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Forest School

Our vision at Eye C of E Primary School is for all children to have full lives, in line with Jesus’ teaching

 “I came to give life, life in all its fulnessl.” John 10:10



"Our cross-curricular approach fosters a love of nature enabling our children to make meaningful links with their learning whilst Christian Values are explicitly taught and embedded in school life."

Forest School Ethos:

The Forest School Ethos promotes self-esteem, creativity, confidence, well-being, problem-solving, and independence. It is a series of long-term sessions that build on the needs and development of your child. It enables supported risk-taking, child-centered learning, exploration, and play.

we work alongside the school to promote the curriculum where possible.

we also run after school forest school clubs and eco groups building on children's love for being outside and an understanding of sustainability helping our school to become a more greener place to live in.

we combine the children's interests with the varied natural resources in our woodland area, to stimulate creative thinking, problem solving, and skill development, all under the premise of ‘play.’

We also teach fire making and safety, knot assembly, gardening, and woodwork making sure they understand how to keep themselves safe at all times.

Child's voice 

Why we love Forest school:

''Forest school is so much fun, get to explore with my friends'' Jonny Y4

'Get to play in the mud and get messy'' Mateo Y6

''Mud kitchen is the best, making my yummy pine cone cakes and mud pies'' Tommy Y3''

''Bug hunting, I love rescuing worms'' Elisabeth Y2''

''Learning new skills'' Ben Y6

''Love watching the birds and squirrels'' Jack Y1 


Our Forest School builds on a child’s innate motivation and positive attitude to learning, offering them the opportunities to take risks, make choices, and initiate learning.


Our Forest School learning environment provides opportunities for children to:


  •  Develop self-esteem
  •  Develop self-confidence
  •  Form positive relationships with others
  •  Develop a growing awareness of their emotional needs and the needs of others
  •  Learn to cooperate and work with their peers and adults
  •  Develop strategies in order to take risks within the boundaries of safety.
  •  Learn specific skills which link into the curriculum
  •  Develop knowledge and appreciation of the natural world and a forest environment
  • life skills


The session ranges from 1hr to 2hrs 

We start by going through the rules of forest school it is important that every child knows the rules and the boundaries this is to keep themself safe.

we play a group game or hug a tree this brings us together.

Children can then free play, explore or take on a challenge. They can dig, build, balance, climb or create.

A reading area, craft, mud kitchen, and water play will always be there.

There are lots of resources out to support and extend their play and use their natural environment to support their ideas.

we will sometimes have a fire, teaching the children how to make it and get them to start it using a flint and resources from the forest, we will talk about fire safety as well.

At the end of the session, we all come together around the fire circle to reflect on what we enjoyed and created.


Eye Primary’s Forest School is about exploring and experiencing the natural world through practical activities.  The children go out in all weathers, all year round, exploring and learning from the seasons and environmental changes. 


Appropriate clothing should be worn:-

Long bottoms/trousers/tights 

long sleeve tops

Long sleeve Pajamas are great for summer months keeping your child cool and safe from being bitten by bugs.

change of coat in winter especially 

Change of shoes/wellies this stops us walking mud and other feces back into school 

winter you will need the same as above as well as a warm scarf/hat/gloves

We highly recommend All in one rain suit to be worn at forest school, they are not expensive and easy to clean this means your child will not worry about getting dirty and will be able to enjoy the full forest school experience.


The only time we do not enter the forest is during high winds or lightning, it will be considered unsafe to go into the woods.


Forest school / Eco team

Eye Primary CofE Pre school Forest School

What are the benefits of Forest School for preschoolers?

They all want to be like Peppa Pig jumping in muddle puddles!


Research in the UK into Forest Schools and their impacts on young children in pre-schools found positive impacts on children in terms of confidence, social skills, language and communication, motivation and concentration, physical skills, and knowledge and understanding.

children of a young age learn better through play so give them the chance to play and explore in a natural enriched area outside.

It offers your child the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and themselves.

It gives your child time to explore their natural environment using their senses to build on their knowledge of the world around them.

It gives them a chance to learn about nature. 

Help build on their immune system.

it gives the child a chance to experience different seasons and weather.

Helps to promote a healthy lifestyle.

And it's just Great funlaugh




your child will experience all weathers so we do highly recommend that all children bring an all in one rain suit this will mean your child can enjoy the full forest school experience 


