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Giraffes - Year 5

Summer 2

Welcome back Giraffes! I hope you all had a fantastic week off and are ready for our final half term in year 5.

As writers this half term, we are focusing our learning on Radiant Child: The Story of Young Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat by Javaka Steptoe. We will be consolidating skills we have worked hard on so far in year 5, such as using relative clauses, building cohesion and using adverbs to indicate possibility. 

 As mathematicians, we will be continuing our decimals learning as well as focusing on negative numbers, converting units and volume. 


This half term, PE will take place on a Wednesday and children will need a full PE kit consisting of a white top, black/navy bottoms and trainers. Giraffes will be doing swimming every Friday for the remainder of the half term. 


Lets have a fun filled end of the year!

Miss Canham :)

16.07.24- Enjoying our treat that we received as a prize for winning the poetry slam!! 

28.06.24- We had a lovely performance of Lewis Capaldi’s ‘Someone You Loved’ by our very own musician Edward!

26.06.24- Sports day Fun! 

11.06.24- We were very lucky as today we got to try some homemade elderflower cordial that Rosie and her family had been making. We are so grateful to Rosie's family for bringing this in for us all- it was delicious!

05.06.24- We had lots of fun this afternoon developing our peeling and chopping skills in DT and the children were very proud of themselves for making their own bolognese! 

13.05.24- We had a fantastic time today on our school trip to the Peterborough Cathedral. Our day was based around the theme of salvation and we linked this to our school learning in RE and we also made links to our Katherine of Aragon learning in History. The children really showed off their fantastic learning by asking and answering lots of questions!

10.05.24- Forest school fun in the rain!

09.05.24- The boys were really enjoying reading Wolf Brother together!

03.05.24- Congratulations to Rose who came third place in the Queen Mother's handwriting competition. We are SO proud of Rose, she really deserved to win this award!

26.04.24- Another week of fun at forest school!

19.04.24- Fun in the forest! 

Spring 2

Welcome back Giraffes! I hope you all had a fantastic week off. 

As writers this half term we are focusing our learning on the book ‘The Darkest Dark’ and will be basing our writing on this story. 

 As mathematicians, we will be building upon previous fractions learning by converting fractions, percentages and decimals.


This half term, PE will continue to take place on a Tuesday and children will need a full PE kit consisting of a white top, black/navy bottoms and trainers. Regarding forest school and swimming, all children will continue to do the same activity as before half term until further notice. 

Thank you,

Miss Canham :)

28.03.24- We used our collagraph plates to create a background for our futuristic space piece. 

18.03.24- Creating a collagraph plate in art!

07.03.24- WORLD BOOK DAY! We had so much fun today dressing up and sharing lots of fantastic books.

04.03.24- In computing, we learnt about databases and found out what the advantages and limitations were of paper and computer databases. 

28.02.24- Author Visit 

We were incredibly lucky today as we had a visit from an author called James Campbell. What is even more exciting is that he used to go to our school! 

07.02.24- In history, we used the VR headsets to explore what Tudor life was like in Britain. We looked at the inequality between the rich and poor and could see that they lived very different lives!

02.02.24- Today was a very cosy day in year 5! We loved spending the day in our pyjamas and loved reading with the children in year 2 even more!

09.01.24- The girls in year 5 had a fantastic afternoon yesterday at Mastercard taking part in ‘Girls4Tech’. They learnt all about logistics, problem solving, binary code, fraud detection and much more! 

Spring 1

Welcome back Giraffes! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and I am looking forward to seeing you all again on Monday 8th January. 

As writers this half term we are focusing our learning on the book ‘Arthur and The Golden Rope’. We will be writing our own myths based on this book. 
 As mathematicians this half term, we will be developing our multiplication and division skills and applying this knowledge to word problems. We will also be looking at statistics as well as area and perimeter.  


This half term, PE will continue to take place on a Tuesday and children will need a full PE kit consisting of a white top, black/navy bottoms and trainers. Regarding forest school and swimming, all children were given a letter at the end of last half term stating which one they would be taking part in every Monday (starting on the 8th January). 


Thank you,

Miss Canham 

08.12.23- Christmas reading event🎄📚

01.12.23- We tested out how the surface area of a parachute impacts the air resistance it experiences.

Still image for this video

01.12.23- In PSHE, we thought about our goals for the rest of primary school and set ourselves some achievable targets that we can work towards. 

01.12.23- In Art, we have been learning about art installations and worked together to create our own! 

20.11.23- In English, we were describing the characters in 'The Lost Happy Endings' using expanded noun phrases. 

10.11.23- In Art, we have started to create our own art installations! 

09.11.23- In computing, we are looking at creating our own videos. Today, we looked at different camera angles for filming and taking photographs. 

08.11.23- Geography: what are the parts of a mountain?

Autumn 2
Forest School and Swimming will be on Mondays. Giraffes will be doing swimming for the second half term, starting from 30.10.23 Please send your child to school with a full swimming kit and a hat.
PE will be on Tuesdays- please ensure your child comes to school with their full PE kit. 

18.10.23- We had an amazing day at the Space Centre today. We learnt lots about the planets, the mars rover and what life is like travelling to space! Here are some photos of us, but there are more to come!

13.10.23- We love to show off our learning using Seesaw. Today, we learnt about the phases of the moon and what the difference is between a solar and a lunar eclipse. 

09.10.23- We were lucky enough to have a visit from Daniel Thompson, who is a poet! He inspired us to write our own poem based on the theme ‘refuge’.

29.09.23- Creating doodlers in DT

21.09.23- Today, we looked at a diary entry that Bessie Coleman may have written after completing one of her flights. We thought carefully about the emotions she would share in her personal diary entry. 

15.09.23- We were very fortunate today to have Mrs McClean in year five to talk to us about how she thinks God can be holy and loving.

Living life in all its fullness in Giraffes class

Still image for this video

Welcome to Giraffes!


I am really looking forward to welcoming you all into Giraffes class. In year 5, we study some fantastic topics- one of my favourites being Space, which is our first Science topic!


To begin our English learning, we will be studying the book 'Young, Gifted and Black' by Jamia Wilson and will be focusing on writing diary entries. 


In Maths, we will be studying number and place value - ensuring that we are secure with numbers to one million. This will then be followed by revision of the four operations. 


Forest School and Swimming will be on Mondays. Giraffes will be doing forest school for the first half term, starting from 11.09.23. Please send your child to school with appropriate clothing for forest school (long sleeves and trousers) and remember to bring an extra pair of shoes that can get muddy, too. PE will be on Tuesdays- please ensure your child comes to school with their full PE kit. 


The children will be set home learning to complete each week online - Spelling Shed, Times Table Rockstars and Complete Maths. Additionally, all children should be aiming to read at least 5 times a week. We will no longer have reading records in year 5, more information on this will come in the first week back!


The Year 5 team will be outside of the classroom each morning from 8.30am to greet the children and registration will promptly begin at 8:40am. The school day will finish at 3.25pm.


Please do keep an eye on our class page for updates and snapshots of our learning this term!


I can't wait to see you all on Monday 4th September!


Miss Canham :) 
