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Jaguars - Year 6

Group 2 - Abseiling, Giant Swing & Sensory Trail

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Group 4 - Sensory games, Abseiling & Problem Solving 

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Group 1 - Giant Swing

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Laser Tag - All Groups 

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Group 1 & 3 - Abseiling 

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Group 1 - Zip Wire & Raft Building 

Lewis, Harley, Austen, Cerys, Phoebe K, Laura, Alicia S, Annabel P, Bruce, Tyreece

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Group 2 - Problem Solving & Raft Building 

Alicia B, Emily, Amelia, Ethan, Ellie-Mae, Annabelle, Arthur, Sandra, Finn, Alyssia

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Group 3 - Zip wire, Raft Building & Giant Swing

Parker, Toby, Harmony, Maisie, Caleb, James, Megan, Rupert, DJ, Jamie

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Group 4 - Giant Swing and Raft Building 

Lydia, Phoebe D, Sofia- Marie, Macie, Joseph, Miguel, Joey, Abas, Frankie and Dayton 

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PGL -  Wednesday 

All the children have settled well and enjoyed an afternoon orienteering and on the zip wire! 

We have spent the evening playing outside, and watching the football!! 

More photos to come tomorrow…

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We had a great time at forest school this afternoon!

End of SATs party!

15/4/2024 - In English this week, we have been writing narratives based on the short film ‘Glued’. Take a look at a selection of them.

Poetry Slam Spring 2024

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We learnt the poem ‘In Mrs Tilscher’s Class’ by Carol Ann Duffy.

Today was World Book Day and Bookman came to visit in our classroom!

Rock Band Experience - 18.1.2024

Spring 1 2024 learning update


As we head into the Spring 1 term, I wanted to inform you about the exciting learning opportunities that await our Year 6 pupils.


In English, our focus will be on studying the renowned text 'The Selfish Giant' by Oscar Wilde. Through engaging discussions and analysis, the children will delve into the world of this masterpiece and explore its rich themes. The unit will culminate in the creation of narrative pieces, allowing students to showcase their writing skills.


Mathematics will encompass a range of topics including algebra, decimals, fractions, and percentages. Through problem-solving activities and real-life applications, students will develop their mathematical thinking and fluency.


In Science, we will be studying 'living things and their habitats.' It will be an exciting opportunity for children to explore the diversity of life forms and understand the intricate connections that exist within ecosystems.


During History lessons, our focus will be on World War 2. Through a study of the causes and consequences of this significant event, students will gain a deeper understanding of its impact on the world. This will be an important journey into our shared past, fostering empathy and critical thinking.


Religious Education will provide an opportunity for our children to explore the big question: 'How can God bring freedom and justice?' Through thoughtful discussions and reflection, students will explore different perspectives and develop their own understanding of this profound question.


In Art, our focus will be on making our voices heard through drawing. Students will engage in various art techniques and mediums to express their thoughts and opinions, fostering creativity and self-expression.


The Computing curriculum will introduce the concept of variables in games. Through practical coding exercises and algorithm design, students will develop their computational thinking skills and problem-solving ability.


In French, the children will be immersed in the topic of clothes. From expanding their vocabulary to developing conversational skills, this unit will strengthen their understanding of the French language and culture.


In Physical Education, students will experience the exhilaration of netball games. Through teamwork, resilience, and fair play, our students will develop their physical skills while fostering positive relationships.


In PSHE, our focus will be on safety and the changing body. It is vital for our students to develop a strong foundation of knowledge and understanding to navigate the challenges and changes they may encounter.


Should you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office or by seeing me on the Year 6 bridge at the start or end of the school day. We greatly appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to working together to ensure a successful term for your child.


Mrs Hewitt

8/12/23 - Parents Christmas Reading Event! Thank you to all parents who came to listen to us read.

7.12.23 Today we discussed the meaning of a Christingle and what it represents.

5.12.23 Today we made posters about Anne Frank.

1.12.23 Science Lesson. Today we were exploring the difference between a series and a parallel circuit.


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The Arctic

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The Arctic

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The Arctic

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The Arctic

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The Arctic

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The Arctic

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The Arctic

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14.11.23 In Geography today, we created double page spreads all about the Arctic plants and animals.

Music lessons

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17.11.23 - In science today we were making circuits and testing what happened to the bulb when we added multiple batteries.

In PSHE this week we discussed the importance of not stereotyping.

In Geography, we have been learning about Judaism.

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In PHSE we discussed how to resolve conflict.

In art this week we looked at photography in nature. We focused on the intricate details and how the natural light influenced our photos.

What am I?

The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

13.10.23 - In science today we made a periscope.

22.9.23 - Today we were discussing the difference between translucent, opaque and transparent and created translucent paper using wax crayons.

In science today we explored how shadows are made.

Jaguars - Life in all its fullness

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13/9/23 - Your child has taken home the below document today. Please ensure they are learning their times table facts off by heart at home.

8/9/23 - Another update! Information regarding forest school, swimming and PE


PE – Monday

PE will now be on a Monday for all of Year 6. Please ensure your child brings their PE kit to school with them every Monday.


Forest School and Swimming - Thursday

Forest school and swimming will remain the same on a Thursday, depending on your class (Tigers = swimming, Jaguars = forest school).


Thank you for your continued support.

6/9/23 - Updated information regarding forest school, swimming and PE


Swimming - Tigers

Tigers will be swimming this half term on a Thursday afternoon. Please send the children to school with their swimming kits every Thursday. They will need a costume, swimming hat and towel. Please remove earrings and tie up long hair.


Forest school - Jaguars

Jaguars will be attending forest school on a Thursday afternoon this half term. Please send the children to school with appropriate clothing for forest school every Thursday. Long sleeves are a must, even in the warmer weather. A change of shoes is also essential.


PE – Fridays

PE will be on a Friday for all of Year 6. Please ensure your child brings their PE kit to school with them every Friday.

Welcome to Jaguars! 


I am looking forward to an action-packed first half term in Year 6 with you all!  We have some fantastic learning opportunities to look forward to, starting with our first History topic - The Industrial Revolution and the Victorians!


In English, we will be immersing ourselves in the picture book ‘Star of Fear, Star of Hope’ by Jo Hoestlandt. Touching upon the Holocaust with sensitivity and poignancy, ‘Star of Fear, Star of Hope’ will help you to understand this difficult event in history. From reading the book, you will go on to write your own fictional flashback narrative.


In Maths, we will be studying number and place value - ensuring that we are secure with numbers to 10 million. This will then be followed by revision of the four operations. Please come and speak to me if you have any questions about concepts or methods taught in class if you wish to support your child at home.


(A gentle reminder to parents & carers: if you wish to provide your child with extra revision materials, please do not use previous SATs papers as these will be used for assessment throughout the school year.) 


PE will be on a Friday. Please send your child to school with their full PE kit on this day including trainers.


Forest school and swimming will be on a Thursday. Please remember to bring appropriate clothing for forest school on this day (long sleeves and trousers). Remember to bring an extra pair of shoes that can get muddy, too! You may leave a pair of wellies in school on your peg throughout the term if that makes it easier for you. smiley For swimming, remember your costume, a towel and a swimming hat!


The children will be set optional home learning to complete each week online - Spelling Shed, Times Table Rockstars and Complete Maths. Additionally, all children should be aiming to read at least 5 times a week. A letter will be sent home on the first day back detailing changes to recording reading at home (no more reading records in Year 6.)


The Year 6 team will be outside on the Year 6 bridge each morning from 8.30am to greet the children and speak to parents and carers. Registration begins at 8.40am with the first lesson of the day beginning at 8.45am. The school day will finish at 3.25pm.


Do keep an eye on our class page for updates and snapshots of our learning this term!


I cannot wait to see you all on Monday 4th September to start your Year 6 journey! We are going to have the best year together! smiley


Mrs Hewitt
