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Badgers - Year 1

On Wednesday, the Year 1 students embarked on an trip to Hammerton Zoo. From the moment we arrived, the children's faces lit up with excitement as they caught their first glimpse of Ring-tailed Lemurs. One of the highlights of the day was when the children had a surprising encounter with a skunk! Their reactions were a mixture of amusement and curiosity as they learned about this interesting animal and its unique characteristics. Despite a slight delay in our departure, the children remained in high spirits throughout the day. As the day drew to a close, the children were treated to a special ride home on a double-decker bus. The excitement of sitting on the top deck and watching the world go by was the perfect end to a fantastic day filled with laughter and new discoveries.

Working systematically to find equal groups

Hello Badgers! Welcome to our final term in Y1. We are very much looking forward to the summer days and spending lots of time in our outdoor provision.


If you were swimming last term, you will be doing Forest School this term and vice- versa. 


Maths: This term, we'll be diving into the world of numbers with a focus on place value within 100. Get ready to explore money, time, directions. 


Science:  we will be looking and learning all about the seasons of the year. 


Art: Let's explore colour. This term, we'll be exploring paint and mixing media to create some amazing artwork. 


English: Join us into space "Toys in space." We'll be exploring writing our own stories,  letters and diaries. Get ready for an epic journey through space.



This half term we are focusing on the sounds

'ue' with alternative spellings of 'ew', 'u-e' and 'u'. 

'oi' with alternative spelling of 'oy'

'ar' with alternative spellings of 'au' 'a' and 'al'

'o' with alternative spelling of 'a'

'f' with alternative spelling of 'ff' and 'ph'

Today in PSHE, we have been sharing how we look after our pets.

Sneak preview into our Christmas performance

Still image for this video

Science (20.11.2023)

Still image for this video
This term we have been learning about what science is and defining it as a class.

Kapla block play

Making dot arrangements for 6

Poetry day

Still image for this video

Living life in all its fullness

Still image for this video

During our first 2 weeks in year 1, we have settled in to our new classroom and enjoyed exploring all of the new resources we have for busy learning time. We have learnt the traditional tale of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and have had lots of fun acting it out with puppets and toys. 

Welcome to Badgers!


We are really looking forward to a year filled with learning and meaningful play. We are beginning our Year 1 learning with two fabulous topics: Traditional Tales in English and the history of shopping in history. We are sure these will both inspire some interesting conversations both at school and at home. Please let us know of anything you get up to at home in relation to these subjects. Perhaps you have a favourite traditional tale you would like to bring into school and share with the class. 


Some key messages for Autumn term:


Miss Oliver will be teaching on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Miss Stafford will be teaching on a Thursday and Friday.


We will be outside to greet the children each morning from 8:30am and our first lesson will commence promptly at 8:45am.


PE will take place on a Friday; please remember to send your child in with a labelled PE kit consisting of a plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts/joggers and a pair of trainers. We will be swimming and attending Forest School on a Thursday. Please send your son/daughter into school with a labelled swimming kit, including a swimming hat and appropriate costume. Forest School can get very muddy! Children must bring a pair of wellies or spare shoes that you don't mind getting messy for them to wear during this time. We will be outside during all winds and weathers so a warm, waterproof coat is essential!


All items of property should be clearly labelled including the children's water bottles.


Keep a close eye on our class page for regular updates on what we are up to in Badgers!


Miss Stafford and Miss Oliver
