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Mathematics at Eye Primary School        

Our Maths Mission Statement

Maths is the language of the universe. As a school, our aim is for all children to be fluent, resilient and reflective, exploring mathematical concepts with an inquisitive mind. 


Mathematics at Eye Primary School aims to equip our pupils with the three aims of the National Curriculum:

Fluency - The children can recall number facts and methods with ease and know how and when to apply them. 

Reasoning - The pupils can explain their mathematical thinking using precise vocabulary; both verbally and in writing. 

Problem Solving - Children will develop the ability to solve real life problems and puzzles using their maths knowledge and skills. 


We want children to be independent, confident and efficient mathematicians and will encourage them to make connections between mathematical ideas and the 'real world' applications. We value the use of concrete, pictorial and symbolic  representations to help them understand mathematical concepts with increasing depth. 


Years 1-6 are currently experiencing a mastery approach to mathematics using the White Rose Maths Scheme, with children being taught in their own year group. This means all of the pupils experience the same maths lessons and activities which are carefully crafted and scaffolded to ensure that pupils move through the curriculum at "broadly the same pace" (National Curriculum 2014). 

Extra challenge and opportunity to work in greater depth is given to all children - we have high expectations that everyone can achieve.  Those children who need additional support, resources or practice will have access to these on a very regular basis. 


Foundation Stage is working within their respective curricular and staff are incorporating many features of a mastery maths lesson to ensure that children receive a consistently great maths education. 


All staff aim to make maths fun using games, songs, practical resources, internet resources apps on the iPads. 

Maths Co-ordinators:

Miss Allen (EYFS-Y3)

Miss Canham (Y4-Y6)


If you have any queries or questions regarding Mathematics, please contact Miss Canham or Miss Allen directly through the school office at the beginning and end of the school day.








What else do we offer at Eye?


Times Table Rockstars                                                                                              

Times Table Rockstars in an online programme in place to support rapid recall of Times Tables. It can be played both online and via their app in school and at home. Each child has their own rockstar avatar and is in control of earning virtual money to buy clothing and accessories for their avatar. Coins can be earned by answering their multiplication tables correctly when they play games. The more answers they get right, the more coins they earn. Within school, the children complete a set of 60 questions in 3 minutes in a booklet five times a week. These scores and times are then uploaded onto the website each week by the class teacher to collaborate with the child's previous scores to boost their rockstar level. The aim of the programme is to climb the levels to be a Rock Hero!



 The creators of Times Tables Rock Stars have produced a platform for boosting addition and subtraction skills, called NumBots. The platform is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.


Big Difference

NumBots is an online game and playing little and often will significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. These are critical foundations in maths, so we are excited by the impact NumBots will have.


Logging In

The children were all shown how the game works and how to login. Their logins have been stuck on the inside cover of their reading record. Please make a note of their username and password if they should lose their reading record. If you would like your child to have a go at home you just need to download the FREE Numbots app from your app store.  Alternatively if you’re playing on a PC or laptop visit


Little and often

In order to get the best out of NumBots children should regularly play for short bursts so we recommend 5 minutes each day.


Game Types

  1. Story Mode – the emphasis is on learning the ideas and concepts behind addition and subtraction so it features more diagrams, shapes and question styles.

  2. Challenge Mode – the emphasis is more on speed of recall of key facts, like number bonds to 10, doubling small numbers or adding & taking away in your head.



Flashback Four  Retrieval Practice                                                                          

Retrieval practice has become an integral part of our teaching across all subjects areas at Eye Primary School. Mathematics is no exception. At the beginning of every lesson, children complete what we refer to as a 'Flashback Four' from the White Rose scheme. These are a series of four questions, arithmetic or reasoning, from a variety of mathematical units to revise previously taught topics. This ensures the children are drawing on prior knowledge to answer the questions, effectively transferring methods and concepts into their long term memory to support their future learning too.


Number Sense

At Eye, Number Sense is taught every day for 15 minutes from Y1-Y5. This helps children to build a deep understanding of number and number relationships and develop fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts and concepts. 




Check out some of our learning below...

White Rose Maths


The White Rose Primary Schemes of Learning for Years 1-6 can be found below. These schemes provide additional support and guidance of how the teaching of Maths at Eye is structured. 

EYFS Maths Scheme

Year 1 Scheme

Year 2 Scheme

Year 3 Scheme

Year 4 Scheme

Year 5 Scheme

Year 6 Scheme
