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Badgers - Year 1

Muddy Forest School Fun! March 2022

Spring Term


Spring Term 2022


This term is set to be as busy and full as last term.  The children will be engaging in lots of exciting learning over the next few weeks. In English they will be looking at a mixture of non-fiction and fiction texts along with Poetry and then writing their own versions.  In Maths we will continue to work with numbers to 50 before moving on and learning about geometry and measure. In Science children will learn about different materials and explore their uses and properties.  The history topic is all about famous nurses and the significant individuals Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell.  The children will be learning about what they did and the legacy it leaves today.  Art will build on the painting and drawing the children did last term and also begin to learn about different printing techniques.  


PE is on a Thursday and Spring 1 will be Swimming with spring 2 Forest school .  Please make sure your child has the appropriate clothing/kit for that day.

Autumn 2 Learning

End of Autumn 2


Hasn't the Autumn term flown by! We've had a fabulous busy term with lots of new learning. Here's a few things we have been up to in Badgers class.


Look forward to seeing more exciting learning in the New Year!



It's been a great first month in Badgers! The children have been working really hard and have quickly settled and established new Year 1 routines. They have enjoyed lots of different learning and earned lots of Silver Stars!

As a reminder can you please ensure Reading Folders come into school every day. Wearing of PE kit to school is only needed on Mondays and children wear usual school uniform for swimming on Fridays. Also the weather is changing and very unpredictable so please ensure they have a coat in school every day :-) 


First month in Badgers!

Welcome to Badgers


It is hard to believe that the Summer is over and it is time to begin the year in Badgers. We are really excited to welcome your children into Year 1 and we hope that your children are looking forward to coming back to school, catching up with their friends and learning new things. The teaching assistant in our class is Mrs Naylor.


This term we will be learning about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot in history, the UK and our local area in geography and we will explore what is means to belong in RE. In Science our main focus is animals including humans. 


In English we will be using texts such as The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Cops and Robbers   to stimulate our writing. We will be consolidating our ability to read, write and understand numbers to 20 in maths, using practical resources and applying our understanding to real life situations.


Your child will read with an adult at school, sometimes individually, especially during the first couple of weeks when we will be checking your child's book level, and at other times in a group. We aim to provide all children with a reading book at the appropriate level and reading record by Friday 10th September. We will write in the reading log when we have read with your child. We will check your comments in the diaries and count your child's reads weekly. Your child will need to bring in their reading diary and book daily so that we can read with them regularly.  They will work towards certificates for 20, 50 and 100 reads! Your child will also have daily phonics lessons and we will closely monitor your child's progress through our phonics scheme.


Monday will be the PE day in Year 1 and children will need to come in their PE kit, we will be outside where possible so please ensure that they are appropriately dressed for the weather that day. Friday will be our swimming day, please ensure your child has their costume, towel and swimming hat (these are available from the office). It will also be Forest School on a Friday more details to follow.


We really look forward to getting to know you and your child better as the term progresses. If you have any comments, questions or concerns we are always available in the year 1 outdoor area from 8.40 in the morning. Please bear with us at home time as we get to know your faces and those of friends and family who pick up your child. It might take a little while for us to check that each child is going home safely with the correct person at the start of term.


Here's hoping for a sunny September and lots of fabulous learning experiences!


Mrs White
