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Wombats - Year 4

Living life in all its fullness in Wombats class…

Welcome back for the Summer Term!


I hope you have all enjoyed your Easter holidays and we are looking forward to welcoming you back to Wombats for our summer term with lots of exciting learning adventures.  


In English, we will begin by looking closely at texts related to the rainforest. We will be developing our reading and writing skills throughout our lessons and will use the text as a stimulus to write our own non-fiction information board.


In Maths, we will continue to deepen our understanding as mathematicians. We will be learning a variety of skills including decimals, money, time, shape, and statistics.


As scientists, we will be exploring the plants and animals in our biology unit. While in History, we will be looking at the Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and the Norman Conquest.  


Reminders for this half term:

Swimming is now on a Thursday afternoon (earrings will need to be removed), and we will do Forest school after half term, and PE continues to be on a Wednesday afternoon.  Please ensure children have the appropriate PE kit with them on this day (plain black shorts or jogging bottoms, plain white t-shirt and trainers). 


We can't wait to see you all back in school!

March 2024

We performed in the Key Stage 2 poetry slam and came 3rd place. Well done to all of the children!

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January 2024
We have enjoyed our first month back together after Christmas. We experimented with static electricity in science, had a visit from Rock Band, created our own codes in computing to create cool patterns and learned tricky methods in maths for division and multiplication. 

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Happy New Year


I hope you have all enjoyed your Christmas holidays and we are looking forward to welcoming you back to Wombats for our spring term with lots of exciting learning adventures.  


We are lucky this term to be joined by a student teacher, Miss Bowles. Miss Bowles will be supporting in class alongside myself and Mrs Fisher. Please give her a warm welcome when we return to school. 


In English, we will begin by looking closely at the text 'Our Tower'. We will be developing our reading and writing skills throughout our lessons and will use the text as a stimulus to write our own journals of an adventure.  


In Maths, we will continue to deepen our understanding as mathematicians. We will be learning a variety of methods including column and bus stop to support multiplication and division calculations. 


As scientists, we will be exploring the area of physics further as we build on our knowledge and understanding of electricity. While in History, we will be looking back at Ancient Rome.  


Reminders for this half term:

Swimming is now on a Friday afternoon (earrings will need to be removed) and PE continues to be on a Wednesday afternoon.  Please ensure children have the appropriate PE kit with them on this day (plain black shorts or jogging bottoms, plain white t-shirt and trainers). 


We can't wait to see you all on Monday 8th January 2024. 


Mrs Pollard

December 2023

Church Reading - We read the poem 'Twas the night of Jesus' birth' during our Christmas church service. You can watch the video through the link below.



We had lots of fun at forest school this half term, have a look to see how muddy we got! 

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Christingle - we created a class Christingle and learned about the meaning of each part. We learned about how Jesus’ love is wrapped around the world and God gives us all light. 

Christmas Reading Event - we loved welcoming in our parents to come and read with us. Thank you to everyone who came. 

November 2023

We have had a busy month! In maths we have been learning about our times tables and solving word problems using them. In English we have been learning about Ancient Greek myths and now we are focusing on the book ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ and we explored Narnia using our senses. In PE we have continued to work on our balancing in gymnastics, and at Forest School we have had a great time out in the mud! In science we have been learning about sound and the way it travels, including volume and pitch. We have also had lots of fun in art, RE, and geography. We are looking forward to seeing where our learning takes us in December! 

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October 2023 

This month has been jam packed with visitors, practical activities and fun. In maths, we moved onto learning about addition and subtraction which we are now experts at! In English, we wrote 2 narratives, one about the Gorilla story and one about The Wolves in the Walls. We had a visit from Bookman and from the poet Daniel Thompson. In DT we added to the cladding to our pavilions and they looked fantastic! We finished our orienteering unit in PE and can now navigate our school map excellently. We also got to enjoy a pool party before we swap to Forest School after half term! What a fun month! 

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September 2023

This month we have learnt all about place value in maths and studied the book ‘Gorilla’ in English to help us write our own animal themed narrative.  In science we are learning about animals including humans, and we have been focusing on the digestive system for the last few weeks. In DT, we have made our own structures and held a class exhibition to display these. Mrs Pollard has also been extremely impressed with our swimming and the progress we have made already! We have also enjoyed learning about our new GROW (gratitude, respect, ownership and wisdom) standards and earning GROW tickets. Keep a look out for the next update with all the fun things we get up to in October! 

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Home Learning

-TTRS 10 games per week set Monday-Monday

-Spelling Shed 5 games per week revising the spellings taught in class set Friday-Friday

-Reading a book from school or home 5 times a week

Welcome to Wombats!


I am really looking forward to a fun-filled year with lots of exciting learning opportunities together in our new class!


Our class will be supported by Mrs Fisher and Mrs Coley, who are working across both year 4 classes.


We begin our year with some wonderful topics across the curriculum with lots of exciting new knowledge to learn and explore, including the topic of Ancient Greece in History. 


In English, we will begin the year by enjoying the book 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne. We will be using the text as a stimulus to write our own fantasy story and will have lots of opportunities to develop our reading and writing skills in the process. 


In Maths, we start our learning with a unit on place value, beginning with securing and extending our understanding of numbers to 1000 before moving on to numbers to 10,000. We will be ordering, estimating, comparing, partitioning and rounding too! We'll then move on to addition and subtraction. 


Forest School or Swimming will be on a Tuesday afternoon. Please send your child to school with appropriate clothing for forest school (long sleeves and trousers) and remember to bring an extra pair of shoes that can get muddy (wellies are perfect for this!)- these can stay on the children's pegs throughout the term if this is helpful. For swimming, children will need their swimming costume, a towel and a swimming hat. Please ensure earrings are removed for swimming. We will confirm which kit your child will need on Monday 4th September. 


PE is on a Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure children have the appropriate PE kit with them on this day (plain black shorts or jogging bottoms, plain white t-shirt and trainers). 


The Year 4 team will be outside to greet the children and speak with parents and carers at 8:30am each morning. Children will line up at 8:35am ready for registration at 8:40am. Our first lesson begins promptly at 8.45am. The school day finishes at 3.25pm for Key Stage 2. 


We will be setting home learning each week to complete online, including Spelling Shed and Times Table Rockstars. Children should also aim to read at least five times a week. We will no longer be having reading records in year 4. More information regarding this will be given in the first week back at school. 


Please keep an eye on our class page as we will be updating it with pictures and write-ups of our learning as the year progresses. 


Mrs Pollard
