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Chimps - Year 2

Planting Seeds in Science

Summer 1


This term the children have lots of exciting learning to look forward to. In English lessons we will be learning how to write a letter using the text 'The Last Wolf' by Mimi Grey as inspiration.  In Maths we will learning about fractions and time. Our history topic explores the history of Peterborough, while in RE lessons we will continue to learn about different aspects of Christian belief. The children will be using mechanisms to create a moving monster in DT and creating music using the Chromebooks in computing lessons. 


This half term the children will be swimming on Wednesday afternoons so please ensure that they bring the appropriate kit with them and PE continues to be on Monday afternoons.



Making Textures with Paint

Happy New Year and welcome back to school.


Spring 1


We have some exciting topics this term for everyone in Year 2.


We will be looking at money in maths this term. We will be counting money, comparing different amounts and finding change. We will then move on to learn about multiplication and division.


In English we are looking at the book 'The dragon machine'. We will be writing letters, making character descriptions and making posters. We will be using different techniques in our writing such as statements, questions, exclamations and ensuring we use the correct tense.


In history, we will be looking at the history of nursing. We will learn about famous nurses and the important roles they played not only in the past but also how their lives impacted on nursing today.


We are starting a new topic science called 'Materials and their Properties'. We will also look at some famous inventors and their inventions. 


In RE, we will carry on with of our topic of who is muslim and how do they live. We will look at how Muslims show their commitment to Allah. We will also look at a mosque and learn about what happens there.


In design and technology, we will be making a ferris wheel. We will look at the different parts that make up a ferris wheel then design and make our own.


P.E, will be on a Monday and we will be swimming on Wednesday afternoons.  Please ensure your child has the correct kit for these lessons including a swimming hat. If your child does not have a swimming hat these can be purchased from the school office.  Please can children bring in their reading books and reading records on a Tuesday so that books can be changed.

We looked at the symbolism of the Christingle and worked together to create our own Christingle.


The children have been working hard creating prints that they will then use to create a piece of art. Make sure you come back at the end of term to see their finished pictures.

Print Making

This half term the children have really been enjoying their time exploring in Forest School.

This week we had a visit from poet Daniel Thompson. We enjoyed listening to some of his poems and learned one off by heart.

Leave Your Worries Behind

Still image for this video

In Design and Technology we have been looking at how to make structures more stable. We are making Baby Bear a new chair that hopefully won't break this time.  When we have finished building them our class toy Mr Chimp will test them for Baby Bear. Watch this space to see how we do.

DT - A Better Chair for Baby Bear

In Science we have started to look at the seven life processes and have spent some time sorting things into living and non-living. We also looked at whether some non-living things had ever been alive.

Science - Living or Not Living

We have had a busy first two weeks at school. You can see some of the learning we have been involved in below.

Chimps Class

Still image for this video

Welcome to Chimps!


I am looking forward to an action-packed first half term in Year 2 with you all! We have some exciting topics this year and I am excited for you to learn about the Great Fire of London in History.


In English, we will be looking at the book Troll Swap, we will be using predictions, role play and class discussions to allow us to understand the key features of the text. We will then use our knowledge to write our own narrative using the Troll Swap as a model.


In Maths, we will be studying place value which will allow us to secure our knowledge of numbers to 100. We will be able to partition numbers, estimate numbers on a number line and order objects.


PE will be on a Monday. Please send your child to school with their full PE kit on this day including trainers.


Forest school and swimming will be on a Wednesday.  Please remember to bring appropriate clothing for forest school on this day (long sleeves and trousers). Remember to bring an extra pair of shoes that can get muddy, too! You may leave a pair of wellies in school on your peg throughout the term if that makes it easier for you.  For swimming, remember your costume, a towel and a swimming hat!


Book changing day will be every Tuesday so please can you ensure reading folders or books are in school for this day. 


Just a gentle reminder that children need to be waiting at the door at 8.30am. Registration begins at 8.40am with the first lesson of the day beginning at 8.45am. The school day will finish at 3.20pm.


Do keep an eye on our class page for updates and snapshots of our learning this term!


I am looking forward to seeing you on Monday 4th September to start our Year 2 journey.


Miss Sargeant
