definitely missing all of my Badgers. 

Even though it may be rainy and grey, I hope you can still do something fun this afternoon. In class we are going to be painting a rainbow using cotton buds to to dot. I will attached the picture below if you would like to do the same too. 


Miss C smiley

I have been seeing some lovely writing from you all Badgers, it is great to read!

Maths Documents as PDF files if you are struggling to open them as Publisher files

Monday 1st June


Good morning and welcome back Badgers!


It is our last half term before the summer holidays and I honestly cannot believe how quick time is flying by!  I hope you have all had a lovely half term. It has been warm and sunny so I have spent lots of time relaxing in the garden, playing with Ted and I even planted some flowers. 


This week I will be welcoming some of you back into school and I am extremely excited to see you and catch up with you all! If you are not coming into school please do keep emailing me as I do love to see what you have all been doing and chatting with you all. 


As we are now operating in 'bubbles' at school we have gone for a little bit of a bubble theme with this weeks distance learning so I hope you enjoy! 


Miss Cockle blush

A super story with conjunctions, adjectives and even commas! Well done Phoebe!

Friday 22nd May


Good morning Badgers,


What fantastic weather we have had the past two days!  I really hope you have managed to get out and about in the sunshine.  I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone and we are already at half term!? Today is the last day of home learning before the half term and I have to say I have been hugely impressed by all that you are doing at home. 

Do keep sending in your pictures of what you are getting up to as I enjoy catching up on how you all are.  Spelling Shed is going well, if you haven't been on yet have a go today.  Let's see if we can have everyone scoring some points.  

How are you getting along with Book Man's May Challenge?   Only one week left to do as much as you can and I know he would like to see how you are getting on. 


I hope you all have a lovely half term and I will see you in June! 


Miss C x

Brilliant Badgers

A big well done to Lexi for writing a truly fantastic story!!

Monday 18th May 


Good Morning Badgers! 


Wow... time really is flying! This is the last week of distance learning before half term which means we are already half way through summer term. I can't believe how quickly the weeks are passing. I thoroughly enjoy seeing all of your lovely work so keep sending me everything you have been up to and let's make it the best week yet! 



Spelling Shed


Well Badgers... I have just logged in to Spelling Shed to see how you have all been doing and it is safe to say you have all been very busy!! And you never guess what... Badgers has the most points in the whole school!!! WOW!! 



A big well done to Millia, Edward and Darcie, you have been the busiest bee's this week! 

I wonder.... who thinks they can beat them this week!? 

Ruby has been working very hard at home learning telling the time. Well done Ruby!

Still image for this video

Friday 15th May


Good afternoon Badgers,


It was really lovely to get to talk to so many of you on the phone this week and see how you  are getting on at home.  If I didn't manage to catch you on the phone you should have an answerphone message or email from me saying hello. I am looking forward to seeing the fantastic work you have been doing, and I will be looking on Spelling Shed this weekend to see how your scores are going ready for next weeks challenge. Have a great weekend and I hope to see you soon.

Another brilliant week in Badgers!

Tuesday 12th May 


Good afternoon Badgers! 


It has been lovely to see so many of you have been logging on to spelling shed and playing the WebGame! I can see how many points you are all earning from playing the game, I wonder who will have the most points at the end of the week!? Maybe we could run a little competition... let me know what you think...? 


How are you all getting on with Bookman's challenge? Let me know how you are doing, don't forget he is always watching and knows how much you have been reading! 


I look forward to seeing what you have been up to today and how many points you have earned. 




Monday 11th May 


Good morning Badgers and Happy Monday!! 


I hope you have had a lovely long weekend celebrating VE day and enjoying the sunshine. I  had lots fun in the garden playing with Ted and having a BBQ. I filled up a tub of water and he had his first play in my home made paddling pool! Ted loved the water but was very silly and tried to eat the water as it was coming out of the hose!! Silly pup!! 

I have put a video of him playing below (after being in the mud) - mucky Ted! laugh



Please find below your next set of weekly learning tasks. I have followed the same structure as last week as I have had good feedback from this,  whereby you have all the tasks to pick and choose from but, also a suggested timetable. We have set you some phonics activities on Spelling Shed and I sent out all of your log in details yesterday (Sunday 10th), so, if you have not received this please let me know.

I am in school today so may be a little delayed on my reply to emails but I will get back to you this evening or tomorrow. 


Miss Cockle x

Ted Paddling!

Still image for this video

A Message from Us

Thursday 7th May 


Good afternoon Badgers! I just wanted to send you a little message before the weekend. 


After such rain and miserable weather last week, I am very happy to see the sun! I know lots of you have been following the weather this week as your geography task. I am thoroughly enjoying sitting in the sun (even if I do have to do work still), with the sun shining everything just seems positive and happy and I instantly have a smile on my face. In between work I have been busy doing some gardening jobs (I am not the best, but I do try!). I have seen lots of pictures of you all gardening so you have inspired me! Ted has enjoyed the sun lots and been running around with his toys, but, the heat also makes him very sleepy so he is currently dozing in the shade (lazy!). What have you all been doing in the sun? I hope you are having fun in the garden, maybe, you could make up a new garden game to play with your family? 


I have had a little technical problem for some reason my laptop is not saving some of your photos properly so I haven't been able to upload them all sad. Hopefully, it will fix itself (the good old turn it off and on trick) and I will upload these over the weekend. 


Tomorrow is a bank holiday for VE day where we celebrate the anniversary of the end of WW2. There is some information and activities on this on the class page lower down with this weeks tasks. Below are some photos from Edward's Great Grandma of things from this period of time for you to look at (sadly, only some, not all of them have successfully saved). 


I hope you all have a lovely weekend! 


Miss Cockle blush x


VE day photos from Edward

Brilliant Badgers Strike Again!

Thursday 7th May 

Today, many of us said goodbye to Elliott on his final journey through Eye. He will always be in our hearts and memories and Elliott will always be our friend. My thoughts are with you all today and I am sending lots of love and hugs to you all. After sadness, happy memories are to follow. x

Edward's Weather Forecast!

Still image for this video
Edward has worked very hard with his geography learning this week. He has been learning about the weather and has created his own weather forecast video like a weather presenter! Well done Edward, I think you have a career ahead of you! :)

Tuesday 5th May

Good afternoon Badgers, I hope you are all well and looking forward to your learning today.  I had loads of pictures sent to me yesterday and over the weekend and yet again I was really proud of everything you have been achieving while we are not at school.   There is another Book Man Challenge which I have put at the end of this message.  I know how much you enjoy doing Book Man's challenges and I am sure lots of you will take part.

Busy Badgers

Monday 4th May 


Good Morning Badgers - May the 4th be with you!! (I am not the best at jokes, but I do try! laugh)


The time sure is flying, it is already May!? Where did April go...? Well done on completing another week of home learning, you are all doing a great job and I hope you are ready for another fun-filled week! 


I want to say thank you to all of you for your feedback on the best approach to home learning and we have taken this on board. Based on this feedback, we have chosen to combine the approaches to, hopefully, find a happy medium. Therefore, I have attached all of the suggested tasks to be completed this week, so, if you want you can pick, choose and adapt to suit your busy schedules. We have also put on there a suggested timetable for those of you who prefer daily tasks, so you know what activities to do on which day.


Since lockdown, there have been lots of places producing great, free, resources to access, so we are trying to use a little bit of all of these and expose you all to different ones so you can choose and adapt to what suits you too. This week we are using Talk for Writing for our English, National Oak for our Maths and Letters and Sounds (the phonics programme we follow in school) are now also releasing daily phonics lessons! This week we have not put BBC BiteSize on there, but, it is still a great resource with lots of relevant learning so, if you would like to do anything from here too, please feel free to access it. 


Any problems at all, please feel free to email me smiley


Miss Cockle x

Thursday 30th April 


Good Afternoon Badgers, 


I started off the day very well with breakfast and an exercise video as I am trying to keep fit. Although, it was dance fit exercise and you would have all been laughing at my funny dance moves! 

After being productive and doing exercise and some school work in the morning, the weather turned and the dark and miserable outlook made me and Ted feel very lazy! So... we have decided to have a cosy day on the sofa snuggled up in the blanket. I still carried on doing work and replying to emails from my sofa but sadly, my personal assistant (Ted) wasn't much use and fell asleep!! Lazy Ted!! 




Having a dog has definitely kept me busy during lockdown and provided me with lots of entertainment. I will get a video of Ted being silly soon for you all to see! 

Do any of you have a pet at home? If you do, have you been playing any games with them? Have they been doing anything funny? Feel free to send me pictures of all the funny things your pets are up to as well! 


I really enjoy seeing what you are all up to at home and it brings a huge smile to my face when I see you all smiling and having fun at home so please keep sending them to me! blush



Brilliant Badgers - I am so proud of you all and the wonderful work you have been doing!



As we know, reading is the most important thing to keep doing while at home and we should all be trying to read nearly everyday. With this, I am sure some of you may be running out of or getting bored of the books you have at home.

To help with this, please find below a link to some websites that offer e-books and resources that you can look at and use at your own leisure. 


Book Trust looks great for letting children read along with the books online:


Some nice picture ebooks on here:


Twinkl also have ebooks online (hopefully these are accessible on a parent free membership at the moment!):


Collins Big Cat ebooks is free to sign in with, they just need to follow the screen instructions – I have just tried and got on straight away):


I will also upload a document with an extensive list of websites offering reading resources.  


Online Reading Resources and Links

**English Challenge: Poetry Competition**

Sorry this is late notice, but it is something I have just found out about, but if you are feeling up for the challenge tomorrow, feel free to give this competition a go!


Can you write or record a poem inspired by Benjamin Zephaniah?

Benjamin Zephaniah is a musician, writer, and poet. His style of poetry is called dub poetry which sounds a bit like a rap when it is performed. He writes about everyday things like animals, family members, food, football, friends, films, and he brings them to life with rhyming words.


Your poem can be about anything you like but it needs to rhyme! If you record your poem, it should be a maximum of one minute, or one side of A4 if you write it.


Send your entries to by Thursday 30 April. Please include your age, and where abouts in Peterborough you are from in the email.


More information can be found on the link below:

Tuesday 28th April - Good Afternoon Badgers! 


I thought I would just check in to say Hi! I hope you are well and staying safe at home. 


I was very sad this morning to wake up to so much rain!! sad I am definitely a sun lover and this rain is making me sad.


Ted however... seems to love the rain! 

The first picture is how Ted started off the day.. lovely, dry and fluffy... he then went outside and is now soggy and dirty from playing in the mud! It also did not help that even with the door open, he refused to come inside!! You all know I like things to stay tidy and clean so this is not good for my clean kitchen! Uh oh.... Ted is on a warning!!! 


Before...                                       After...




No Monday blues in Badgers! We have got off to a great start with some lovely letter formation, phonics, work on the four seasons and revision of oridinal numbers.

Monday 27th April 

Good Morning Badgers! 

I hope you are well and keeping safe! It definitely is feeling like Summer Term with the lovely weather and lighter nights. 


This week, I thought we would try something a little different with out distance learning. We have decided to give you a range of tasks all at once, this way, you can pick and choose what you would like to do each day and then this can adapt and be flexible around your own schedules. It is something new, so please do let me know whether you prefer having daily tasks or a weekly selection to choose from and I will go with the majority. 


Happy Learning blush

First week back in the summer term and Badgers have set off to a flying start with lots of learning about the Queen and the royal family!

Wednesday 22nd April


Good morning Badgers, 


I hope you are all doing well and keeping safe. I am in school this week and it is very strange being in the classroom without all of my lovely badgers, I am definitely missing you all lots and the fun we have together. 


I have really enjoyed looking at your work this week so far and I found out some very interesting facts about the Queen.  I have put the rest of this week's distance learning on as well so that you and your grown up can decide what you do when.  You will need to do the English and Phonics in order as the tasks follow on from the day before but the History can be done in any order if you want to.


Happy Learning Brilliant Badgers! 


Miss C x 

Daily Tasks - Tuesday 21st April

Good afternoon Badgers,


What a fantastic start to the Summer term!  I have had lots of lovely work sent to me and it is great to see you are doing so many activities while you are at home.  Don't forget to keep checking on Book Man's page as there will be new messages.  I would love to see any pictures of you reading, or photos of your reading journals that I can send to Book Man.  You never know, he might mention you in a message if you do.  The link is further down on the class page.  I would like to thank all of you and your families for the amazing effort you are making while you are learning at home.  I really hope we will see each other soon as I miss seeing you all. 

Monday 20th April 

Good Morning and Welcome Back Badgers!


I hope you have all had a lovely Easter holidays and enjoyed playing in the sun and eating lots and lots of chocolate! I have been busy spring cleaning, catching up on some decorating, a little bit of baking and taking Ted on long walks in the sun. 


I am now ready to get back to our learning and I hope you are too!  I will today be catching up on any emails you have sent me over the Easter holidays and will reply to you soon. You will see below your new tasks for today, I hope you enjoy them and I look forward to seeing all of the lovely work you do. 

If you finish your task take a look at the picture below of other things you can be doing that also count as learning. 



Easter Activities - Badgers, you look like you have been having loads of fun over the holidays! A special Happy Birthday to Phoebe and James who are now 6!!

Happy Easter!

Well done everyone who has been doing the distance learning at home, you have worked really hard and can be very proud of yourselves.  It is now the Easter break so there won't be any more daily tasks for a little while, you have been so busy you deserve a rest.  I have put together a few activities you might like to try over the holiday and have some fun.  Remember to keep reading and writing those reads in your journal - see if you can read every day of the Easter break.  Keep practising your phonics sounds too, play some games on Phonicsplay, the login is in your distance learning booklet.  I enjoyed playing the build a rocket game with my little girl today, maybe you could try it too.  Although I won't be putting things on the website every day, I would still like to see any pictures you want to share and I can put them on the class page so you can see what your friends are doing to.  


Miss C x

You have all been showing me what you have been up to so I thought I would show you all what I have been doing too. I have been making sure that I keep busy and active while at home. I have been taking Ted my cockerpoo puppy for a big walk every day and he has loved exploring!

Hello Badgers,


Bookman has a message for you. Click the link below to see what he says.

You can also visit Bookman's page on the website here

and see more about what he has been up to.

Some more amazing work by the Badgers!

Ruby has been doing some fantastic ready at home, well done!

Still image for this video

Good Morning Badgers! 


Today is your last day of home learning before the Easter holidays will begin! I hope you enjoy your last day of tasks and I look forward to seeing what you all get up to. 

I will put up a list of idea of things you can keep yourself busy with over the Easter holidays later today or tomorrow. 


Happy Learning! 


Miss C x 

Daily Tasks - Wednesday 1st April

Good Morning Badgers! 


Today is the last day of March!! We are already a quarter of the way through the year - very scary! Who can tell me what the month will be tomorrow? 


Grown ups, you should have all received your child's TLC report for spring term from myself via email. If you have any problems opening the document or haven't received it for any reason please just pop me an email and I can get this sorted. 

Daily Tasks - Tuesday 31st March

Another day of some lovely activities being completed. I have been sent some brilliant sandwich recipes that I can't wait to try this week. There has also been lots of baking going on, I may just have to do some myself - I will put some pictures up if I don't burn them!! 

I have seen amazing work from all children and you should be extremely proud, because I know I am! Just 2 more days of home learning before the Easter holidays - chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!!! (you all know chocolate is my favourite) 

It has been wonderful to read about lots of different castles, I will be adding these to my list of places to visit! 


I have been making sure I get outside each day to do some exercise by taking Ted on a long walk, although we did get caught in rain today :( I will update you all with some pictures of Ted's adventures! What exercise have you all been doing? 

Another day of wonderful work!

Daily Tasks - Monday 30th March

Good Morning Badgers! 


Welcome to week 2 of distance learning at home. I hope you have had a lovely and relaxing weekend and are ready for another week of some super learning! You all did some amazing work last week and I can't wait to see what you get up to this week. Keep up the great work, you truly are brilliant Badgers! 


A special well done to the grown ups for doing such a wonderful job of helping all of the Badgers. You are doing amazing too!! 


Any problems please do not hesitate to email me :) 


Miss  C x

Some super exercising from Kian, a beautiful easter card from Phoebe and wowee a huge castle made by Jonni!! Finally, a drone made by Darcie to catch the people breaking lock down rules, watch out Badgers, Darcie is watching YOU!

Daily Tasks - Friday 27th March

Lots of great work research animals from around the world, recalling knowledge of Florence Nightingale and solving addition and subtraction problems!

Maths Task Answers

3 + 8 = 11

16 + 4 = 20

13 – 7 = 6

9 + 0 = 9

19 – 7 = 12

11 – 8 = 3

5 + 7 = 12

13 – 0 = 13

12 + 8 = 20

7 – 3 = 4


Thursday 26th March


Good morning everybody, I am really enjoying seeing what you are doing at home in your learning.  It has been beautiful weather so remember to get outside in the fresh air in the garden if you can.  Have any of you been joining in the Joe Wicks PE lesson online?  I would love to see pictures if you have or maybe you have made up a dance at home or done some other exercise at home.  It would be great to show each other what you have been up to on the class page.


I hope you enjoyed looking at the animals at Edinburgh Zoo, when I looked the penguins were shaking their wings and the koala was asleep!!  I didn't see the tiger at all, it was hiding. 

Daily Tasks - Thursday 26th March

Maths Answers - Wednesday 25th March



8 – 3 = 5

10 – 4 = 6

6 – 2 = 4

9 – 5 = 4

7 – 1 = 6

11 – 7 – 4

18 – 5 = 13

16 – 11 = 15

14 – 8 = 6

20 – 15 = 5

Daily Tasks - Wednesday 25th March

I have received some lovely pictures again today of your hard work while you are at home. It is wonderful to see all of you working hard and well done to everyone who has completed their daily tasks! Keep it up brilliant Badgers!

Tuesday 24th March

Maths Task - Answers

3 + 7 = 10

2 + 3 = 5

8 + 5 = 13

7 + 4 = 11

11 + 3 = 14

1 + 16 = 17

7 + 9 = 16

12 + 7 = 19

7 + 11 = 18

6 + 10 = 16

Daily Tasks - Tuesday 24th March

Monday 23rd March - First day of home learning. Well done Edward and Lexi, you have written some great sentences about what you did on Mother's Day. Well done to Zachary for his fantastic labelled drawing of a plant! I can't wait to see what else you are up to at home.

Monday 23rd March


Maths Answers - addition and subtraction vocabulary 


Daily Task - Monday 23rd March

Distance Learning Information

Due to the enforced government school closures, we will be using our class page to set an additional daily challenge to be completed alongside the work already set in the booklet sent home. This will begin on Monday 23rd March, and will continue on weekdays until Tuesday 31st March (as per the term dates). This will then continue again on Monday 20th April if the Government continues to direct us to be closed. Please use the book and distance learning pack we have provided to record any work completed when possible. If you need to contact me during this time, please use the class email, and I will respond to you within normal working hours. I look forward to hearing about and seeing your work throughout this time via our class email, and I am already thinking of creative ways we can keep in touch with the Badgers, so look out for video messages coming your way! I appreciate your continued support throughout this time, and we are here to help if we are able.

Thank you, Miss Cockle x


Physical Education at home
We know over the next few weeks it will be difficult to include physical activity in your children's lives. With this in mind, we have listed below some choices that can be completed indoors. Some of the activities listed we have enjoyed in class together. 

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga and Mindfulness on youtube
  • Just Dance videos on youtube
  • Joe Wicks, 9am PE session Live on youtube
  • Brain Breaks & Dance, TheLearningStation on youtube

DT - Following on from making our central frame we finished making out playground models! We worked brilliantly in our groups and I am very proud of all the models and the hard work the children have put in!

Shakespeare Week - In celebration of Shakespeare Week we have been reading the book 'Midsummer Nights Dream'. Today we pretended to be the fairies and play tricks like Puck in the book.

Art - Today we looked at the skill weaving. We look at material that has a loose weave to notice the pattern and then practised weaving with paper ourselves.

World Book Day - We had a brilliant day dressing up as our favourite book characters, reading and sharing our favourite books and even having a visit from the school super hero Book Man!

Geography - Sadly we were unable to go to the nature reserve due to the weather. This didn't stop us though and we went to discover what animals we might find in the school grounds, the habitat they live in and their preferred climate.

DT - we have been designing a playground model for Mr Webster. Today we began to build the central frame for our model using lolly sticks.

Maths - we have been learning how to represent numbers using Base 10. For example 23 is 2 tens and 3 ones.

Geography - We are learning about animals from around the world so we must know the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world. We have enjoyed look at the world map and glove and have particularly enjoyed singing the continent and ocean song. The link is attached below.

Safety Week - We learned the green cross code and practised crossing our pretend road. Ask us about the green cross code and ensure we are putting this into practise when crossing the road.

Art - We painted the parts of our spider structure today. You can see our sculpture in our window!!

BOOK MAN! We were very lucky to have Book Man in to read us a very funny story!

English - We have been using the iPads to research polar bears for our non-chronological report

National Story Telling Week - Sharing our stories with Year 3!

WB 03/02/2020 


English - This week is National Story Telling week so we will be adapting the story of Lost and Found to create our own story as class. We will also be practising our sentence writing and extending our sentences by using so and because. At the end of the week we will begin to create our own non-chronological report by researching information about a new animal! 


Maths - We will be looking at length and height as well as reviewing all of our learning since the beginning of year 1. 


Science - We will be doing an enquiry into the most popular eye colour within the class. 


Phonics - our focus sounds this week are all split digraphs. They are:  e-e, i-e, o-e and u-e. 

28/01/20 - Nursing Day - We had a very exciting day today. Two of our lovely parents came in to tell us all about their job as a nurse. We learned lots of new facts, made our own nurses hats and even got to use some nursing equipment to look after our poorly patients.

27/01/20 - Science - We have been learning about our 5 senses and we used our different senses to find discover what each item was.

27/01/20 - Artist Visit - We were very lucky to have a visit from the artist Roland Burt. We had a fantastic and exciting morning contributing to our whole school master piece.

WB 27/01/20 


English - We are beginning to look at our new unit where we will be writing a non-chronological report. This week we will be looking at our model text all about 'The Emperor Penguin'. We will be creating a text map to learn the text and will be identifying features of a non-chronological report. 


Maths - We are learning about shapes and patterns. We will be naming 2D and 3D shapes and looking at identifying features including number of sides, edges and vertices. We will also be looking at repeated patterns and considering which shape comes next.


Science - We are learning about our 5 senses and which part of the body we use for each sense. 


Phonics - our focus sounds are au, ey a-e 


We also have a very exciting event happening. On Tuesday 28th January we will be having a Nursing Day where we will have a visit from some real life nurses and will become nurses ourselves by making nurses hats and bandaging out patients. 


WB  20/01/2020


English - This week we will be finalising our plans for our adapted version of 'Avocado Baby'. We will also be practising our sentence writing in preparation for writing our final story. 


Maths - we are continuing to look at addition and subtraction within 20. This week we will focus on subtraction by counting back on a number line and by crossing out. 


Science - we are looking at the uses and functions of our key body parts. 


Phonics - our focus sounds are: wh, ph, ew/ew, oe

17/01/20 - Music - Singing 'In the Groove'

Still image for this video
In out first music lesson of this term we have been listening and appraising blues music as well as learning and performing our own blues song.

15/01/20 - English - We looked at lots of different fruits to help our planning for our own version of 'Avocado Baby'.

14/01/20 - C4L - we had a very special visitor today from Metro Bank! All of the children loved discovering information out about the bank and designed their own dream bank.

13/01 History - We are learning about Florence Nightingale and how she helped nursing. We pretended to be Florence Nightingale by cleaning and bandaging patients.

10/01 BOOK MAN! Book Man came to visit us today we congratulate all the children who completed the Christmas challenge and reveal that he will be setting a new challenge!

WB 13/01/2020


English - we are looking at our focus text 'Avocado Baby'. Take a look at our text map below and practise retelling the story at home. We have been looking at verbs and changing them to the present tense by adding -ing and the past tense by adding -ed. We will also be looking to plan our own story by adapting Avocado Baby. We will be changing the fruit baby eats and what the baby does. 


Maths - we are looking at addition and subtraction within 20 using our previously learned methods of counting on using a number line, making 10 first to count and using number bonds. 


Science - we are looking at naming parts of the body. 


Phonics - our focus sounds are: oy ir ue/ue ph


RE - The story of David and Goliath

Still image for this video
We learned and acted out the repeating part of the religious story David and Goliath. We discussed how David and had been brave and reflected on how we could be brave.

Acting out Avocado Baby

Welcome back Badgers! 


Happy New Year to you all! I hope you have had a lovely break and are ready for an exciting term ahead. This term our topic is Nursing and all information can be found in our Spring Curriculum overview below. This term we will be doing PE every Wednesday. Please ensure the children have the appropriate PE kit and take into account the weather as the children may go outside.  

Take a look at all of the exciting things we will be learning about with our Spring Curriculum!

RE Day - Why does Christmas matter to Christians? We explored this question and thought about things we are thankful for at this special time of year and made a thankfulness chain.

BOOK MAN! We had a very special visit from our school superhero Book Man to introduce our Christmas reading challenge. Let's get reading!

Computing - We have been creating and debugging computer programs using the beebots.

Nativity! We were all very proud of all the children with their amazing singing in our school nativity. Well done Badgers!!


We are doing lots of work in class on quick recall of our number bonds to 10, please keep practising these at home and see how quick your child can get at recalling them all without using their fingers! 

We are also learning to count in 10s. Have a look at some videos on the internet to support this. Here is a link to the one we enjoy in school.



Our new text in English is 'Cops and Robbers'. We have shortened the story to create our WAGOLL which the children are learning to support their writing. This unit we are looking at using the conjunction 'and' in our writing. Ask your child to retell the story to you using our text map. 


RE Identity Afternoon -We were very lucky to have a visit from Zoe who explained how special it is that we are all different and unique. We then explored how we are all different in our class.

Science - We have been creating a coat to keep rabbit dry! We have explored which materials are waterproof and then used this information to design and make a coat for rabbit.

Parliament Week - We had a debate in our class about what we should turn our outside den into. Should it be Santa's Workshop or a Castle?

Computing - We used the iPads to research words we came across in our Talk for Reading book 'Isaac and Iris'. We look at the Northern Lights, Arctic Fox and Eider.

RE - Exploring symbols of Judaism

WB 28/10/19 


English - This week we are learning the different between fiction and non-fiction books and the key features of each.


Phonics - we are beginning to look at phase 4 blends. We will be focusing on final consonant blends e.g. nk in ink, nd in bend etc. 


Maths - we are looking at writing addition number sentences and completing missing part-part-whole diagrams. 


Science - This week we will be taking our knowledge of what materials are waterproof and using this to desgin a coat to keep rabbit warm and dry in the winter. 


Phonics - we are beginning to look at phase 4 blends. We will be focusing on final consonant blends e.g. nk in ink, nd in bend etc. 



Welcome back Badgers! 


I hope you have had a lovely break over half term and are ready for a fun filled half term with lots going on in the build up to Christmas! 


This term in English we will be writing an information text as well as a narrative. We will be focusing on using capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and adjectives. 

In maths we are looking at adding and subtracting within 10 using lots of different methods to support this. 

In science we are continuing to look at materials and applying the knowledge we have learned. 

This half term in geography we will be looking at our local area and thinking about the physical and human features that can be found in Eye. 


This half term Badgers will be swimming every Thursday. Please ensure your child brings in the appropriate kit for this. I ask that you still send the children in with their PE kits as these can be used as spare clothes in case the children fall over in the wet weather. 



A Teddy Bear's Picnic - Badgers had a fantastic morning making jam sandwiches for their bears.

Harvest Service - we loved performing 'The Bean Song' in church!

Poet Visit - Neal Zetter

WC 07/10/19 


English - this week we will be looking at our WAGOLL instruction text on 'How To Get Ready For Bed', Take a look and ask your child to retell it to you. We will be looking at and analysing the key features of instruction texts and will get very bossy using our imperative verbs (bossy verbs) e.g. get, put, cut etc. We will then be having a teddy bear's picnic on Thursday 10th which we will make jam sandwiches for. We will be using this as our stimulus to then write instructions on 'How To Make a Jam Sandwich'. 


Maths - we are looking at the part-part-whole and using this to write addition numbers sentences. 


Science - This week we are looking at the properties of fabric and plastic. 



Art - Sketching a teddy bear using shapes! The children loved spotting shapes in our bear and tried extremely hard with their sketching.

DT - Creating sliders for the tiger who came to tea!



Your child will have come home with a purple home learning book today. Inside are a range of activities for your child to complete over the half term. I will stick in our focus sounds each week that we are learning in phonics. The children will need to hand in their home learning book on a Monday and I will return it on a Wednesday.


Any questions just pop in and ask.   

WC 23/09/19


English - This week will be adapting 'The Tiger That Came to Tea' to our own animal that is coming to tea! We will be focusing on using adjectives to make our writing more exciting and using the phase 3 sounds we have learned. 


Phonics - This week our focus sounds are the long oo (moon), short oo (book), ar and or. 


Maths - This week we will be looking at finding 1 more and 1 less of numbers within 10. We will then be introducing the part-part-part-whole model, ask your child about this at the end of the week to see if they can explain. 


Science - this week we will be focusing on the properties of materials. 

Science - We are exploring materials and went on a hunt for objects made of different materials in our classroom.



Our focus text for our current English unit is The Tiger Who Came to Tea. To help us remember the text we drew a text map and created actions. Here are some pictures of us practising in class. Ask you child at home to act out the story and see what they can remember.  

Snap Happy! We have been learning to take photos using the iPad so that we can independently capture our learning.

Welcome to Badgers!


It is hard to believe that the Summer is over and it is time for Squirrels to become Badgers. We are really excited to welcome your children into Year 1 and we hope that your children are looking forward to coming back to school, catching up with their friends and learning new things. We are very lucky to have two teaching assistants in our class, Mrs Hobbs and Mrs Naylor. 


Our topic for this term is Toys, a theme I'm sure your children already know lots about! We will be learning about the History of toys and completing art and design activities linked to toys.


In English we will be using texts such as The Tiger Who Came To Tea to stimulate our writing. We will be consolidating our ability to read, write and understand numbers to 20 in maths, using practical resources and applying our understanding to real life situations. 


Your child will read regularly with an adult at school, sometimes individually, especially during the first couple of weeks when we will be checking your child's book level, and at other times in a group. We will write in the reading log when we have read with your child. We will check your comments in the diaries and count your child's reads weekly, usually on a Monday.  They will work towards certificates for 20, 50 and 100 reads! Your child will also have daily phonics lessons and we will closely monitor your child's progress through our phonics scheme.


We really look forward to getting to know you and your children better as the term progresses. If you have any comments, questions or concerns we are always available in the Badgers' outdoor area from 8.45 in the morning and we can chat after school when we have said good bye to the children. Please bear with us at home time as we get to know your faces and those of friends and family who pick up your child. It might take a little while for us to check that each child is going home safely with the correct person at the start of term.


Here's hoping for a sunny September and lots of fabulous learning experiences!


Miss Cockle 

