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Squirrels - Foundation

We enjoy learning the phonemes in fun ways. We have been singing songs to help us to remember the sounds and the actions. You can find the songs on YouTube if you would like to sing along at home.

Traditional Tales


Up until half term, we shall be looking at traditional tales such as 'Goldilocks', 'Little Red Riding Hood' and also listening to the story of 'Rama and Sita'.


However, for the past 2 weeks we have looking at 'The 3 Little Pigs'. The children have been exploring the story, acting it out in play, practising how each character might move in PE and been very creative in the large construction area! Alongside this they have created their very own story maps, and have practised telling the story, using actions, as they begin to learn through Talk for Writing. 




Ready to start our new learning journey!!


We can't wait to start our learning journey with our new children on Wednesday smiley

We hope you have all had a great Summer and the children are looking forward to staring school.


This half term we will be focusing on the stories about Percy the Park Keeper for the first couple of weeks, learning about friendship and working together. 



Later on in the half term we will be learning a variety of traditional tales and will be having a traditional tale trip to Nene Park (date to follow in a letter soon)




To see the main learning objectives we will be covering this term please follow the link below to see the EYFS objective overview for each term.




